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Everything posted by mudgie49

  1. It would seem your above post is a little out of 'wack'. Maybe you should read the '60's' thread,I'm sure it will answer your questions.
  2. You've only been thinking about it for the last couple of years Bilbraborn. We all should have sussed it when we had to pay 3 billion pounds up front, to be part of the lunacy. Remember how we paid subsidies to our farmers, not to produce beef and milk, we built refrigerated buildings to store beef, just to keep the prices high at the supermarkets. The French poured millions of gallons of milk into the sewers,and forced the UK to purchase their lamb. That was around 1974/5, at the same time, parts of Africa were losing millions to starvation. Almost 40 years ago, and still the lunacy goes
  3. Chrissie, if memory serves me right, didn't we call the Esoldo the Majestic,and did you know Stu Gent, he went to Bramcote Hills Tech', he hung around with a guy called Loyd?
  4. Do you remember Steve Saxon Chrissie?He was an old school mate at Beeston Fields, lived in the Rylands. I bumped into him at the Ladbrooke grove festival when I lived in London around 77/78. He looked rough and told me he was going through a bad patch. Took him home, he stayed a week and left, never heard from him again.Then his name came up on the thread.Funny old life innit.
  5. I will make a point of watching 'Saturday night and Sunday morning'tonight,showing on the 'old movies' channel. A bit of real Nottstalgia:)
  6. They look more like a bee hive, I can't imagine living in a cell like that. Will they have a window,or just an opening with bars attached?
  7. All in the mind, over active imagination, paranoia,watching to many movies or TV programs on the subject. Isn't there a thread that was started some time ago, on a subject,in the same vein. What's next? "I was abducted by aliens".
  8. Well done Lizzie, sounds familiar Queen Liz. I'll buy you a do'nut next month.
  9. Whatever is debated or discussed on the subject of drugs, in my humble opinion it boils down to, 'you make a choice and you take a chance'. Most of the older members have seen the affects of drugs on some person they knew.Some people started by smoking weed, and then tried a more exiting drug, amphetamine was widely used in the late 60's,and then a progression to cocaine and heroin. I recall LSD made an impact around 1970/71,within the 'hippy' culture, this was a devastating drug to many who used it. It is not just the dealers in dope, we have to get to the source, the manufacturers. Her
  10. One of the biggest drug problems here in Florida,is young teenagers using prescribed drugs. Belonging to their parents or grandparents. So easy for them to check out the drugs on the Internet, regarding the effects, and side effects. The kids in class are 'half baked' on grandmas cancer medication, and the authorities say the teachers are not doing their jobs properly.
  11. On a trip to New York city a couple of years ago, my wife and I took a stroll round Central Park. We saw kids, no more than 10 years old selling,'ready rolled joints, a dollar each'. Most of their sales were to middle aged tourists. I got to chatting to a cop and mentioned what we had seen."Better them selling a few joints to the tourists,than shooting and robbing them". So goes the war on drugs. A complete waste of time, money, and man-power.
  12. Maybe there were less additives to the food we ate as kids. I can never remember my mum having tins of peas, carrots,etc', only baked beans and tomatoes, on the pantry shelves. It was a trip to the green-grocer or butcher on a daily basis, pies were made using lard, butter,not margarine. When frying bacon, the fat was used for the fried bread. Most folk had an allotment, they grew vegetables and fruits, when time came to harvest the stuff,there would be trading with the 'gardeners', and everyone had a share of the produce. Needless to say the trading was done in the yard of the local p
  13. Robert Devereux (3rd Earl of Essex),was by far the biggest anti royalist, during the English civil wars. He was the power behind Oliver Cromwell, and the one who taught Cromwell all that he could,in dealing with royalty. Cromwell became 'Lord Protector', but he was answerable to the 'committee of seven'. In the course of English history,the Earl of Essex would have made Cromwell look like a boy scout. Sorry Ian, but can we have less Oliver, and more Robert.
  14. The thought of my loved ones rotting under six feet of earth never appealed to me. I have no wish to visit a memorial stone, stuck in the ground as some kind of remembrance. Jokingly, I tell my wife to buy a cheap rowboat, throw me in, with a soaking of petrol, light me up and float me out on the outgoing tide. But in reality, my preference is to be cremated,and my ashes scattered in the 'Shenandoah Valley,Virginia,.It's the most beautiful place I have visited in America,
  15. I was listening to some real blues today, the President of America telling the country why the government was 'shut down'.
  16. We lost our eldest daughter 12 years ago in a car accident, she was 22 years old. After the shock of what had happened, I became angry, not at one thing in particular, just angry. Our daughter had just started a new job,and moved into her new home, everything to live for, as you might say, never used booze or dope. I knew people that had abused drugs and booze since being a teenager, and in their 50's still doing it. They seemed to stroll along without any problems in life,so I asked myself,"why does nothing happen to these people, like liver failure or an overdose". My anger turned to a
  17. I think it's a bit of both Mick. At least you have a government that's at work, the U S government was closed down at the start of this week.
  18. 50 years into the future Mick, the way the crap is hitting the fan worldwide, 5 years is going to be interesting. Look back 50 years and being told about Cell phones, I-pads, etc', and Nottingham going back to having trams
  19. With a length of string to keep it on Derek, or do you need a splint
  20. Pixie your home is yours,be open with your visitors,not is it bad manners but shows a lack of respect. Tell them the way it is, "have respect for me, my family, and my home". Don't lower your standards, when holding the door open for someone, or whatever, always do it with a smile. It makes you feel good to help others, even when it seems all negative. I think going through life being helpful and showing some TLC to people, is rewarding.Much better to be thoughtful and kind, than be the opposite. Never look for any rewards, when they do come it will mean so much more. Now put the kettle on,
  21. I'm sorry Tyfans, all that you have posted on this subject has been on various TV programs, none of it has been 'proven fact', it is speculation or theory. Never have I read or heard that there were human 'body parts at the Roswell site. The German UFO craft you refer to was nicknamed the flying 'bell' because of the shape,and you have never seen this craft, again this was speculation by a few allied 'boffins'. To gain any credibility on what you post,there has to be proof,and so far there seems to be a shortage of real evidence. What do you mean by " the research is so much more rewarding"
  22. I have always thought that to conquer the vast distance of space, we would need to conquer time. So my thought was, if we are able to some how get the time thing under control, is it possible that the 'Aliens' are from our future? or do they exist in a 4th.5th, or even a 6th dimensional world, that co-exists with our own I read many books that Tyfans has listed , but there is no fact, it is misleading, and takes you on to the next theory,without any proof .My conclusion was that they were the product of a fertile imagination. The idea in these so called 'Close Encounters',is good for the m
  23. Pixie, when you get to 64, you will remember those words, "I'm glad this year has flown by". As you get older, your time is taken up by so many things,and then one day you sit with your grand children,asking yourself the same question we all have asked,' where did the years go'. Make every day count, we cannot go back in time we can only go forward,All of us 'old farts' have our memories to look back on.