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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. Could be an early Triang? I had a later model The stand doubled as a brake.
  2. We have this place in Norfolk http://www.happisburgh.org/ Pronounced hazeborough
  3. Been here today Very nice too, well worth a visit.
  4. The birds I bought were more expensive as they were on higher perches.
  5. My walk yesterday: Loughborough - Stanford on Soar - Normanton on Soar - Sutton Bonnington - Kegworth - Hathern - Loughborough..............about 14 miles.
  6. The thing I always remember about the Palais de dance was the globe that changed colour on the roof.
  7. One of me ex workmates was on the jury http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Sams
  8. In Victorian Nottingham there were at least 200 beer only pubs.
  9. 10 The Lincolnshire Poacher 2) The Swan in the Rushes(Loughborough) 3) Vat & Fiddle 4) The Brunswick Inn (Derby) 5) The Organ Grinder(Loughborough )
  10. I used to drink in a pub called The Three Rabbits during my brief period living down south. http://pubshistory.com/EssexPubs/Ilford/rabbits.shtml
  11. Stop taking my name in vain Mick P.s. Some people wear a "rabbit's" foot for luck I always say the rabbit had four feet & they didn't bring it much luck.
  12. Try these Mick you may change your mind. http://www.hotelchocolat.co.uk/?gclid=CI-mp-uDt7ICFcYKfAodaxEA9A They have a shop on Albert Street opposite M&S.
  13. One "walk" I sometimes do is to get off the South Notts bus at Wilford Green & walk through Wilford village over the toll bridge along the Trent embankment to Trent Bridge and up Arkwright Walk then on into the city centre. P.S. I have been known to walk all the way from Loughborough to the City Centre via the A60(takes about four & a half hours)
  14. I always thought the "holes" were in Blackburn Lancashire & were rather small but they had to count them all and how many hole does it take to fill the Albert Hall?.
  15. I think some form of "block paving" has been around for longer than you may realise. I have not seen the programme you are on about though. But don't forget that some streets in Nottingham were block paved in Victorian times. http://www.picturethepast.org.uk/frontend.php?action=printdetails&keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;NTGM011946&prevUrl=
  16. I was talking about what it was originally built for & not on what it is now. Workhouses were built to "save" money on poor relief and were not intended to be nice to be in. In general a workhouse as a place to live was a rule the last place you would want to live in.
  17. Get a bottle of Absinthe to mix with it they go well together & a lot better than Bucks Fizz.
  18. Good "buy" yesterday....................... A 1928 Kelly's directory for £30. + More maps.