The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. The third picture I'd like to see in colour. There is only the age of the vehicles, plod, and the lack of traffic light that make it different to today. I reckon nowadays health & Safety would put a stop to plod standing in the middle of the road!
  2. Planning a French holiday next year to do just that.
  3. Following on, some may have seen on BBC Central News the bit about the guy who has photographed all the gravestones in military cemeteries. I have asked him if he has a photo of my G. Uncle George Harvey's grave at Lillers, France. His website can be found here: I will add more info if he has it
  4. According to MargieH I am his double. (Or something like that)
  5. But it might be nothing to do with Haydn Road? German or Austrian name it may be but it just might have been run by a Mr. Haydn.
  6. Stephen Ford hasn't been here since April either. Bus threads normally get him interested.
  7. There is another ***R registered FLF on this video
  8. The registration on the blue B8 is correct. It is an early Bristol FLF, Derby registered. R , RA, RB and RC were all Derby (or Derbyshire) registrations. 1392 R was most likely 1963 registered.
  9. I must say I find Postimage awkward to use. Tinypic is much easier to use but make sure you have a good adblocker as they pop up everywhere.
  10. If he uses ladders it is his own risk. They are not supposed to go up ladders nowadays. I asked one the other day. edited: It was a window cleaner I asked not a ladder
  11. Presumably the picture at #7 is early 50's showing the result of bomb damage at the corner of Friar Lane.
  12. Why not? (Then) Removed from sill tread plate of the original MAL 182E 1967 Rover 2000TC
  13. That being C B & W H Truman, I wonder if any of that family were anything to do with C H Truman
  14. Everything is slow to load here today. Just this forum - nothing else.
  15. #920 I remember an accident when a crane was coming up to the back of a bus and the crane driver forgot about the overhang of his jib and it went straight through the back upstairs window of the bus., killing and injuring people. Prompting a campaign for crane lorries to have folding jibs rather having them stick out in front of the lorry cab. Can't remember where and when it was tho'
  16. Words not necessary
  17. Yup. It is crap so we might as well talk crap
  18. Wonder if they will make all aeroplanes be electric by 2040 as well. Piston engines and jet. The amount of pollution they kick out!
  19. I have used Paint Shop Pro 7 for years. It is ancient now but does everything I want it to.
  20. My paternal grandmother was a Bantam. He was no relation to me. Apparently a Bantam was under 5' 3".
  21. I now have the war diary for 1914/15 for 1st batt. Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. There are pages and pages of it. If it doesn't take too long I'll put it here. George Harvey was at least a Nottingham-ite from dahnt Medders!
  22. I have just downloaded that thanks. Mountains of info in it.
  23. Wow! Thanks. No idea all this could possibly exist. He seems to have my dads chin and nose!! I shall now have to go to church for a look.
  24. Thanks. I think that will be £3.50 well spent.