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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Prince Charles cutting travel costs Britain's Prince Charles, criticized for huge travel bills in recent years, plans to fly British Airways to the Caribbean next month business class.Furthermore, the prince and wife, Camilla, will sail to official engagements on five islands to cut the tour's travel costs, The Sun reported Thursday.In 2005, Charles was criticized for running up a tab of more than $475,000 (380,000 pounds) touring Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. Regularly scheduled airline flights would have cut the cost to British taxpayers in half, the London newspaper said.
  2. Beefy, just to let you know,my wife and I have paid our own way to Australia,and even though of pensionable age,never received a cent from our noble UK or Australian state coffers. I am a self funded retiree(do not receive a pension from the state) We have to stand on our own feet out here . I have held the Queen`s Commission in the British army and R.A.F.and can tell you,the nearer you get to the centre of things the more you despise `royalty' and the clique that maintains the system. I must add here that our present Queen seems to be a standout exception. Charles is without doubt the most
  3. Queen Sofia's budget fare stands in stark contrast to the extravagant sums spent by the British royal family on foreign travel. Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were criticised for spending a reported £330,000 when they flew to New York in a private jet in 2005. And in April the pair chartered a luxury private jet costing an estimated £80,000 for a five-day tour of Europe to promote environmental issues. Last year Prince Andrew hired a jet to travel across America at a cost of £118,440. In April 2008 Prince William caused controversy when it emerged he had used an RAF Chinook
  4. Spanish Queen sets example with £13 Ryanair flight to London Queen Sofia of Spain has given a lesson in austerity by choosing to fly to London on the budget airline Ryanair for just £13.
  5. No, I was a Mundellan. I never new Williams during my time there,but was surprised to see him transfer(with others) to BGS. Maybe they lived in Wollaton?
  6. Daphne Place was in the 1st intake to BGS. I remember her going around in a Mundella uniform as there was talk of Mundella moving upto Bilborough. ~Bunny Williams and a few other members of staff transferred there. Graham would be in the same year.
  7. 1." Another memory of the area. Before the M1 was built we used to walk along the bridle path from Strelley Hall that went on to Kimberley" Along this way ,somewhere was a disused village,I seem to remember a building which was rather unusual being half a church with a door at the back leading directly into a pub. Anyone remember this? 2. Around the time Firbeck recalls, a friend of mine from Thaxted Close(Graham Brandon) was also a bit of a runner. I had photos of him with various trophies and shields won by Bilborough G.S. 3. His girlfriend (cannot remember her name) was a bit of an ace
  8. Bit of a rebellion about `Mars bars' here at the moment,they have reduced the weight considerably,still charging the same price.
  9. So ,not all bad news fom Nottingham. Professor Sir Clive Granger, who died on May 27 aged 74, was a Nobel prize-winning economist whose work on analysing economic data was credited with improving the forecasting performance of the Treasury and the Bank of England At West Bridgford grammar school, he showed promise as a mathematician and foresaw a career in insurance or meteorology. At the University of Nottingham he was among the original intake for the first joint degree course in Economics and Mathematics. When he graduated with a First in 1955, Granger stayed on to become a lecturer in St
  10. Welcome from Australia, Georgygirl. I too am a Bilboroughite from the 50`s.(Thaxted Close),but reading the Nottingham Evening Post web page,subsection Bilborough,tends to make you weep. You will find 86 photos of the Glaisdale school on the sie plus hundreds of former pupils. I know St. Martins church well ,it had a very large area of land around where a former girlfriend and I spent many a happy hour after the dance in Nottingham.VERY spooky though. There are also quite a few Photos of the Bilborough/St. Martin`s area on the www picturethe site also.
  11. Was in Perth(W.A.) 2 days ago.Went into `the London Arcade'/Walk and there was a similar shoppe. My wife bought a 250gm.jar of Marmite,$15 !.What does it cost in the UK?Numerous jars of wonderous English sweets. If you are ever in Australia,visit Perth -seems to be full of British migrants. I had a friend from school here until fairly recently-brought a touch of English culture to this barbaric land as director and Principal conductor of WASO(no Ashley and Firbeck,nothing to do with the bus system(which was in 3 parts in the city and completely FREE for all). (David Measham -RIP). There is a
  12. Sorry,Mariag, My (whats left of it) addled brain is not working well .My son in law informs me you can watch that self same brain being operated on,on British TV tonight instead of `Heartbeat'(am sure Ashley will be miffed!). Modbury is now adjacent to one of the most beautiful areas in Adelaide(Golden Grove) but miles away from my home at Brighton(in G.W.R.). My elder son lives there but I do not know it well.What were the other questions?
  13. For you Ashley. Why Australia is in Trouble The population of this country is 20 million. 11 million are retired. That leaves 9 million to do the work. There are 5 million in school Which leaves 4 million to do the work. Of this there are 2 million employed by the federal government. Leaving 2 million to do the work. 0.1 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden. Which leaves 1.9 million to do the work. Take from that total the 1.5 million people who work for state and city Governments. And that leaves 0.4 million to do the work. At any given time
  14. Stan

    back on

    Just a few hours ago returned from a tour of Thailand ,Malaysia,Singapore and Western Australia, and what do I find? You have stuffed up the site! I aquired this information in Singapore. Don't know if this is just a sick coincidence but.......[/size] 2007 - Chinese year of the Chicken - Bird Flu Pandemic devastates parts of Asia . 2008 - Chinese year of the Horse - Equine Influenza decimates Australian racing. 2009 - Chinese year of the Pig - Swine Flu Pandemic kills hundreds of pigs around the globe. Has any one else noticed this?It gets worse........ next year2010 - Chinese year of t
  15. PLANS for a housing development of up to 200 homes on the site of the former Cussons soap factory are due to be unveiled. Councillors and community leaders in Leen Valley and Basford will be briefed next week on proposals to transform the site in Wilkinson Street. The plan is to develop the six-hectares predominantly for family housing of three and four bedrooms. The land is one of the largest city sites to be freed up in recent years.
  16. Turn up the volume. She will say anything you type. When you move the mouse around, her eyes follow the pointer. When you write something in the left space and then click on 'Say it,' she says it! You can also change persons doing the talking and the language they speak.
  17. Stan


    No idea ,Ashley,I`m completely `stumped'.
  18. It`ll be there till the cows come home,Bamber! "I could dance with you till the cows come home. Better still, I'll dance with the cows and you come home." (Groucho Marx.)
  19. Wrote a whole burb comparing Samantha with Lancashire-born Shirley Anne Field,who had a similar upbringing in care etc.but the computer swallowed it! Interesting, but unlike Sam,Shirley did not seem to reach her fulll potential.
  20. Which do you recommend,Limey?
  21. Thankyou Mick and Beefy. I have applied the `belt and braces'principle and downloaded both the ones you recommended. Of great concern ,when the Antispyware ran a scan there were over 400 items found including 1 trojan. I found this quite amazing as Norton was supposed to be protecting my computer! My wife is at the moment loading same onto her posh laptop! Thanks once again. !clapping!
  22. My Norton spy ware is now due for renewal( $100). Can anyone help by advising on genuinely free/modestly priced replacement,please? Stan.
  23. Spot on Katyjay. My 1st school blazer was from the Co-op. The snooty kids at school could always tell whose parents purchased at the Co-op instead of (was it?) Dixon and Parker because of the inferior quality of the material and workmanship!
  24. Threads on Frock(pronounced Froch)...better skirt around that one!
  25. After WW 2 when clothes were still `rationed'.the big occasion every year (always at Easter) was the years new clothes outfit from Price`s. When in 1951 I went on to secondary school my uniforms were purchased there reason,- they had some sort of `never never scheme',otherwise my parents would never have been able to afford it(the uniform). Next to P&B was a wonderous cake shop(cannot remember name ),where the Saturday afternoon tea cakes were purchased. Tea was always ham salad and pork pies,followed by the cakes!