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Everything posted by mgread1200

  1. Gudgeon were predominant in those days and also strut, they made good livebait for pike and perch in the Grantham canal. I learned to swim in the Trent down at what they called second field at Clifton, the bullocks used to drink it too, how did we survive!
  2. Your'e bang on with that one katie, left overs from the sunday joint minced and turned into "Rissoles" with Bubble & Squeek.
  3. Had to give that loco a tick it always seemed to be turned out well even way back when I copped it, can't remember where though.
  4. They are fine at Loscoe too, only thing you have to watch out for is screws and nails in your tyres. I think the most awful thing I see is people winding down car windows and emptying their ash trays on to the road. I smoke but would never dream of littering the country with nub ends.
  5. Hi majoroak when you were at the boat and union did you ever come across a coloured lad named Pat Scott, old mate of mine from The Dungeon, last time I saw him in the late sixties he had started rowing for one of those clubs. R.I.P Keith
  6. I hear that Lead from church roof's and cable from railways fetch the right money.
  7. Is it the one that flies round in ever decreasing circles and disapears up its own ar*e with a bang
  8. Just a few years ago I was the proud owner of a 1200 bandit which I loved hence the 1200 on my web name. Although I took it over the ton a few times it was capable of far more than I had the bottle for. Stick to the mini soft top nowadays but still visit Matlock Bath on sunday mornings just to look at the fantastic bikes on display, think it's just the bikers that keep the place going.
  9. What I don't understand is why?. The recycle place is free in our area and yet we still see stuff dumped within a couple of miles of it.
  10. Sturgeon Ave dead opposite the South Notts bus stop on the main road
  11. Always thought I would know you if I saw an early picture but alas no, mind! I was only thirteen at the time.
  12. I had a mate in Clifton who went in during the times you mention, name was Malcolm Lightfoot, The only badge I remember was "The Raleigh" which I think was a training ship.
  13. Have to agree more sophisticated than a pint pot.
  14. Dolly Tubs and Ponches were still in use when I was a kid, I can remember the hand operated Mangle which was kept outside and mam using them.
  15. The last time I bought one she wanted a Brandy in it, They've been spoiled!!!
  16. I can remember the girls of the early sixties vividly, Backcombed lacqeued hair and that lipstick they wore same colour as a penny bubbly, they usualy had a mouthful of that too, loved em all!!!
  17. Still remember the Set was Hut 29
  18. Thats exactly the way I remember him, was still buying the golden records in the early sixties but after his army years became less loyal and moved on.
  19. Yes Mick "she was just seventeen you know what I mean"
  20. Remember when we were lads and one of us had a ferret which we used to take out netting for rabbits. One day up Landmere lane somewhere a gypsy offered to help us out and show us how best to do it. while we were netting holes below the hedge row he pi**ed off with the ferret.
  21. Think you are right 63 the year I left school, tapered trousers, suede shoes and brylcreem. Mam was always complaining about her pillow cases and writing that reminded me of the protective covers on the three piece suite to stop the grease marks
  22. Teenager can't be sure of the year, Pre mod though.
  23. Same holiday! picked up some great habbits by this time, "wine women & song"
  24. 1969 in malorca year before we were married.