The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. I've posted this before but with the absence of Robbie it will have disappeared. It is Western Boulevard c.1958 taken through the windscreen of a 1939 Austin 8. It will be the Valley Road end of Western Boulevard.
  2. On that last picture of the bus turning out of College Street Long Eaton, the only thing that appears to have changed is the bus!
  3. Virgin are trying to screw £41.33 per month out of me for B/Band and small TV package. On that basis I don't mind(?) paying £20 or so per month for BT INfinity with unlimited download.
  4. Is there anyone here using BT Broadband? If so I would like some feedback as to what people think of them. I am currently on Virmin and they are too expensive. Also my landline phone is a business line which I no longer need to pay for as a business phone, basically because everyone rings my mobile nowadays. So thinking of degrading that back to a private line. So I am thinking of a BT package with Phone and Broadband. I DO NOT want televistion! TIA
  5. As CliffTon suggested, here the thread is revived. I keep putting this on Ebay but no one wants it It's a genuine Lucas one.
  6. From Nottingham to Eastwood B3 and C5 were the same route. He would have been issuing refunds to people going further toward Alfreton. LOL!
  7. Did my underage drinking nicking my Mothers Mackeson in the Bob'ole around the left hand side. Off Licence really but it was always known as the Bob'ole for whatever reason.
  8. You would really need to superimpose a modern map to be sure that Spencer Drive is the one where the house is. There is another road on the same side with elderly housing on it, not on that map, which is more likely where Spencer House was. I may be wrong of course.
  9. I reckon my Father would have been there in 1965 too.
  10. But like Eastwood for instance, Underwood's postal address is Nottingham. Not Notts.
  11. Thanks. I will look further. A lot of the records I have looked at are stated as having been on fire and are obviously burned away around the edges.
  12. Free access on Ancestry this weekend so I thought I would have a look for some relevant military records. My G Grandfather William Jeyes Cumberpatch is the culprit I am looking for first. No luck. There are William Cumberpatches but not this one. His occupation before and after WW1 was as a Railway Platelayer. I am just wondering if the reason he doesn't appear to have a military record is because a platelayer would have been a reserved occupation. Any ideas? I am also looking for my Grandfathers, 1. Edward Harvey Royal Engineers, and 2. George Arthur Cropley, who I have always believed wa
  13. No clock on the side wall in that picture and it doesn't look like a jewelers either. John Herbert must have appeared later. NAU 300 would have been a 1951 model and so it would have been a 75 Cyclops. Can't tell from the 1st picture as I would need to see the radiator grill!
  14. I don't recognise Trinity Square at that time. I remember it with a car park in the middle. The rear of John Herbert's shop would have faced the rear of Forman's offices. The clock on the side wall of the corner shop in the picture might suggest it was a jewellers? It seems to be in the right place. I have to wonder looking at the Rover in the picture if it was John Herbert's earlier Rover than the one I have. The one in the picture is a 52/53 model, mine (formerly John Herberrt's) is a 1961.
  15. My illustrious (not)Great Grandmother Mary Harvey lived at 9 Blackstone Street. Probably from 1907 until sometime
  16. I would have spent hours in Victoria Station. Problem is the times when I would most like to have been there were long before my arrival on the planet. GCR/GN days.
  17. Dipping hot steel into oil blackens the metal not blue
  18. Went out to tune a piano today belonging to my oldest customer. She's 102. Never really noticed the suppliers name on the piano before but had a look today. Just wonder if anyone has heard of them or knows anything about them. Piano will be 1880's. Depends whether or not anyone else has lived long enough I suppose
  19. Well there's a bit of extra info in any event. I didn't know about the big age difference.
  20. C Stan Harvey formerly Prince on right of picture, his wife Gladys nee Worley on left of picture. Myself and my parents are the three in the centre of the picture. I have no idea where the picture was taken or what the occasion was. I would be guessing at around 1963 or 4.
  21. The information you have found is correct. Rose Cooper was my Grandmother. She wasn't known by her first name Florence. I had assumed that she married Charles Stanley Prince as their son was Charles Stanley Prince but known as Stan. He was my Fathers half brother - my Uncle Stan. I had also noticed that there were Princes on Queens Grove all of which makes me wonder who actually knew who! I have the Coopers on Derwent Street and Ryland Street. The other thing of note is that on my Grandparents, Harvey marriage certificate that you have seen above it says she was widowed at the time of the marr
  22. Well I have to say it is nearer David Lane than I thought it was, so the memory is fading a bit now! I would have said it was more or less opposite Bar Lane.