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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Cant remember the numbers Radfordee....their name was Barnes and only lived there a short time in the 60s............ You may recall a family called Fewkes....Harry was a life long friend who sadly passed away about 5 years ago.....however his wife still lives there (Jackie) see here often even now in Bulwell........
  2. Always wondered about that house Engineer thanks for the info.... Although born and grew up on Bestwood estate (Andover road end near Arnold road).......i have so many memories of Arnold road all the way down to Southwark street and Basford crossings.... Park Tavern was my regular pub from teenage years to early 30s when i left Nottingham for a few years.........Dad was born in an old cottage opposite the house in 1924 ........ Grandma and Grandad lived there next door to the Tavern.... Had relatives on Cheltenham and Wallis streets.....Mam and Dad go
  3. Much cooler this fact just right,,,,,,enjoying my Coffee on the Garden.........not naked anymore... Got me socks on......
  4. So bleddy hot..ive been naked for two days now...........just getting the washing in...........
  5. Scooters back in the 50s were quite different to the E scooters of today......been trying to recall the names.....and its just come to me.....'MOBO's'' ..remember them?.................They were the most popular.....However to be different when i was about 10 Mam bought me a Posher one called ''Triang''..... Must have been my first ''Pulling Machine'' because i recall taking ''Dolly'' on it down Gainsford crescent...Dolly was in my class all thru my school years and not only did she Ride my scooter with me...but she rode on the Crossbar of my Racing bike when we were about 13
  6. Jill pity we missed each other.......after my treatment i could have practised my latest ''Chat-up'' lines on you'' ah well another time... Glad your 92 year old Aunt is ok...........
  7. Just back from Kings Mill Hospital.........being a Laryngetomee (sp)..........i have to have something called a voice Prostethis (sp) to enable me to speak...... changed every couple of months......without going into gory detail...just to say it fits in the back of my throat.......coming up to 4 years now since i had my voice-box removed and by and large i'm managing ok......the procedure is not painful and the staff are brilliant and i enjoy plenty of banter with em......... To speak i have a thing called an HME which fits in my stoma on the throat.........and i press thing to e
  8. That was the finest set of films and pictures of old Nottingham ive ever seen.......thanks cliff ton...... Combined with the music it bought a lump to my throat...and if i was sentimental ''a tear to my eye''........... Made me realise although ive lived all over......Nottingham my birth place will be with me forever......
  9. What you listening to?........but as you say cliff ton fits here as well...probably more so..... Yes stopped having Parties....of any kind.......still see a couple of the girls though in Bulwell........
  10. Remember this 'Instrumental' from my 15th birthday in 1960.... Mam and Dad said i could invite a few Pals round for a little party.....and they told me no drinking or smoking ...and they went out for the evening....... Keith bought the Beer...Harry loads of Fags...and Hazel 2 bottles of 'Emva cream''.............from memory there were about 10 girls and 5 lads....... The other record i remember from that night was ''Running Bear'' (still got it).......great night music.. Dancing...Postmans knock... Mam had just had new 'Lino' laid and was very proud of it...shame most of th
  11. Always loved 'Ladies in red''..........but have caused me lots of problems............that i'd do all over again.........
  12. Thie one B ?'''''''''''' Interesting bloke...just been reading up' on him.........Born in the Argentine of English/Irish parents........had many critics back in the 70s...he didnt like critical comments..... I love his voice and most of his songs......''Lady in Red'' being my favourite..........nice for a dance and ''Bum squeeze''...........
  13. Could'nt sleep last night...but found myself listening to this...what a lovely voice and song..........
  14. Love me Lycra Den...........i'm not middle aged....I'M OLD..........
  15. Socks and Sandals ...awful........but better than showing the Must admit ''Love my Lycra;;.......but only about the house or on me bike........
  16. If that is aimed at me are quite correct.....forgot about 'Pet Hates''............carry on Sir.........
  17. My Pet hates are numerous...such as Bare feet....(mens) Flip flops....(on men) 3/4 Length shorts ( on men) T shirts with a jacket and no shirt..(on men) Men who fasten the top button of a shirt...when not wearing a Tie....... I could go on.......but ill leave that for now.........
  18. Things you see too much of clothes or body parts....
  19. Think they were all'' Hand me downs''' Marg'' from older brothers.........lots of really poor kids about in the 50s...........
  20. Think the last few posts should be in the ''Nicknames'' thread...we got one ? Used to feel sorry for some kids at school....with 'Nicknames ' like... Ginger nut... Fatty.... Goggles... Had one lad in my year with no 'Toes'' and believe it or not was a great footballer.......funny thing was his Boots and Shoes all curled up where his toes should have been...and he had the Nickname ''Curly''............
  21. Clarke's were also ''Nobby's''...........dont know why ? Oh Yea.........Taylors were all ''Spuds''
  22. LOL............real name...''NOBS''.........well it was in Bulwell anyway....
  23. Someone got lost somewhere along the line.......... Snottingham ??? I was talking about ''Dolly Blues''