Jill Sparrow

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Everything posted by Jill Sparrow

  1. I tried a couple of those. One put me at 28 and the other at 39. Mentally, I'm not that old!
  2. Well, if we're talking about mentally, young Brew, I'm only 4. Life was just about perfect at 4, until I was sent to school!
  3. The problem is, we're all getting a bit long in the tooth...even young Trogg! Malfunctions can be expected but comparing notes often helps. To all who are in pain, awaiting ops or worried about their health, may your treatment go smoothly, painlessly and your worries be unfounded.
  4. Just a thought about Bonjela. If you are taking other medication, apparently you should ask the pharmacist whether it is safe to use Bonjela. A friend of mine was recently told it is contraindicated with medications such as anticoagulants. I don't like Bonjela, personally. I always found the pain caused by applying the stuff was excruciating and the effects extremely short lived.
  5. I sympathise, compo. I suffered from them regularly when I was younger. My dentist said they were a scourge for many women as they were linked to the menstrual cycle. I grew out of it but doubt it explains your predicament! Speedy recovery.
  6. Good news, SG. Us hypothyroids are on medication for the rest of our days. You're lucky!
  7. Not a pleasant subject but there is an article about Beechwood on the BBC news website this morning. I know there are a few former residents among our members. Ghastly goings on. Seems the place is still in existence but, thankfully, closed. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-46320025
  8. I use the library editions of both Ancestry and Find My Past. Too mean to pay the subscriptions!! I did most of my basic family research before the internet existed when it was a case of traipsing round churches and to records offices to view original registers. It's very easy to see how transcription errors occur: some of the writing is virtually illegible. However, I prefer working from the primary sources because it somehow adds to the sense of history.
  9. I'm only interested in my own definitions!
  10. No. I have a ginger cat who does that for me! He's a puddyiatrist
  11. I have beautiful feet! They don't need 'doing' but, like a certain royal personage...and I don't mean Philmayfield... I also practise dentopedology.
  12. Now, I'd have expected you to turn up some Tibetan relatives, Katyjay!
  13. Sorry, the Tearoom is closed. Permanently! Not fit for purpose and neither was its pedagogue.
  14. A long shot, this one, but if Jennifer the partner of Paul Grant, Olive's nephew wants to contact me, I have some information....and some questions....about Olive. I know you mentioned you were looking into her background.
  15. To be a moderator on this site, you surely need a sprinkling of all five?
  16. The wisdom of Socrates, CT. I know nothing, except I know not. Always thought you looked a bit like one of those ancient Greek chappies.
  17. A friend has photos of his Polish grandfather, who he never met, lying in his coffin, surrounded by males of the family. All looks distinctly mafiaesque! My friend's father, as with many other Poles, was marooned here after WW2. In recent years, due I assume to the influx of Poles working in the UK, my friend has found a jar with a burned out candle on his father's grave the morning after All Souls. Presumably, the Polish community has logged local gravestones bearing Polish names and treated them all to a candle at All Souls, as is their custom. Personally, I think tha
  18. Funeral customs are not dissimilar in Poland, I believe.
  19. Hello karen58. Were you at Manning with us? I recall a few Karens...or Kaarrrens, as Mrs Wheeler was apt to call them. Chris Chambers posted on here under the Chambers Butchers thread but this was some time ago. He told us he'd emigrated to Canada, as had Denise. I last saw her briefly in Nottingham around 1976/7. Often wondered what happened to her. If Denise and Chris both emigrated to Canada, did their mum go with them? If you were at Manning, you may remember Kathryn Smith another of my friends from school. Her death at 16 from an undiagnosed appendici
  20. You must have started young, nonna I remember my mum talking about a hairdresser on Alfreton Road, just around the corner from Bobbers Mill Road, in the 1930s. My grandmother was a regular customer there. In later years, the premises became Streamline School of Motoring. I learned to drive with them when I was 17. Now, all the shops have been knocked into one large bathroom/tile showroom.
  21. The worst thing is that I think I can remember it being built!
  22. I have fond memories of Radford. Much has changed but the memories are ours forever. Look forward to reading yours, BFG.
  23. Indeed, Lizzie. Much missed.
  24. Welcome, Miss Kolts, to Nottstalgia. I'm looking forward to reading more of your memories. The infamous winter of 1947 was long remembered in my family!