Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. And next door to what was the County Tavern is the former Judge's Lodgings (and later County Archives). It's been abandoned and neglected for many years; not a good advert for the Lace Market.
  2. I've put a 'Like' on your post, but I don't really like it....if you see what I mean. It perfectly demonstrates how some people in admin jobs don't have the ability (or power) to think and act intelligently. They just read their words from a prepared script without any understanding of what they're actually talking about.
  3. And always bear in mind that if you're still able to post on Nottstalgia you can't be suffering all that badly
  4. 3 out of 5 are still there. Loggerheads and Town Arms have gone. (County Tavern is still there but under another name).
  5. I'd forgotten about Will2017. He made a number of interesting posts but, like many others, he's disappeared and dropped off the radar.
  6. I'm not sure how busy and vibrant the Lace Market is at the moment; maybe it's just going through a quiet phase. I wandered through the area a couple of weeks ago and there are quite a few closed/empty buildings which used to be bars and clubs. I know that business has its ups and downs, and it certainly looks a bit down at the moment. The Adams Building and a few others are obviously still there and thriving so at least it's better than it was in the 60s and 70s.
  7. Death seems to be an expanding business. At Clifton, Lymns are having a new office built on the site of a former petrol station, which is quite nostalgic for me. I knew that site as a petrol station for as long as I can remember - I filled up there when I had my first car back in the 70s. It also shows how the Clifton demographic has changed; fewer kids and more oldies.
  8. Looking at FFGS on Streetview, using the controls to zoom around and change angles, you can see walls which fit the old photo, and how it all relates to the surrounding buildings.
  9. I assume the comment about Charlie Bright/Pepper is referring to these two posts from 13+ years ago.
  10. Newark and its history goes back even further than expected.
  11. The photo is rather small, so this might help things a bit.
  12. I always liked that and still do. Had it as a 7 inch single. Written by Cat Stevens.
  13. That particular song often features in those lists of "misheard lyrics" - She's a muscular boy.
  14. What's the thing with noise levels on heat source pumps ? I knew about them being expensive, but hand't heard anything about noise.
  15. I agree, and I've hardly ever driven into the city since I got a bus pass. And you're right there's no sane reason for shopping there ...........because there are very few shops left to visit.
  16. That's one of my first ever posts - and this is probably the first time I've seen it for more than 10 years. The good old days of Nottstalgia.
  17. The fire gets mentioned here......
  18. I don't normally listen to RN, but I tested out of curiosity and it wasn't there on DAB; I got a message saying "Off Air". However I could get Radio Leicester who are next along the wavelength.
  19. My mother died in a nursing home and on the day she passed away I was asked to go there and deal with a few formalities. One unexpected thing which cropped up when I arrived was being asked 'Do you want to look at the body ?'. It took me by surprise because I hadn't expected it, but I said 'No'. Not because I was worried or freaked out or emotional, but simply because I couldn't think what I 'd do there. I'd just look and nod and mumble around, and then say 'Ok, that's that then.'
  20. My infants school photos from the late 50s-early 60s shows many classes of 40 - 42 - 44 pupils. Nobody batted an eyelid at those numbers.
  21. I'm fascinated by the fact that people have a setup like that in their shed. I wouldn't know where to start or what to do with it, but I'm impressed.
  22. I didn't watch it at the time, but I'll have a look on iPlayer.
  23. Something else from Cliff in the late 50s - a film from 1959 titled 'Serious Charge' which features Cliff's acting debut (before Summer Holiday & The Young Ones etc). It's been on Talking Pictures a couple of times and is a typical serious, meaningful film with a message for young people of the time. (i.e. it looks really dated now)."Living Doll" was written for the film Serious Charge. Its other claim to fame is that Cliff sings "Livin Doll' in it.
  24. Even Nadine Dorries has commented against Braverman. I never dreamed I'd be in agreement with something she said.
  25. I suspect the introduction of Lineker into this thread may be connected with his comments on the Israeli-Palestine situation.