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Everything posted by darkazana

  1. Seem to have missed the lightning, but home for the evening as had a diamond anniversary to attend at Trent Bridge Cricket Ground. As we left our house it was torrential, "can't see a foot (or hand) in front" type rain until we hit the A46 towards Nottingham, then it started to clear, and yes as we got to our destination it was blue skies. We had a lovely meal at the side of the Cricket Ground, then on the way back home about a mile out of Nottingham it was raining again. It was like we had been on an island all night.
  2. Welcome back fch. Glad you have recovered from what sounds like a horrible illness.
  3. I couldn't possibly comment on this as my hubby was a "normal copper" and from what I know was always fair. If he stopped someone while he was on traffic he treated them accordingly. If they were leery and cocky he would book for something, if they were "Fair enough you got me, sorry, won't do it again" pleasant they usually got off with a warning. His byword was treat as you find!
  4. Britain this morning.......3000 lightening strikes in 2 hours! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28366535
  5. While we were at Scarborough a couple of years ago there was a competition among the site staff to see who could get the best sunset and night sky photos during the season, as we had some good views from the back packers field. I'll have to check them out and see what I have.
  6. Lovely. There were some postings of the rainbow on facebook too on Wednesday, and my daughter put a similar one on from Scampton. Last year driving down the A1 I watched as one formed, followed it for miles, at one point seeming to end in a field alongside the car, then saw it fade again, it was spectacular. Many years ago I had the very unusual experience of driving through one, it was weird. It, was very close then seemed to disappear, the next minute a flash of the spectrum just flowed over the car. Must have been to do with the angle of the sun and the rain etc all coming together at tha
  7. Still not too bad for pitch on Caravan Club Site....Top rate is £24.10, per night, for two adults on a pitch with leccy. Quite funny at the moment as all the retirees are frantically calling in, mainly on their way back home to lock the doors before the school hols start in earnest, and because we are not a bucket and spade site we will have a fairly quiet time of it. Then come September we will start filling up again!
  8. BBC News ] Email ] all on desktop Nottstalgia ] then into favourites for Facebook Nottingham Falcons when in season Check out my website Check my online banking Rightmove RSPB Wildlife trust Woodland trust
  9. Suckers any one? and as for rubbers...........
  10. As Catfan says, wise words Mudgie. It is so easy to ignore twinges and odd aches and pains. Best wishes for a swift recovery.
  11. Well looks like we might soon know whether he was a myth or real http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-28292998
  12. Others would call it using your initiative
  13. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Stephen, Take it easy.
  14. #14 Max Factor Pancake is still used by makeup artists for the theatre etc.
  15. Minted Gooseberry Jelly 3lb Gooseberries red or green or both 2 red skinned eating apples - chopped with skins and cores intact 1 large bunch fresh mint 1inch piece root ginger 1.25 pints cold water approx 3lb granulated sugar 3tbsp chopped mint Put the fruit and ginger in a pan and pour over just enough water to cover the fruit. Cover, bring to the boil and simmer for 45 minutes, or until the fruit has gone mushy. Remove from the heat cool slightly then pour the fruit and juices into a jelly bag (or muslin in a plastic sieve) suspended over a non metallic bowl and leave to drain over
  16. We seem to be all tied up, but at least are sticking to the point!
  17. I used to love the Pretty Peach line for little girls. I can still remember the smell. I think I still have one of the peach bottle tops somewhere at Mums.
  18. John recorded the programme, just watching it now, as tea cooks....(bambi burgers with jacket wedges and salad, incase you're interested)......It's certainly taking me back to me yoof! Great stuff. Re David Soul, I used to love him in Starsky and Hutch and was gutted when I found out he was a wife beater (it was hot news in the 70's)
  19. Guess it's just one of those englishisms, littlebro.
  20. Any one off to Spain this week? Take your parachute!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28195337
  21. I think the little house knows something too!
  22. I buy the cheapo stuff for making up sprays, its better than the commercial alcohol that goes into over the counter lotions, and just think how good you feel absorbing it through the skin