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Everything posted by mgread1200

  1. Parents used to say not to eat them untill after they had a good frost. I think that is one for the time when we ate seasonable veg unlike now when we get anything at any time of the year.
  2. Great to see pride in the event over the whole route in Nottinghamshire and our own olympic champions taking part. "Well done Notts"
  3. No problem Jackson! It was a very long time ago when I was there, must be among my earliest memories. This was the place.
  4. I also remember another place where kids were sent from deprived area's it was in Charnwood forest near Woodhouse Eaves, I was much younger when I went there and all I remember was the terrible feeling of home sickness shared by all the kids. The councils meant well but its obvious from all the posts that at that age no one enjoyed being away from home and family regardless of where and how they lived.
  5. Four weeks on Saturday since my last smoke. Never thought I would get this far, I went on roll ups because of the cost and after five days felt so clogged up I just stopped, whenever I got a pang I just thought straight away of how I felt on that Saturday and could just dismiss it in a moment.
  6. "Love Hearts" brings back memories of standing in shop doorways wondering what the coming night would bring, just because she'd given you one with "your cute" on it.
  7. Came at 16.30 a whole day wasted doing more gardening and like. Still!! England won and I had a good bottle of wine through the game.
  8. Just cut the grass and trimmed the borders like a good-un!. Just going to get the clubs and go for a round when I get an e-mail telling me they are delivering a new blind the wife ordered anytime between 0. 7.30 and 17.30. GITS!!!!
  9. I rarely am so sorry Ashley Mike.
  10. Have to give "Screaming Lord Such" a mention on this one!. I didn't know that he stood for the Stratford Upon Avon election after John Profumo,s exit over the Christine Keeler affair, that brought back a few memories!
  11. Sorry don't remember any details of Lyons Corner House other than one of the group didn't pay and we all had to chip in to make up the shortfall. The old planetarium was the highlight of the trip for me, even back then with the antiquainted equipment I was still well impressed, even remember the commentary telling us it was the sky over Egypt as they were the clearest. On the way back three of us were caught with a packet of French cigarettes which we had bought at one of the Kiosks, that was six of the best, got off light rarely as smoking on a school trip was a hanging offence.
  12. The only trip I remember was the school trip to London around 1960, we did all the usual sites finishing with tea at Lyons Corner House. The thing I remember most was all the boys up at the train window to catch a glimpse of the new road the M1.
  13. MGREAD1200. In February 2011 I was told by my GP that it was highly likely that I had prostate cancer. I too had to wait 12 weeks for a biopsy, and a further 2 weeks for the result. The stress involved is unbelievable, so much so that when I was diagnosed positive the stress decreased, because then I could get on with the treatment. You don't surprise me at all OLDACE people do not normaly get that far unless they are positive, my wife wasn't put through the doughgnut until two days before the consultancy after a wait of thirteen weeks. The consultant asked us to come back the following week
  14. I am very sorry to hear your news Ashley! Just a couple of years ago my own wife and I spent a whole summer thinking that she had lung cancer because of a misdiagnosed chest xray, a full three months waitng to see a consultant and all the worry and stress that goes with it. We didn't jump for joy when told all was ok we both cried such was the relief. Hope sincerely that she makes a full recovery.
  15. I'm not knocking the technology! my daughter is issued with one of the more expensive ones as part of the equipment for her job and neither she or her partner would ever dream of being without them, but were you to ask me what they have and what the attributes were I would not have a clue.
  16. Same here I was given one in 2007 still have it and have spent about £30 in all that time. It just isn't a part of life like it is for the younger generations.
  17. I think the old eleven-plus exam was the one that determined what kind of education kids got back in the fifties, part of the tripartite system that decided weather you went to grammar, secondary or technical school. Often thought to be class biased this led on to the comprehensive system but the kids were still streamed depending on their exam results. I am very happy with the edcation I received and it was left up to me weather or not I stayed on to get better qualified, I did not! but later on regretted that decision when I had to get into technical college.
  18. Having lived in these localities since the early seventies I know that you are of course correct, Both the material and social wealth of these areas was down to the coal mining industry. I still socialize with people that remember the good times and how things were. whats needed is work and the kind of security that some of us enjoyed in previous decades. "It's easy to say it's not so easy to engineer".
  19. same problem only one piture "the vacs". A few more now but still problems with the rest
  20. There was one wakes or Mini fair just on the lenton lane side of Clifton bridge mid to late sixties, dont remember one ever being there before that or after, don't remember any bother either even though it was well attended by both mods and rockers. Anyone else remember it?.
  21. I havn't seen or spoken to Diane since my mid teens, what little I do know of her is not for me to make public. Try the social Websites like Facebook or Frieds Reunited if they are not there then you have to respect their privacy.
  22. I remember the coronation and the kids party on Denman St in Radford which was run by the Buffs, we all got a small coronation hanky and a silver plated spoon. Also remember running across the Forest as a small boy to catch a glimse of her as she went by. God Bless Her!
  23. You are right it is a shadow of what it was. My dad worked for T Bailey Foreman right up to his death in 72, Van driver, Branch manager at Loughborough and then accounts violation. the employees and the owners cared passionately about the paper back then. Nowadays "Who the hell cares".
  24. Didn't know Billy cotton's band had ever recorded it but 1931 is a bit early even for me