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Everything posted by plantfit

  1. Ayup Stan, Good picture, I do notice though a distinct lack of litter, do you think litter was designed in at a later stage or is it just a Nottingham phenomena. Still your picture shows how pleasant the council house and market square could and should look Rog
  2. Ayup Frank, Didn't know you were going on Sat until I got back from the show, It would have been nice to meet up for a chat. Not a bad show though and it did brighten up in the afternoon, nice to see the Vulcan fly but can't help thinking she's lost that fire from her belly, more like a retired old lady now, which she is I suppose, what's your thought on that? I am going to sit in my back garden now with binoculars,scope and scanner and watch todays show from here although as you predicted it's raining at the moment Cheers Rog
  3. Hi all, Just been up the hill to Waddington and have seen the Vulcan XH558 according to my mate she got the go ahead from the CAA before leaving Bruntingthorpe today. Yes Frank I will be going to Waddo on Saturday, have been driving past though for the past week trying to get some pics but have seen just as much from my back garden, enjoy the show on Sunday Rog
  4. Hi all, I can remember Bazooka Joe bubble gum, you used to get a small cartoon on a bit of shiny paper, you could hardly read it it was that small, and then the Danger man bubble gums, saved all the tickets and sent them off for my free "ID bracelet" what a cheap bit of tat that was Rog
  5. Hi All, Thanks for the support, I think support from friends is more useful than patches etc. I have put on about 1/2 stone though I'm not eating any more, at the side of my computer desk is about 40 top quality cigars that my daughter bought me back from Cuba and I've not even considered touching them so hopefully the cravings are beginning to wane. Once again thanks for the support and good luck to any one wanting to pack it in Rog
  6. OK, it's more than likely been covered before but what the heck, I'm now going into my fourth month without a smoke, gone from 20 Marlboro a day to none without the aid of patches, dummy fags etc, not been easy and I don't feel any fitter yet, but the financial benefit is really beginning to show, I'm £5.60 a day better off. Sorry to bore you all with that but I just wanted to tell the world Rog
  7. Hi Beefsteak, Good news that the show's been extended, more time to see the aircraft, "I think if you get any more excited you will burst" News from today at Coningsby: BBMF went up about 11.45, some display on, Harvard buzzing around again, noisy little sod, plenty of Typhoons in the morning. Just had a VC 10 go over my place from Waddington, Ian, Enjoy your airshow. (is the B52 going to Fairford? it's coming to Waddington for their show) Rog
  8. Hi Frank, Very impressive set of pics there mate, I'm sure Beefsteak will agree with that, Ian , I heard yesterday from a member of the Vulcan society that it was up yesterday 24th for 1 1/2 hours but he didn't have any more info so it looks like it will perform at all this years shows Cheers Rog
  9. Ayup Beefsteak, You lucky so and so, F22s, can't top that even if I wanted to, any way Orion went last week (Friday) both Sentinels back and five AWACS back home so still two wondering the planet somewhere, I have a couple of pics to send you, one a rare visitor, catch you later Rog ps, Enjoy your day at RIAT
  10. Hi Radfordred, Thats a cracking picture of an unusual vehicle, I see there's a National logo on the front, is it owned by them? Cheers Rog
  11. Hi Beefsteak, The hawk would be nice, the lightening in the picture is based at Coningsby, No 11 squadron. I will send the Thorpe camp one to you along with the other gate guard at Thorpe,,, A Bloodhound missile Rog
  12. Ayup Denshaw Not been in the Blue bell yet but I will, did you see Thorpe camp just around the corner from the pub? and about 1/2 mile further on towards Woodhall on the right is the site of RAF Woodhall where I am currently working. reason not been in the pub yet is, I don't drink but I will look for some excuse, by the way the bouncing bomb mentioned earlier, there is still a part of one outside the Petwood hotel in Woodhall spa Beefsteak, the camera is always with me now. Cheers Rog
  13. Was told today the Vulcan has got to do a full display before it can get it's display license? apparently the only place it can carry this out is at Coningsby so I will keep my eyes open and ear plugs at the ready for that, here's hoping it's true Rog
  14. Great pics Beefsteak, email came through but unable to get pics for some reason, Two spitfires over today whilst I was at the top of the plant so got a good view of them as they went to land at Coningsby, by the way arrester gear info in the post tonight Rog
  15. Hi Mick, Great pictures and bought back some memories, Mickety, the Colliers arms was further to the left in the pics, great little pub and I think there si a picture of it some where on this site, once again thanks for the memories Rog
  16. Cracking pictures Beefsteak, That Concorde is still beautiful aircraft, a work of art, thanks for the pics Rog
  17. Ayup Rob, Know what you mean but it would have been nice to feel the ground shake as those engines were given their head. By the way just as I had entered my last post on this site from work about lunchtime we were treated to a bit of a flying display from a ME 109, trouble was it sounded like it was fitted with a Merlin engine, nice to see it put through it's paces though. I will try to find some info about the 617 sqdn and Woodhall Spa from the local shops in the next few days and try to get it to you and Beefsteak Rog
  18. Ayup Beefsteak, Well thats blown all my sighting into a cocked hat and I'm stunned for words, could even throw my bins and scope in the recycling bin. That has to be the sighting of the decade and I can't spell JEALOUS loud enough, by the way, I have heard that a Montagues is back in Lincs so will keep you posted (Golden Eagles) WOWWWWWW!!!!! Rog
  19. Ayup Rob, Went up to the Petwood which is a little way off the main road, I was in the company Toyota pickup which is a bit crapped up as you can imagine coming off a quarry so felt embarrassed going up the drive but will go up when i'm in the car, Beefsteak, have just watched the Vulcan take off at 12.15hrs from my office window, all very sedate with no fuss so a bit dissapointing but nice to see anyway, at the moment there are three Typhoons flying around and the sky is crystal clear, I wish you both could be here to enjoy the sights and sounds Rog
  20. Ayup Beefsteak, Sorry could'nt get any pics of the Vulcan today but will try later in the week, It flew over our site at 16.15hrs and headed towards Horncastle and Louth at approx 3000ft in a big arc, it returned from what looked like the Boston area and landed without any fuss at 16.45hrs. Just as a point of interest for you and any other enthusiasts, the site I am working at housed the Dambusters (617)sqdr after the dams raids, they flew the tallboy and grandslam bombs out of the site to bomb the U boat pens, the Beilefeld viaduct and a the Saumer (sp) tunnel, it was also the base that Guy
  21. Ayup Bip I thought it was at the top of Market street but I could be wrong, I do remember going upstairs though fior a frothy coffee, PS I do approve of the pic on your signature a true Englishman, very fitting on St Georges day Rog
  22. Ayup Beefsteak, I've heard now the Vulcan might land at Conningsby next week for Gyro trials not last Monday as I thought although we was treated to the Lancaster and Dakota flying around all day, I will keep you posted on the Vulcans progress and try to get some pics to you if it does come in Rog
  23. Ayup all, Heard today on Lincs FM the Vulcan is coming to Conningsby next week for Gyro trials, looking forward to going to work now Rog
  24. Ayup Denshaw, you are quite right the pub backs onto the quarry I'm working at, some of the guy's there told me about the pics etc in the pub, about 200mtrs along the road is Thorpe camp I mentioned so trying to find opening times for that Cheers Rog