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Everything posted by catfan

  1. catfan

    4k Smart TVs

    It is widely broadcast in HD, I get mine via Freesat.
  2. Me & Mrs C just polished off a pair of bottles of
  3. Was taking Mrs C to Skeg for her birthday later this month but now will be cancelled thanks to the plague. Those Chinese have a lot to answe for.
  4. Oh to be eighteen again. I would be doing exactly the same as the students.
  5. I see CORBYN has been suspended by his own party then.
  6. I met Mrs. C down the Forest ground one Saturday. You reds.
  7. Went in the SH today & was almost empty. Beer & fodder was good tho.
  8. But how many of those test results are accurate ?
  9. She can & she does while carrying the shopping too.
  10. No stairs here. Well there is but 12 flights is far too many.I'll take the lift instead.
  11. Mu suggestion BK would be to dump Postimage There are better alternatives available
  12. Bliar being the worst culprit of the lot.
  13. BK. I once bought Mrs C a Flymo for our anniversary.
  14. I can see BK that you know how to treat a woman well. Good man.
  15. I much preferred Windows mobile. Sadly is no more.
  16. One of those crane things where you pick up a prize if you are lucky.I used to drive a wagon with a hijab crane brick grab so had a bit of practice.
  17. Wedding anniversary & I won Mrs C a teddy bear today.
  18. Wandering along Skeg seafront this morning & spotted a new iPhone 11 on a seat. As honest as I am went looking for a PC but Mrs C spotted a woman who looked a bit upset & saying she had lost her new phone. She was soon reunited with her phone & me doing my good deed was the result I got today. Plus a hug.
  19. Police & crime commissioner Paddy Tipping employs an assistant to help him. The wife of Nottm north MP Alex Norris.(labour) This new job was not advertised. Just shows how the corrupt council work. This new part time position pays £60k pa. Corruption at it's best.
  20. Council tax payers in Nottingham deserve a full & open public inquiry how the council are losing money hand over first. This city has one of the highest council tax levels in the country. It can only get worse. All those lot do is blame central government for the Labour council mismanagement.