The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. GRA 1N was originally on a white Triumph Stag. I think it was just the registraltion at happened to be issued with new in 1974.
  2. There are Indian Indians in Nottingham driving 51 NGH and S1 NGH.
  3. Later than I thought. They would still be 7' 6" bodies though?
  4. I have an old AA handbook with all the registrations in. Nottingham City were VO, TO, AU, TV, County NN, RR. I may have missed one or two.
  5. HAU must be 1940-41 registered so I am guessing that they are Roe Utility bodies?
  6. Funny how I remember Beecrofts but I don't really remember Drury Hill. I must have been down Drury Hill to have been in Beecrofts. Guess at the age I was then I would have been more interested in what I came out of Beecrofts with rather than where the shop was!
  7. Greyhound Street taken from the steps of the loo last year. The opposite way round to the previous picture. I took this while photographing all that remains of the little alleys running up from Long Row to Parliament Street.
  8. H. Sladen's son is one of my customers. (He has now retired). They are now on Daniels Way, Hucknall adjacent to JTF. Prior to that they were on Lincoln Street. I distinctly remember when I did my PSV with Trent Transport Training we went into their yard on Lincoln Street to fill up with diesel. They must have had an account with H. Sladen. That would have been March 1991. If they were on Palin Street it would be prior to them being on Lincoln Street.
  9. You and me both! I was going to make some comment like 'Ruffs by name ruffs by nature'.
  10. Both tunes are very good well written music. I don't like the very religious overtones of Jerusalem, starting with the title itself. I don't have any problem with any religious suggestions in Land of Hope and Glory. Writing something new, well we would most likely end up with yet another monotonous drone in D Major by Michael Nyman!
  11. I agree. Land of Hope and Glory for me. Written by this country's leading and most English English composer!
  12. #29. Just been looking for mine but I cant find it. It was EE66458. How come I cant forget that number? I was actually one of the last people in the country to take my PSV in March 1991 before the law change the following month. From April onwards you had to have a provisional licence to drive a bus on L plates and also the bus had to be capable of maintaining speeds in excess of 40MPH. I did my test in a Leyland PD2 ex Salford City Transport that struggeled to get more than 40MPH! Also gone with the law change was the seperate 'A' licences for people only qualified to drive automatics.
  13. And it can still be viewed in full colour:
  14. The car you are referring to as a Rover 100 is either a 60, 75 or 90 of 1955-58 vintage. One day a photo of mine will turn up. It is a particularly good picture I think. I can't remember when you could actually drive in front of the council house!
  15. Well I've taken to parking in the Gooseberry Bush car park and walking into town when necessary and it seems to me they own all Shakespeare Street and who knows how much land and buildings both sides of it, loads of properties on Waverley Street as well. Seems that Cliffs suggestion may be close to the truth. Not forgetting however much of Clifton they own
  16. Unidentified Dakota on retraction test. It could well be Flugfelag Islands. Tollerton 1955
  17. Very good. My father would still have been there in 1958 but I don't remember him saying anything about Lincolns. Is it the Kings Cup Air Race you are talking about for 1972? I remember going to see that but can't remember when it was.
  18. Percival Proctor 1951. I wonder if this is a ground shot taken about the same time as Cliffs aerial shot in #10
  19. Can't see much on this one. Just says Tollerton 1955
  20. I have only just noticed since I put those last two here that two of the cabin windows still have the plugs in them that you pull out to stick your rifle through!
  21. A couple more of G-AMYW of Hunting. 1957 Tollerton. I believe the contraption on it was something to do with geological survey but don't quote me. The second picture might reveal more as you can read what the aircraft says on it. The gang. My Father is the one in the 'clean' white cow gown. He was a chargehand or foreman or something by this time. I used to know who all the other people here were but that info has left the memory system. Someone may know someone!
  22. Thanks. I think I am going to put these on . Might be able to make some money out of them (not!)
  23. Here's a couple more. It is unidentified. Also undated but most likely still 1950