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Everything posted by Stan

  1. My first car (owned jointly with 2 other students ) was a 1948 SWB Landrover purchased in 1960 for 60 pounds. It took us all over Scandinavia and a year later all over Europe as far as Greece.It was sold in exchange for the LWB version 2 years later. The first car I owned myself was an ARMSTRONG SIDDELEY ( Whitley), purchased for 10 pounds in 1965,and I have never owned a better car since(including a rubbishy new Landrover Discovery).
  2. Strange that this has not been mentioned by Nottstalgians! CITY FILMS GRAB BAFTA HONOURS 09:00 - 11 February 2008 Nottingham director Shane Meadows scooped best British film at the Baftas last night. This Is England faced stiff competition from Golden Globe winner Atonement and the thriller The Bourne Ultimatum. The film was shot in Nottingham and its triumph crowned a great night for the city's film-makers. Meadows was last nominated in 2005 for Dead Man's Shoes. Receiving the award, Meadows yesterday joked to the Royal Opera House audience: "Last time I was nominated I took up a reg
  3. I should imagine with your height they would have been the last thing y`needed!
  4. Didn`t realise you wore high heels ,Beefy! I thoght the only male that did was Elton John, and I don`tthink it matters much to him. The pelvic floor muscles are an essential component of the female body. As well as assisting sexual performance and satisfaction, they provide vital support to the pelvic organs, which include the bladder, bowels and uterus. !laughing!
  5. Batter that than waste it!
  6. Last Updated: Monday, 4 February 2008, 10:43 GMT High heels 'may improve sex life' Hers may be a little on the high side Wearing higher heels - although perhaps not stilettos - may improve your pelvic floor muscles and in doing so boost your sex life, a study suggests. An Italian urologist and self-professed lover of the sexy shoe set out to prove that high heels were not as bad for women's health as some suggest. The shoe has been linked to a range of problems - from corns to schizophrenia. But in a letter to European Urology, Dr Maria Cerruto said her research showed it was tim
  7. Now which of you lovely ladies is going to share their secret recipe for pancakes with me and also what to put on them?
  8. Late 50`s ,early 60`s. Reading Bigal`s post,the Hanford and Richards name rings a distant bell,but my memory is pretty hazy now.
  9. The place I am thinking of was either on or just off Trinity Square.Hundreds of pretty ,innocent(?), young things went there on Friday and Saturday night.
  10. Which was the one ,Mick that was in Trinity Square?
  11. Black people today in Nottingham remember name-calling and bricks thrown at their windows as a regular occurrence in the 1950s. A week after the Nottingham riot, the crowds gathered again in St Ann's. Around 4,000 people were on the streets on Saturday 30th August, 1958. . Without any visible targets the white crowd turned on itself. A huge fight ensued and dozens were arrested.
  12. Nottingham gained a reputation as a centre for riotous behaviour associated with political radicalism. The town authorities were in favour of parliamentary reform from the 1780s, and this had an impact on the way elections were conducted at least until the 1880s. In addition, Nottingham was the centre of Luddite disturbances, it saw some of the worst riots in the country at the time the 1831 Reform Bill was thrown out by the House of Lords, and it was an acknowledged centre of the Chartist movement. With the passing of the Secret Ballot Act in 1872, and the end of election activity in the mark
  13. However it is thought that the stun gun caused "minimal" injury and his death was the result of a self-inflicted knife wound. Armed officers were called to the incident in the Goldington area of Bedford at 7pm on Saturday after reports of a dispute between a mother and son, Bedfordshire Police said. When they arrived at the house, in The Spinney, they found 31-year-old Justin Petty, armed with a nine inch kitchen knife. Mr Petty had already stabbed himself when police arrived.
  14. Or as another pilot descibes it in simple terms: This my freinds, the near miss in Australia, I might point out is almost identical to the incident in Britain. The plane descended through fog just as in Oz. They were probably shy of the runway when they decided on a GA (Go Around). They moved the thrust levers forward to the GA position but did not lock them in. The result is that the plane would continue to descend rather than go to full throttle and pul up. Result? The plane ditches into the ground with no thrust and before the runway. Classic. I will bet my left testicle this is exactly wh
  15. find this new format more difficult than understanding Blair`s spin, but; (just issued) Safety Action As a result of this occurrence, the aircraft operator, as part of their ongoing investigation, has taken the following safety actions: 1. 1. An internal message to all crews was issued, requiring the use of full take-off thrust to be used for all missed approaches. Engine thrust was not to be reduced until commanded by the flight mode annunciator. 2. 2. A flight standing order was published, which revised the missed approach procedure and associated crew actions. Actualy it was an Ai
  16. One final thought crossed my twisted mind. When the final truth(or what is reported as truth) comes out and blame is shifted to the aircrew as happens quite frequently, did you notice how swiftly the captain passed the responsibility for the landing to his co-pilot. So if the engines were not spooled up and there was not sufficient forward thrust,who gets it in the neck?
  17. There are some brilliant thoughts on a web page about this(look up 777 on google). One in particular describes abird strike affecting only 1 engine. However this note I thought was well reasoned. I worked as Flight Line Avionics Tech for Boeing Experimental Flight Test on the first few 777’s. About 16 months. It IS fly by wire but the elevator has a wire / cable backup. The engines are Rolls, GE or Pratt’s they are similar but different. They have onboard FADEC type controls right on each engine. You could say they are fly by wire. If they loose signal from the auto flight systems and or the
  18. The Qantas `accident, was due to water from the kitchen overflow shorting out ALL the electronics!
  19. As a frequent traveller on Qantas and BA what do you all think of the crash? 1. Where was the 777 involved in the recent incident last maintained? 2 Do you not think it too much of a coincidence that a Qantas 747 had a similar total systems failure a few days ago at Bangkok? 3. Do you happen to have any service details on this aircraft, could it have been similar to your 777? 4.Do you suspect sabotage?
  20. Don`t forget that 90% (yes 90%) of Nottingham`s employment comes from `servce industries',(producing what ,paper?), and in your list, don`t forget agriculture,Ayup.
  21. and what about this for heroism; Two years later he and Doug Scott made the first ascent of the Ogre (23,900 ft.) in the Karakoram Himalaya and had an epic six-day descent, aided by Mo Anthoine and Clive Rowland, through a blizzard, with Doug Scott crawling all the way as he had broken both his legs soon after leaving the summit. Bonington also had a fall and broke a rib, they ran out of food and when at last they reached Base Camp, starving and exhausted, it was only to find that their companions had given them up for lost and abandoned the camp