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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. I LOVE 'Blue Stilton'.........but for some reason always meks me 'Tabs goo red,.........
  2. I KNEW him,sounds like the same bloke who in the early 90s used to live at the top of Alfreton rd and went in a mate of mines shop early every morning for his Fags,was he like 6ft 8in Robbie?
  3. Don't think we should celabrate,shopping habits are changing and it does't help the image of our towns,villages or cities to see all these empty units and the job losses that go with it.
  4. Johnny Careys team talk was just 3 words 'Keep fizzing it' according to a couple of ex players.
  5. IF a painting catches your eye thats enough Rog,.these Art critics that read so much into individual styles and their meanings leave me cold,over the years certain Paintings ive bought because they said something to the moment there are a couple of Paintings i'd love in the Art place down 'Flying horse parade' no chance i'll have em though at £995 each.
  6. Then there was...............tral lal lal lal la...........HENNESEE ba ba ba Barry lyons,ziga zaga ziga zaga .....Joe Bakeer , and of course I,I Ian storey moore not forgetting Winfield for England,tee hee.
  7. Grummit Hindley Winfield Hennessey Mckinaly Newton Lyons Wignall Baker Barnwell Moore
  8. And me,some great players and magic moments,ZIGA,ZAGA,LOL.
  9. Pack it in !............well thats the name of the thread int'
  10. And thanks Robbie,...........Firbeck uses words like 'acerbic' but i feel ive known him long enough now to know theres no malice intended,hes ok,just goes on about bleddy Trains alot.
  11. Hey Firbeck,...thanks for that,i am not at all interested in your Trains and planes,but youve always took my quips in good part,reckon thats what its all about. Anyway don't start any today,its been ok so far.......
  12. I ONLY banter with ones who i feel will take it the right spirit and are likely to give me some in return.
  13. Nice one 'Ayup'............can't stop ive got a Banana going black in the kitchen,.......
  14. Told you before 'carnie'..........stop touching things,.......sheee!
  15. ONE ROCKER JUST DID OK. Married millioneiress Cameron Diaz,
  16. Depends what job you doing,.......if he turned up like that to paint me ceiling.......i'd agree.
  17. #1603 bubblewrap. i think hes very smart....
  18. #27 nice one MICK,.......Loved Yosser.
  19. I DON'T do that Mick,i go and work even harder at what i can do and enjoy,to be able to pay the joiner.
  20. Yes ok 'mercury' wind ya neck in now'
  21. Thats what i was trying to say on my previous post 'carnie'............a bit of banter and humour goes a long way,i was'nt criticising the people for their interests,in fact i was taking the 'wee wee' out of myself and my lack of skills on the handyman front,and i think sometimes my 'banter' can be misconstrued,?all i was saying was,i try to hold it back on those subjects,but every so often i can't, the nicest possible way. know what i mean me duck or have i made it worse..
  22. Well done bilbraborn,..........hope you get sorted soon mate.
  23. I Often have to bite my tong (metaphorically speaking) when i read posts on anything about Engines,mining equipment,bus numbers,chassis parts,woodworking,metal bits in fact anything complicated especially computers and many terms used on the forum ,old skin and shit like that,i have in the past made( some would say) silly quips to me i was being humourous,and have never meant to offend,i know my humour does not suit all. I do understand we all have different interests,and not wanting to upset anyone i suppress myself on the aforementioned subjects,please forgive me if fr