The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. Its a bit modern for me too. That is a periods furniture that I particularly dislike.
  2. I got my name wrong too. I did it with my age next month. I am actually Professor Leopold Wraith-Wood
  3. Excellent pictures. Not quite sure why everyone is wearing welding goggles tho'
  4. Well I have kept quiet about this so far. I find the new set up perfectly easy to use but like Banjo and others I am missing the recent threads panel at the top. If I check in frequently it isn't a problem as there is always something fresh on the 'New Activity' page, but if like Thursday for example when I was out all day I come onto the forum, come to the 'New Activity' page and all there seemed to be was games and gripes. It didn't and still doesn't seem like a Nottingham orientated forum at all. Perhaps Fynger saw it coming.
  5. Further thinking and Chulla is correct about Breffits being opposite the Newcastle. I still remember the place I spoke of previously near Bells Lane also being Breffits. I have also remembered that there was once a Petrol Station (at least) just above Aspley Library. Either Commodore Gardens or Tyne Close are now built on the site. Was that ever a car dealership of any sort?
  6. I certainly remember Breffits as being a Reliant agent - somewhere along Nuthall Road. I do not remember Breffits being a Reliant agent in Daybrook as I never went there in my younger days.
  7. Yes, something was opposite the Newcastle. I remember something on the site of Cliff's photo. I still feel sure that was Breffits. Could it have just been a spares outlet for them?
  8. Brefitts was near to the bottom of Bells Lane set into the high wall opposite what is (or was last time I looked) Gateway Hotel. Embassy tyres was at the back of it reached by the lane at side of the railway line that crossed Bells Lane. Embassy Tyres are still there of course. It was a car spares place after Breffits finished but I can't remember what it it now. - and I have driven past it twice today!
  9. I often get good deals from them. Subscribe to their mailing list. Most of the stuff they send you may not be of interest - but just once!! The last one I had from them was 'buy 2 x 5 litres of oil and get a free oil filter. Not a problem with Transit as it requires 12 litres of oil. The filter was worth £7-8 and was free with the oil.
  10. I see. The needle is much thinner than that.
  11. The metal part of the drawing up needle is quite long.
  12. Don't know. I run off from US postage prices. Every time I see something in the US it costs a fortune to get it here. Not sure what you want here but would a hypodermic do the job? You can get drawing up needles for them. They don't have a point on them. I use them on pianos, not for sucking up but for squirting. Needles with a point on them squirt to one side and are not so good for my purpose. There are plenty of drawing up needles on Evilbay available in this country together with the hypos themselves.
  13. Postage costs for shipping out of the US is expensive. Have as look at the prices for virtually anything on Evilbay and it is the same story very time. Shipping TO the US is a different matter and is much more sensible.
  14. Would you want there to be another Bulwell??
  15. Yes I found the same thing. Just a greyed out box and unable to type anything either. I would advise installing a different browser.
  16. That seems best. I don't understand why people are having problems being signed out automatically. I never sign out nor am I ever signed out.
  17. The way I see it:- Miss out 'scroll to bottom of page and click "home" ' and just go straight to top of page and click 'activity', which will default to 'all activity'.
  18. I must say that I agree with everything that Enigma has just said, with the exception of posting photos, but that is purely because I haven't done it yet. I have deliberately not compared it with the old forum software as it has gone so it it forgotten so far as I am concerned. I have done what I believe it was CliffTon who suggested, and set 'Activity' - 'All Activity' as my landing page, and bookmarked that page and when coming to Nottstalgia I get all the new posts starting in a line from the top. What could be easier?
  19. Perhaps I'm not supposed to be able to get it. Its barely watchable. My STB is cheapo Goodmans.
  20. I will do that. seems strange its just the two channels though.
  21. Wondering if anyone else who has FreeSat is having a problem with poor signals on Drama and Yesterday? My dish doesn't appear to have moved and is still securely fixed.
  22. I was thinking about it to pass on to a Cumberpatch just to see I really am one of those. Although I don't think there can possibly be any doubt. If all it finds is your basic origins then I doubt mine would be a great deal different to yours. - ie English Viking Norman Saxon Roman. Or in otherwords we are all Anglo-German-Norwegian-Swedish-Danish-French-Italians!