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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. Not one of these then? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkin
  2. Peruke is a wig http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/453294/peruke
  3. Pity it's not a tombstone in front of the shop.
  4. I would have gladly chipped in for the air fare as long as it was a one way ticket.
  5. Sorry I must learn to read all of the post before I went in with both feet
  6. I have even larger scale maps of some of the area before most of the railways(& roads were built.
  7. There was a John Hutchinson hung for the murder of a five year old boy(January 1905) in Narrow Marsh in March 1905.
  8. As long as the islanders pay for it!
  9. No Mick it would get nicked for scrap metal. (her hand bag alone would be worth a fortune. )
  10. I have most of this area covered in large scale maps 50" to the mile dated 1950s The maps are that good that all the points & signals of the railways are shown
  11. Thanks for a quick answer Clifton I might have a look round t'marra.
  12. Is it still possible to use Wilford bridge while work is being done ? If so I can get off the South Notts at Wilford Green bus & walk into Nottingham as I haven't done so for about two years I could the have a look at the tram works myself.
  13. Pollysh*t behind the door mat?
  14. P.S."Granges" had smaller driving wheels than a "Hall"
  15. This is a "Modified" Hall see above post. Granges had slightly raised outside frames above the cylinders
  16. This is not a Modified Hall Modified halls were numbered 6959-6999, 7900-7929 What this standard "Hall" has is a "Hawksworth" tender. The outside steam pipes went higher up the boiler barrel on a modified Hall The main frames extended to to the buffer beam on a modified hall.
  17. Would NOT have been a problem if M.T. hadn't closed down OUR mining industry in the 1980s & 1990s
  18. One of the regular lunch time drinkers at The swan in the Rushes here in Loughborough is from the Medders