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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. We have on street residents only parking where I live, it was introduced in June. It was the best thing that could have happened Until then we were lucky if we could park our car within 100 yards of our house. Our house is about 5 minuets walk from the railway station & we were used as a "free" car park. We have had cars ?(Chelsea tractors) worth 40k parked outside our house(worth 90k) for over a week. The station car park was enlarged with other improovements to the station & now the computers have to use that or get a parking ticket or ...........................? WHO CARES? a
  2. There is a local milk man who delivers in our area.
  3. My compost/manure bins are made of old pallets.
  4. That was the main reason for banning the building of back to back houses With only one entrance opening onto the street and no back door the houses were deemed "unhealthy"
  5. Q) When's mothers day? A) nine months after fathers day
  6. Record it on your T.V. and you could watch it later
  7. I lump both these posts together I was trying to find something nasty to say about M.T. but I could not think of anything nasty enough.
  8. PS in the growing season I put in over ten hours a week & in winter I tend to work when the weather permits
  9. Richard Payne Ltd Hardware Store & Kitchen Showroom Tel Nottingham 45725. Were shown at 11 Lower Parliament Street in my directory of 1967 but they don't appear in my 1972 directory.
  10. Been saying this(link below) about allotments for a year or two now. The T.V. gardeners make no mention of how much GRAFT it takes to maintain an allotment. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/gardening/plants/vegetables/allotments/9754198/Amateur-gardeners-inspired-by-TV-being-turfed-off-overgrown-allotments.html
  11. Some sound advice for this time of the year. "Don't eat yellow snow" Do folks have any more advice?
  12. Old 240 to the pound or New 100 to the pound
  13. Man who breaks wind in the bath & counts the bubble is a puff adder. :)
  14. I'll second the above Mick.
  15. Yes but did they relocate or close completely after the demolition of the Parliament Street shop? The archway to the left was the entrance to St Stephen's church demolished when the Victoria Station was built.
  16. There were seven Paynes listed my directory of 1972 none of them sold "hardware".
  17. Screech Owl drunk at the brewery tap in Nottingham - the Vat and Fiddle, a real ale drinkers pub or The Swan in the Rushes Loughborough. P.S. this is my 1,000th post.