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Everything posted by barclaycon

  1. The price of healthcare is becoming ridiculous. Have you tried to get a doctor's appointment recently ? Or worst still, have you tried to get some dental treatment ? They want to charge you £40 for a check up, £70 for a filling. I know all about how the NHS is overburdened and I have some sympathy with the fact that it's supposed to be for this country and not the whole world, but some of us have been paying in our whole lives and now that we are of an age where we need healthcare, it's just not there. The system has been badly abused but they are punishing the people who have done the rig
  2. Great pics Cliff. So sad to see when I remember what it used to be like. I'd love to know what the long term plan is for this street, and indeed the surrounding area. It seems almost as though they've just wiped out whole streets and shops without consideration as to what they will replace them with. I've said it before, I think it will be a shiny new tram line drifting through a 'ghost town'.
  3. I'm sure that this has been done before here, but is there a map (like the one cliff has posted in #6) that shows the boundary of Victoria station over the streets it displaced. Like a red line or something over the map showing Charlotte Street and all the others that disappeared.
  4. @taxiray I'm very pleased that you managed to get a satisfactory conclusion to this, although it looks to me as though you've done all the work. Had you not reviewed the CCTV evidence and done some investigative work yourself to find the driver, I doubt whether the police would have bothered. So, well done. Your persistence has paid off.
  5. I sympathise with your situation taxiray. I don't know whether it's the fact that the police are overburdened or whether they just can't be bothered, but they don't seem to be on our side any more. If you've suffered anything like anti-social behaviour or even burglary, then you have to do all the work yourself and hand it to them on a plate before they'll even get involved. It's as if everything is too much like hard work and they've decided that crimes where nobody gets bodily hurt are too trivial for them. Things which might seem petty to the police, like people smoking dope and selling i
  6. Astonishing really. Such a massive excavation and development - and that was in the 1890's ! Hard to imagine anything like it happening now. It's true that 'right of way' was considered to be very important. Nowadays they just stick things up without any public consultation or consideration. I read that of the £1,000,000 that it cost to build Victoria, £500,000 of that went on buying the land and compensating people who occupied the buildings that were swept away.
  7. Thanks Cliff. Yep that makes sense. It looks like the street says Mount East St. in that picture.
  8. Thanks for tha map Cliff. I'm guessing that the picture in #10 is the view from Glasshouse Street looking uphill towards Mansfield Road. Any idea what the street is first left as you go up Charlotte Street ?
  9. With reference to that picture that Bubblewrap linked to (NTGM018070 Charlotte St 1896), which direction is that looking to? Towards Mansfield Road or away from it? And does anyone know what the name of the street that is to the left. I can't quite make it out and haven't managed to find a map that goes into enough detail to show what it is.
  10. Wasn't there a Beer and Wine Festival in Notts this week ? My brother went last year and said that he really enjoyed it. Not just for the sake of sampling some great beer, but they had lots of other things going on as well. He was going to go this year, but now the tickets have to be bought online and one has to book ahead. In typical local style they've taken something that proved to be popular and successful and managed to muck it up !
  11. catfan. I really hope that they try and sell that idea of 'renting' the software. Watch it fail. We're really not desperate to use Microsoft's latest offering and can quite easily go elsewhere. The Windows 8 debacle should have told them that. If they really think they can keep people on the hook - paying in every month, then I suggest they look at Adobe's attempt to do that with Photoshop etc. The takeup has been very low because new versions of Photoshop don't do very much more than older versions - certainly not enough to warrant £40 a month direct debit. Not only that, it's already bee
  12. It's modern life Tomlinson. Businesses think that they can do away with people altogether and replace them with automated responses and chatbots. There's nothing more annoying than trying to sort out a complicated problem with a piece of software that just goes on word recognition. (No matter whether it's called 'Lisa' and has an animated picture of a woman). They are reluctant to spend money on decent customer service and have total contempt for the customer who has instead to waste time on the phone or be confused by 'interactive' software. Same with automated checkouts at supermarkets.
  13. It might appear online as catch-up using the Notts TV website. I did try to watch it online live but that doesn't appear to be available. So, let's us know if you think it's worth watching later.
  14. Damn. I would've liked to have seen that. Ch. 8 on my TV is London TV. Let us know if it was any good.
  15. Nothing should disturb that Condor moment..... Except for mouth cancer maybe ?
  16. Whatever posessed Iceland into thinking that a micro-celebrity like Peter Andre would be a good focal point for their adverts ! Truth be told. Adverts are so crap and so annoying now that people just whizz past them at 32x speed on the Box. If the advertisers only knew the lengths that people go to NOT to watch the damn things. When they decided to increase the ad breaks to almost 5 minutes, they just assumed that we would just sit there and put up with it. Same on the internet. Youtube videos and catch-up replay. As soon as it turns into an advert, most people just press X
  17. And we were all very proud of her. Still don't like it though.
  18. Yes. I remember that. Shows the importance of the band that the BBC would devote a whole programme to the release of their album. The Beatles never disappointed. You could go and buy their latest release without even hearing it first and be in for a treat. (Hard to imagine that happening now !). I thought the programme was fantastic and I'd love to see it again if it still exists. If I remember rightly they had some crude kind of animation along with the lyrics to stuff like 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer'. How many years is it since The Beatles played Nottingham Odeon ? I enjoyed that progra
  19. Gotta say that I don't like the idea of women's boxing. I'm not saying that it should be stopped or that other people shouldn't enjoy it, it just doesn't appeal to me. That doesn't make me misogynist or against equality for women in any way (!) Some people don't like the idea of boxing at all, but I think I would rather two blokes be in the ring knocking seven bells out of each other, than out there on the street maybe doing it to someone else. In some parts of the world, it's might be someone's only ticket out of the ghetto. I say well done to Nicola Adams for her boxing gold in the Olym
  20. I used that bus in the 70's when I was at Loughborough College and had to get into Nottingham. (Usually when there was a gap in the train service and it was a convenient way to get to Nottingham Midland to pick up a connection). It was a very rural route as I remember and was used by lots of schoolkids. It was kind of the 'back way' into Nottingham from Loughborough, a lot of Midland General routes seemed to be like that. I used to use the E8 and F5 to get into town from Wollaton. Again, it seemed to be the back way i.e. Ilkeston Road up to Canning Circus instead of what I would consider
  21. It's true that the impact of the car accelerated the closure of the railways. And has been pointed out there was much duplication due to railway companies competing with each other when the lines were actually built. But some places went from having 3 railway stations to none. It was so badly planned. Once the green light was given for mass closures, they went ahead with such rapidity that people didn't have time to realise what a massive impact they would have. The railways were just taken for granted and after being so badly run down since the war years, it was assumed that car travel w
  22. It's profoundly depressing to see that superbly built transport system being torn down and then replaced with a vertical slum. When the government decided to ditch so much of the rail network in the 60's there was a feeding frenzy for land and potential building sites for hastily constructed housing. Industrial estates and scrap depots proliferated. I never considered Beeching a visionary or a saviour of the railways, I always thought of him as a hatchet man who just took an axe to the railways like the government told him to. There's no doubt that lines and stations would have closed (it h
  23. It's hard to imagine a world without computers now. I'm on the damn things all the time. But I believe a lot of the social network things (and mobile phones especially) are a drain on our mental resources and our ability to think creatively. No, I'm not a Luddite. I just get fed up with having to travel on buses and trains and suffer the inanity of mobile phone conversations or even worse, people playing music through scratchy annoying devices. If you've worked in an office over the past few years you will know how much time is wasted by employees on Twitter and Facebook when they should b