The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. I was about to ask 'Is Woodborough Road to the left off the picture', but then I spotted the Rose of England so saved me asking but I hadn't realised that there was a road bridge over Victoria Station just there. Or perhaps it is just because I have never seen a picture of it from that angle.
  2. Just watched a few bit of Ice Cold in Alex as I remembered that there was a section with John Mills talking to Sylvia Sims about his next drink. The only place I found where John Mills mentions any sort of bar is about 2/3rds the way through the film when he is talking about the bar he knows in Alexandria, with a marble top bar and high stools which appears at the end of the film. Try The Colditz Story I think.
  3. At least 507 retains its dent in the front of the roof! I thought the three axles were to do with axle load (weight) rather than vehicle length.
  4. I have never thought Derby was anything else but a dump, going back as far back as I have memories of the place. I try and keep away from it.
  5. Apparently it got there behind a breakdown truck this morning. It was taken back to Sandtoft at the end of this afternoon
  6. Here's a few more This guy didn't seem too happy!
  7. Here's a few pics in town today. Difficult to get pictures as there were too many people. I shall add a couple more when I have edited them
  8. If anyone is going to be there today, I shall be jumping on a bus in about half an hour. I am going to skive off today!
  9. I think I am right in saying that there are no number 13's in West Bridgford either. I live on a road and its a cul-de-sac!
  10. I put this on Facebook earlier today but as it is of Nottingham interest I will put it here too. Also I had help from members of this forum to get the info on him. The man was John Henry Lakin. He was no relation to me whatsoever but he was my grandmothers first husband. Probably quite unlikely that he has any relatives still surviving today, certainly no descendants. I doubt that there is anyone else now who would show an interest in him. He took part in the first day of the Somme on 1st July 1916 and was injured the same day. The rest of the info. I have on him is in the photos. This had be
  11. Hello deebird. I was originally a Woodborough Road ite!
  12. I wouldn't dare argue. It has always been just referred to as 'Pear Tree' to me. All the Cropley's used that as well as Catchems. Did it become the Old Pear |Tree when there was a new on built? As G Uncle Jack was born 1899 I would guess that that picture was taken mid 60's. All I know about it is that 'it was in The Pear Tree'.
  13. Pear Tree is on Bulwell Lane. Home Ales. Here is my Great Uncle Jack Cropley enjoying a pint in there:
  14. Corus Iompar Eireann. Irish republic transport System. Railways division being Iarnrod Eirerann
  15. Nottingham Road/Haydn Road turn round again
  16. Was there ever a music or musical instrument shop on Chapel Bar called Robinsons? I am thinking about 1920's here.
  17. I thought It was going the wrong way too. But not knowing the routes I was wondering if it went down Nottingham Road out on to Valley Road and back to the 'City' up Radford Road. But as I say, I don't know the routes.
  18. Well there's an MG, Hillman Super-Minx and a Standard Vanguard. I reckon very early 60's. The blue bus, possibly AEC Regent - (not a good enough picture to know for sure) looks to me like 7'6" body and I don't remember ever having seen them going through Eastwood. Also it is a colour picture rather than B&W.
  19. This has just appeared on Eastwood & Kimberley Bygones Group on Facebook. It looks like Nottingham Road Basford again to me. The A1 should be Notts and Derby Traction but could be Midland General.
  20. The wall of No. 166 still sticks out like that.
  21. That's what I said in post 53. The bay windowed houses I referred to in the original picture can be seen on clearly on your picture. What I have always referred to as Sherwood Rise is apparently Nottingham Road so I just learned something there! I thought Sherwood Rise started at Northgate!
  22. It certainly looks like Sherwood Rise to me that the other trolley bus in the picture is going up. The two bay windowed houses on the left of the picture also look correct for the same position on Sherwood Rise today.