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Everything posted by Stan

  1. "I ask my Dad why I didn't get any spending money and he said he'd given me a good work ethic instead ....I suppose it's like the old saying " give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day .....Teach him to fish and he'll eat everyday and sell the surplus for profit". How true this is Bob S. I never received a penny from my Dad -ever ! ' Worked for Dewhursts on Hockley from aged 13yrs and Co-Op at Bilborough from 14yrs until I started work after leaving school ( I wanted to stay on but he was too mean to let me). It took me 4 years to save enough money to do my A levels at the Tech. Result
  2. Don`t know how far you are from Paris,Melton, but in view of your musical tastes you should attend the concerts in La Madeleine and La Saint -Chapelle. in Paris. For me it is about as close to heaven as is possible on earth. I shall be there 26 and 27 July this year if you want to buy me a beer! By the way ,the costs are really reasonable and the locations out of this world.
  3. I should put you in contact with my wife ! She has an amazing ability to detect metal....and paper...and small pieces of numbered plastic.... thats why I am always broke !
  4. Why did you delay presenting these facts to Beefy when he was having a go at Ozzy boxers. ? I did not wish to become embroiled in a discussion you were handling quite well. With tomorrows new Prime Minister(?) and a SOUTH AUSTRALIAN leading our team to victory we should get back to Australia beating Somerset !
  5. I realise Australia never had any world boxing champions (Beefy) so the only way we can get recognition for this chap is to combine him with Trevor S' #1474. Carruthers became Australia's first universally recognised World Champion. Great Australians of the past--including Young Griffo, Mick King, and Les Darcy--had all won world titles, but they had not received international acceptance at the time of winning their respective crowns. After defending his newly-won title against Vic Toweel in Johannesburg, and then against the American Henry "Pappy" Gault in Sydney, it was found that Carruthe
  6. I suppose any answer would be `shouted down' by the PC crowd and dogooders. So we do not come to a `dead end', I saw a documentary about Chinese executions. I could not work out why they had changed from their usual method of a single bullet to the back of the head to a bullet to the RIGHT side of the chest.(Bullet to be paid for by victims family)! Then a `whistle-blower' at the presentation night of a Chinese surgeon in Sydney,explained it simply. The head method killed the victim outright. The guy/woman shot in the RIGHT side othe chest was invariably still alive and not damaging the
  7. The Midday cannon at Edinburgh castle. Everyday at 1 pm,because they are too b****y mean to fire at 12 -0-clock!
  8. I remember various accounts of hangings in Iraq post Saddam where the hangman got the weights and `drop' incorrect and had two bits of the victim instead of one. However there must be something that can be done with murderers instead of locking them away for life at great expense to the state. I suppose any answer would be `shouted down' by the PC crowd and dogooders.
  9. Whilst art and drawing are being discussed on the board, I thought it might be a good time to mention Nottingham`s most famous artist.(Hope its not on here elsewhere!) Paul Sandby(born 1725) .Founder member of the Royal Academy. Introduced the aquatint process of engraving. Also a famous water colourist and etcher.
  10. There is an email `doing the rounds at present. Thought I might share it with you to get your thoughts. Dear All, Following my `round robin' about Churchill, I received this reply from one of our year and in the interests of fairness thought I would share it with you. Stan Subject: Re: Winston Churchill . Hi Stan, I have to reply to this one. Ever since my 2 year assignment to Saudi Arabia in 1970-72 I have had a confused respect for the majority of the Muslims I encountered. I actually liked them. Those I met and worked with were thoroughly decent people and we got along well. The ordin
  11. Little used ,Mick, but I suggest you have a look at the large numbers of people who now contribute to this board. From nothing to the VAST amount of local and international information contained therein and the multitude of contributors in spite of being brought to its knees and almost curtailed by certain `trolls'. You must be very proud of your efforts. Well done.
  12. Thanks for that info Lizzie M. I was contemplating spending the middle week of my holiday in London ,but may revise it to Nottingham. The only thing is ,in London there are dozens of indoor activities to help cope with the awful English weather.
  13. Good system that ! You can see a little bridge over the water on close inspection. Thanks. Wonder what it will all be like in another 300 years. Will there be any green apart from the stuff Mick talked about.
  14. Am sure you are right poobear but it seems to curve around the base of the castle rock also. I suppose there must have been a connecting road back then ?
  15. Sorry Cliff Ton, I meant the one with houses and not as far over as Wilford. Where modern Castle Boulevard might be today?
  16. Very interesting picture. Is the church between St mary`s and the castle St Nicholas' Church, Nottingham ? A church of St Nicholas was erected on the site of the present building in the eleventh or twelfth century. This building was destroyed after the English Civil War. The Royalists established themselves in the tower of the old church, and bombarded the garrison of the Castle. After the war, the governor of the castle, Colonel Hutchinson ordered the old church to be completely destroyed. In 1678 a new church was erected which exists to today. The church with the pointy steeple looks l
  17. There was a very posh set of toilets at the terminus of the 43 at T.B.
  18. What makes me smile is the people of all shades and dress and turbans etc,who `welcome you to their country. Police called to nearly 100 reports of aliens, monsters, werewolves, zombies and witches. By Nottingham Post. NOTTS police have seen nearly 100 reports of sightings of aliens, monsters, werewolves, zombies and witches over the last three years. The most calls asking for police to attend reports of scary creatures come from St Ann's and Sneinton, with 24 reports in 2012, according to a Freedom of Information request.
  19. You became intoxicated? Surely not Lizzie M.
  20. There are a few `aliens' on here ,Mick. Unless you have dual nationality people from Australia and New Zealand are regarded as such. What a disgrace ! The turning point that kept Britain `British was Tobruk and El Alamein and which nations provided that turning point ? (The aliens.)
  21. See my photo #1 Carni, which would you say was the left lion? As you looked at them ,or looked away from them?
  22. For value: Technics SL -1100A Direct Drive Turntable Technics SB -660 Speakers Pioneer SA 9500 Amp. PioneerTX 9500 Pioneer CT- F7171 Cassette player All purchased in 1973 Tax free in Germany. (for `peanuts' Have travelled around the world with me (now in Australia) and are as good as new. 40 years young and still perfect. PD M423 added (Pioneer) when compact discs came out.
  23. My next door neighbour left in 1956 (Christine Robinson-do you know her?) There weren`t any girls who attended only `young ladies'.!!!