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Everything posted by darkazana

  1. With everyone elses suggestions you have a good recipe already but here is mine anyway. Insect Repellant Recipe 1 fluid oz almond oil, 5 drops each of lemongrass or citronella, eucalyptus, lavender and tea tree essential oils. Mix together in a 100ml spray bottle (the travel ones you can get in supermarkets are good) Mix well then fill bottle with vodka (the best alcohol for the job!)Shake bottle before each use and spray on before going out. Smells quite lemony and fresh, and as I mentioned works on bites too to soothe them. The alcohol helps the lotion to evaporate and keeps it from bei
  2. Aloe gel is very good for all sorts of itchy rashes, and so is lavender oil. If you have an aloe plant just break a leaf and rub the insides over the affected skin, if you don't have aloe but do have house leeks growing in the garden try them, they work just as well, they are all part of the same family. Dock leaves and plantain are good too, but not as instant as aloe. Calamine is cooling at first, but becomes more itchy as it dries I find. I make my own insect repellent, which works a treat and also soothes itches. Can put the recipe on if you want to try making it.
  3. I'll get the recipe next time I'm home Carni, and post it on here for you
  4. Made some mint and gooseberry jelly the other day, using mainly my own gusgogs but topped up with some of my mum's, out of the freezer, dated.......1975!! Jelly was loverly and set well
  5. darkazana


    Perhaps this should go under the did you know thread, but is relevant here: Did you know that coffins originally represented boats? Originally the dead were sent down the river in a boat, but also in burial, as an aid to crossing the river Styx, on the journey to Hades, which was also why the dead were buried with coins on their eyes or in their mouth in order to pay the ferryman Charon.
  6. Hello Rikki72, Nothing wrong with random here, we're all pretty random
  7. #22 Chulla, none of us are totally ancestrally English, we are made up of many different bits of other countries from all the ancient invasions. Saxons, Normans, Vikings etc, my personal ancestry is of Viking descent
  8. Good to hear all went well Catfan, take it easy now.
  9. Weathers brightened up now here in Derbyshire, should be a fine day for the Tour De France, not sure what it's like further south though. Lots of campers here for the race. We will be steering clear of the roads, would have liked to have got to Waddo for the air show but only have this afternoon off, so think it will be our first (and probably last) BBQ of the year.
  10. Back on topic...What's the point? Tis the sharp end of the needle!
  11. I think we should keep our anthem. It's part of our heritage and who we are. I would imagine that the reason the younger generation don't know the words is because they do not learn it at school now. Like the assemblies have died out,(how many of them would know the words to any of our hymns, like Onward Christian Soldiers), due to the diversity of faiths in schools, so too has anything remotely patriotic in case it causes offence to others.
  12. .....and a high pitched hum!
  13. darkazana


    My cousins are funeral directors and when the older one died a few years ago he had the black horses and carriage. It was good to see, and his son walked in front, from their house to the church. I remember when an ex boyfriend died in an RTA, in the 1970's, and at the church as the hearse arrived a passing policeman stopped, removed his helmet and saluted as they carried the coffin inside. I think generally folk still show respect, as I have noticed very few overtake a hearse, and will allow them through on roundabouts, or out of side roads, perhaps mindful that their turn will come one day
  14. Interesting that he won't have to pay any compensation don't you think? Wonder if that is to stop any possible bounty hunters coming out of the woodwork now.
  15. Most threads go off at a tangent or get "hijacked" but it is mainly in good spirit, we just have a lot of wags on here, and I'm not referring to anything to do with football! It happens quite a lot on the thread that I started on Pagan celebrations, but then again I expected it, but am not offended. At least people are taking the time to read the topic.
  16. #52 Dave, Interesting comment re Hucknall, as I had read that it originated from the name Oaken Hall.
  17. Great video. I was watching this one and some others on my husbands pc last night. He had found them on the Nottingham Post site.
  18. I worked at Sissons Paperbacks, on the corner of Milton Street and Shakespeare Street, from 16-19, and only left then because I had to do work experience for 9 weeks when I was at college. I think my pay started at £2.50 for the day and was something like £12.50 when I left. I worked at the Savoy Hotel in their Grill Bar, for the 9 weeks, can't remember what the basic pay was, but I do remember I made about £400 in tips over that period! I never went spud bashing, Carni, but I remember seeing people come to Watnall for it.
  19. Well I wouldn't have been in that clip as I was in Oman having just given birth to my second daughter in November. We came home on leave in the following February. What is scary is this the Nottingham I remember and love, where has it gone?
  20. Out of all the "celebrities" whose actions have come to light I was most shocked and disappointed about Rolf Harris. I agree about "victims" jumping on the bandwagon, but then again what if it was true? I guess we will never really know. It is dreadful for all involved, and even when the perpetrators are punished, it still doesn't make it go way for the real victims. It is a life sentence for them.
  21. Hope all goes well Catfan, best wishes for a speedy recovery
  22. #128, Hanson Crescent in Hucknall, (my maiden name) built by my Grandad and my brother still has his workshop there.
  23. I wasn't even at Loretto! My best friend was though, although I already knew John then!
  24. Benjamin, My Hubby was one of 6 lads in the sixth form at Loretto