Trevor S

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Everything posted by Trevor S

  1. Morning Ayupmeducks, I was thinking more to the east coast of Tassie; that Zeehan is too cold with nothing between it and South America. You in the mines there? Going to Cradle Mountain Lodge for a few days mid week soon...God's country with pure air, great walks, fine wines and good food. Wife and I thinking of moving to Tassie when she retires. Either there or Tumut in NSW (base of the Snowies and where she was born).
  2. Morning Baz...........We can but hope! Rumblings over the weekend may see her removed by her own party this week. Off to say my prayers now!
  3. Morning weren't meaning to write 'Trudge' were you??..........trudge/trəj/Verb: Walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions.
  4. Back in 1959, Arnold County High School first opened and all the teachers, including the females, wore black gowns and mortarboards; particularly at morning assembly. The Headmaster, Dr. J. Higginson, was from the old school and it reflected in his staff. I was at Bramcote Grammar for a year before Arnold and the teaching staff there did not dress in gowns or mortarboards as much, if at all. All the posts mentioning covering books (brown paper), lines, standing up when the teacher came into class etc brought back memories. There was one teacher who had knotted a corner of his gown an
  5. Bazza, you must not discriminate so much. Our beloved Government opens its arms and our wallets to more than the Afghans. What about the sudanese, iraqis, iranian, malaysian, timorese, chinese, vietnamese, somalian, ugandan, indian, sri lankan, burmese, ethiopian, bhutanese, congolese but to name a few. We are a multi national country and should be proud of the fact that we support so many poor brothers and sisters from foreign lands with cash hand outs, housing, jobs and education at the expense of our own people. Why shouldn't we be forced to respect these poor immigrants and their cultures
  6. I am harking back to the early 50s, mick2me. Big things about the size of your average washing machine with a space at the front to slide your feet in. Could look down the scope at your green feet. Surely there is someone out there who actually used one???
  7. The shoes department in there with the X-ray machine on a stand. You could look down the scope at your feet and how the shoes fitted as well as viewing holes either side for your Mum and the shop assistant to coo over how nice a fit they were! OH&S would have had a fit.
  8. Thanks dgbrit...Will spend some time looking through that site. I am going to have to visit that Reno Swap Meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Mick2me, what about a 'shelf life' for contents in some topics that are not relevant to Nottingham's history? Jokes for instance could be limited to 12 months or less (6 months) before deletion. There are 23 pages on the Annes Giggles topic going back 5 years. If members wanted to keep a joke or other topic, they could download to their own computer or USB. Worked at my last workplace without any issues whatsoever with Department IT Administrators applying the delete button without fear or favour. Just a thought from a newcomer that will probably create debate but, a suggestion after
  10. Thanks dgbrit....some nice cars in that lot!
  11. The idiots down here have gone one better mick2me; they are microchipping cattle to measure their burps and farts and therefore calculate how much cattle contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. Do you suppose there's money to be made in cow butt plugs.............could make a s**t load of money!
  12. Ever read George Orwell's Animal Farm??? A lot of today's politicians, councillors and upper hierarchy civil servants remind me of the pigs in Animal Farm, snouts in the trough and let the others do the work and/or take the blame. The writing is on the wall for the Government out here....had a State election in Queensland a few weeks back and the sitting government (same leaning as the Federal government) lost in a massive land slide (read avalanche) and were annihilated! Out of a total of 89 seats, the opposition was put into power with a majority of 78 seats! The previous government f
  13. Hi do I get into that site to view your pics please?
  14. dgbrit...please may we see the Mustang pictures?
  15. When politicians come down from their ivory towers and start doing the job that they were elected for..............representing the best interests and needs of the electors who put them there for just that reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ours down here are the same once they get in; all promises out of the window and representation of the minority because it is for our good. Bullshite! We are about to get lumbered with a Carbon Tax in July that will make Oz the highest taxed in the world and this is by a PM who stated 'No carbon tax while I'm in the seat' and now we are told she changed h
  16. Good morning radfordred...Are you imposing on us? Shadows of street signs and buildings don't seem to match the shadow from the car to my tired old eyes.
  17. Beefsteak, am reminded of the early 'Ah Bisto' signs where the two are smelling the aroma of the gravy whenever I look at our current and hopefully soon to be removed Prime Minister. Gillard has the same long pointed nose, rat features, same styled red hair and a stuck up attitude as the figure in green in the advertising pictures, particularly the later ones!!!!!!!!!! mick2me...Tried for some time to put a picture on here but was not allowed : - You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.
  18. Nice pics katyjay.....anymore please?
  19. This discussion is really taking off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Not heard the word 'Fuddle' for a long time. Special evenings when the brother and I got to go to the village (RoT) with our Dad and he would buy the comics, Beano, Eagle, Hotspur and the Dandy as well as some assorted chocolates and sweets (Sherbet tubes with the liquorice straw, Mars bars, Frys cream bars, and those picks that were 3 or 4 for sixpence out of the big jars with the screw lids. Back home to read the comics, eat the sweets and argue over whose turn is was to get what comic! Thanks carltongal for reminding me about that one.
  21. Saw an ad in the local paper (OZ) this morning for a Nikon D4. Sounds very impressive and so cheap.....I might buy 2...Ha Ha! $AUD6,999-00