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Everything posted by Graham

  1. And Fruit Polos were always stuck together !
  2. 1What about blue Smarties? 2Never knew why Opal Fruits became Starburst ? 3 Why did Olay become Ulay ?
  3. Looking at the photo , and thanks for pointing out where RW was, is this a barge on the canal just behind the road?
  4. I have just read "Narrow Marsh" . Its a good read and tells you much about the area. I am not convinced that they have got the design right yet . I do agree though that a public open space with some trees and seating would be beneficial to the area.
  5. Where would Radford Woodhouse be on this photo?
  6. Yeah that's a brilliant photograph !Thanks Cliff.
  7. Having visited Martins Pond recently it looks as if many Allotments are not in use. Is that because of the impending building? I can well understand the reason why the building work should have been approved but they need to get on with it. If new allotments are provided they should be done before any building is commenced.
  8. The sound of summer was always the sound of a push lawn mower. Now is a racket with "hover" mowers chain saws and electronic hedge cutters !
  9. They were superior to those built at Balloon Woods. I can remember exactly how long they lasted but I believe it was less than 20 years. Can anyone remember when they were demolished
  10. I can remember petrol rationing in 1956 . I recall that just after that one petrol station ,maybe ESSO, gave away dinky cars, if you collected enough cards, which were stuck into an album, and exchanged for a great model car. On exchange, they stamped the back of the book and gave you a new one.Back at the car , I took the cover off the new book and fastened it to the old book having removed the cover from the old one. We drove to the next ESSO garage and repeated the same move. I think I got about 8 models before they got wise !!!
  11. Any one know when there will be any steam in Nottingham in 2015 ?
  12. Perhaps many of those who are at the soup kitchens are from the same brigade. There are a lot of something for nothing people out there. Poverty to day is nothing like poverty of the past. I do not think that Nottingham is by any means "poverty capital " . That was just the media ( yet again), perhaps trying to advertise the Torvill and Dean programme on ITV ( which was rather disappointing)
  13. What's happening with the latest Planning Application to build on this site?
  14. Looks like Labour are the jockeys whilst the Tories are the owners. The bookies are the bankers who will rob the poor to pay for the rich. Its a mugs "sport". Think I will watch the Boat Race.
  15. It looks like the wall is being built on the site of the old canal
  16. I had the honour of meeting Richie at Trent Bridge in the days of the 16 service. He was in the adjoining BBC box. He was a perfect gentleman and a delight to spend a few minutes with. Gentleman is an oft misused word. In Richie's case it epitomised the man. I also met John Arlott. When asked for he autograph he responded "only if you call me sir " .
  17. In the 50s and 60s there was still poverty but no fat people to speak of. Now its claimed that there's poverty and we have an obesity epidemic. You can't be poor and overeat to this extent. Yes I am well aware that some people may have a medical reason for being overweight but not to the extent of today. Poverty does exist and we should do whatever we can to help those in need but we ourselves have to accept some responsibility and that's what's sadly lacking in today's world.
  18. Firstly the sooner something is done the better Secondly we don't want another Trinity Square eyesore Thirdly we don't want another multi cinima Fourthly we want some decent shops ! What I do agree with is a need to revamp the Drury Hill entrance. How about some Georgian Style buildings plus another Black Boy?
  19. Only yesterday I had results back from a PSA test (a test for cancer) which showed normal readings having previously had an operation to eliminate cancer. Its a blessed relief. I truly know how you must feel. Good luck to you both for the future. You have each other and that's worth everything.
  20. The Black Boy and The Corner Pin? on Clumber Street were the first places I visited when I came to Nottingham in 1967. Even then it was rumoured to be 3 girls to every one bloke. A good place to be as a student. The Black Boy was world famous even being mentioned in the movies. Such a shame it was demolished. Our Hall of Residence was Silverwood Hall on Imperial Road Beeston and our local was the Hop Pole on the High Street. Funny how its the names of the pubs that you remember most!!! One Christmas one of our students was given £100 by his father with the message buy some drinks for y
  21. I used to work in Market Square House over looking the Market Square. You always had a good view of what was going on. I seam to recall that Pearl Insurance was on the corner opposite Burtons and the caretaker of the building was rumoured to live in an annex on the roof. Never really used Macfisheries as it was on its last legs in the early 1970s.
  22. Not even Cuckoos live in that land!!