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Everything posted by StephenFord

  1. No - hated sterilised milk in anything (but especially tea). It makes me heave to think of the tang it had. Give me "past yer eyes" milk any day.
  2. My parents bowed to the inevitable in 1960 - a Sobel, also from Rentaset. But my uncle and aunt already had a set by the time of the coronation in 1953, and I seem to remember they had a thing that fitted over the screen and gave some sort of colour impression - but I might be wrong about this - I was only 4 at the time, and not over impressed with all the pageantry etc!
  3. Although the Friday evening moron count in Wick may only be a dozen or so, I gather that in the mid 19th century it wasn't so quiet when the fishing fleet came in after a good catch. It seems that the drunkenness and roistering needing a military presence to keep the peace. Hence my great great grandfather came there with the Third Hussars in 1862 (i.e. before the railway was built), and formed a relationship with a certain young lady from the neighbourhood. Her family disapproved and she was told (apparently) "never to darken their doors again." Hence the pair eloped, were married in Edinburg
  4. Moderato in omnibus (which doesn't mean "No more than five standing"!)
  5. Cynics? On Nottstalgia? Surely not - whatever next !
  6. Yes, we checked that as the preferred option, but apparently there will be a "moving roadblock" which will stop any trams from crossing Gregory Boulevard while the flame and its entourage pass by - estimated as 8.50 - 9.00. We have advised her to be on a tram by about 8.15 to make sure she is through before it all grinds to a halt.
  7. Wasn't "fings aint wot they used to be" Billy Cotton?
  8. When banks were, in effect, nationalised, their senior personnel should have been put on normal civil service salaries (and I don't mean at the Sir Humphrey level either).
  9. I guess so that people can book holidays at their convenience. OK - I'll get my coat...
  10. Cliff Ton sounds like he was planning an exciting and athletic day in West Bridgford. My daughter is visiting Nottingham for a job interview at 9.30 tomorrow morning. She needs to travel from Basford to Trent University, and guess what time the wretched torch will be creating mayhem and confusion on Gregory Boulevard and all viable alternative routes between the two!
  11. I had a sciatica problem a few years ago. Pain from my lower down the back of my thigh, feeling like a nerve streched tight. Standing, sitting, walking or lying down gave no relief. Doctor prescribed a fairly strong anti-inflammatory drug together with pain killers, but warned me not to take the anti-inflammatory for more than a couple of weeks owing to its potential effect on the stomach lining. I then went to a chiropractor and got pretty good relief after three or four visits. Not cheap (about £23 a session then - say 10 years ago). She also recommended exercises, and a cold pack rather tha
  12. Plenty of space here WAB - please feel free to drone on. Some of us are waiting with baited breath!
  13. Agreed - they were pretty awful - with all the aesthetic appeal of an upturned pudding basin. Having said that, I had one for a few years - a 1500cc model which was the first car i owned with a five speed gearbox. Drove home nearly 500 miles from the far north west of Scotland to Lincolnshire in one day with it, and it didn't fall to bits (though it had done during the week).
  14. I guess the good burgers of Hilton would riot if they tried to sort it with a snow-blower!
  15. Oh dear - closure will be on the cards next.
  16. You would have thought that with all the cuts in necessary and even essential services, the government would not be looking for new things on which to spend the tax they take from the dwindling number of people still in work.
  17. Yes, quite so. My main grouse against That Woman is that, having decided she was going to tame the unions (which in itself was no bad thing - they were certainly committing suicide), she thought the way to do it was to abandon their industries, and put all our eggs in one basket - financial services. And that is a nice little closed shop (remember them?) for the overpaid spiv fraternity. Too big to fail, so WE pay to put them on life support (and substantial bonuses). Tax revenue intended to provide services and support for the needy are diverted to subsidise a non-industry that bankrupted its
  18. Those big back gardens were great for growing vegetables, and a lot of folk did. There was still room for a lawn and flower beds. My parents weren't avid gardeners, but they usually had a couple of rows of spuds, and a few peas, beans, radishes, lettuces etc in our little plot at the back of the prefab on Aslockton Drive.
  19. Cheapest I have seen recently was £1.329/litre, which equates roughly to £6.04 per imperial gallon. Actually I drive a diesel, and the cheapest I have seen that lately was £1.369/litre = £6.22/gallon. (So you don't get much for ten bob these days!)
  20. For a while I worked in the public relations office of British Rail Engineering in Derby. I had a colleague who was absolutely besotted with Newark. Part of his job took him around all of the railway works in the country (about a dozen at that time). Obviously, he had a railway duty pass for virtually the whole country, and he always contrived to come back via Newark, just to have a pleasant stroll through the town. It was a fairly logical route from Doncaster, Shildon or York, but I always thought Swindon to Derby via Newark was pushing it a bit!
  21. The trouble is we got rid of proper industry a few years ago - mainly because That Woman thought service "industries" were the way to go - a manifesto for overpaid spivs. And that, quite frankly, is why there are no proper, useful, productive jobs for youngsters leaving school to do. They are all expected to go and get degrees in obscure and meaningless non-subjects instead - knowing that it will achieve nothing for them except a big student loan debt. The whole country is rapidly turning into a gigantic theme park with nothing real and meaningful happening here any more. OK, OK - enough!
  22. But I thought OAP passes were only good for the tram if it was issued in Nottingham. Surely HM and HRH will have London ones?
  23. Yes, there was also the posh bloke "Theodore Craythorpe" who always addressed Jimmy as "Heow, James..." - or was that in the earlier radio series "The Clitheroe Kid" ?
  24. Mick, I certainly can - my dad always used to take me out on Saturday mornings. Sometimes a rowing boat at Highfields, sometimes Wollaton Park etc. On one of these trips - I think we were heading for Wollaton Park. We went over to the Derby Road stop at Canning Circus and there was a bus just about to leave (and it did). I have this distinct recollection of dad scooping me up, tucking me under his arm and sprinting after the bus and taking a flying leap onto the platform with only one spare hand to grab the handrail. Whew! Stu - NCT were just as bad at leaving people behind then - but they we