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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. What better way to start the day...than a Dance with the Beautiful ''Audrey'' Wonder if she ever went down ''Palais'' ?
  2. Must dust me 'Trilby'' off........and get down Town...... a ''Long tall woman'' in a black dress......who could ask for more........
  3. This should be happening in Kiev now..........everyone friendly and happy.........why not?.....''.we pass this way but once''
  4. Interesting morning in Kirkby just now..............back in the 60s worked a couple of weeks in a Vernons store..........couldnt recall exactly where it was........looked up the number of Station street where it was....on Cliff Tons list that he produced some time ago..was 48.......none of the shops were displaying a number though...........Anyway went in a Charity shop on Station street run by a couple of lovely ladies about my talking (as you do) and one of the ladies remembered Vernons and in fact worked there for a short time.........told me just where it was 3 doors away.
  5. enjoyed a smoke as well................bless him......... Died at 78 but his life was never boring...........
  6. You just wont let me catch you....will you............. to a lovely lady....
  7. Hammersmith Palais.......looks like all singles going in different entrance....hoping to score..... Went in once about 1970.......didnt was some sort of ''Chinese night'' plenty of ''No Ranks'' pwaps rater'' Bru eyes.........
  8. British Railway Staff Association............Railway club in other words.......... still there but slightly different name today.....on Bestwood road.......
  9. Even the Barmen had style in the 60s.........Palais Nottingham....wore the exact same at the BRSA Bulwell..........
  10. Football 'Banter' can be a bit over the top Mess....... Its like Derby's current problems....i'm sure even ardent Forest fans.....wish them well.......... I'm a Forest fan but also care for Derby....never hated them...after all they are local.....and i want to see them do well.... Now Leicester thats a different
  11. Dance Duck?.......ya got be kidding..... But his persistence pays off in the end........
  12. Honestly can't remember H.........Do remember the half circle'' steps at the front...and being thrown down em...then running back in for more......only to be ''Head Butted'' by a bouncer and chucked out again.......loved it.......
  13. Thank you young Jill..............most of my Pals on here wished me happy birthday on FB yesterday for which i thank them........ Can't believe i'm 77...............Seems like only a few months ago i became a pensioner at 65...........time really does go fast the older you get...........told all the family not to buy me owt.....which thay didnt..........all gave me had a text from the Ukraine and a voice message which made my day..........
  14. Thats better......think i'll 'Nip' across the border tomorrow to Mcarthur Glen.....and buy some new dancing shoes....... Also go in Moss bros'' for some new black ive put a lot of weight on lately.....feeling flushed with all the money i was given yesterday for me birthday........... Then with all me new gear go down 'Locarno' tuesday night for a bit of a 'Jig''........... What da ya mean it gone ?...........
  15. Sat here bit bored.....not much on Nottstalgia ...fed up with tv news so thought i'd liven mesen up and have a dance with Mr Walken.............
  16. Sad to see his passing at only 52...........great Spin Bowler of his time.....RIP Shane..........
  17. Not into Cliff ton.....ONTO''............Small intimate revolving dance floor........stand just on the edge that didnt revolve.....see the girls one at a time as they came a beauty parade....... Then make your choice of which one would have the chance to turn you down first............''Magical memories''
  18. I'd come round Den........if i'd got a Hammer........
  19. Don't push your luck..........Mr Putin..........
  20. Tried to answer you by PM Brew.....
  21. Just found out a relation of mine got married..the other day.....they've been together 40 years..both in their 60s......hope shes not up the ''Duff''.......
  22. Alpha.......never mess''with'' or 'Underestimate'' a nation of shopkeepers.........
  23. I Said my son's flight to the Ukraine was cancelled the other day...........unfortunately it was rescheduled and he flew in yesterday............
  24. Certainly can Mr Wilson........i know where you live...gave your Mavis a Croggie home last night........