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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. IVE Loved seeing the African and Asian teams making their mark and their supporters enjoying it.... Theres alot wrong with Qatar but so there is with many countries........i reckon they have done a good job with it all.......
  2. We didnt do this.......even at school..........
  3. Best crowd at world cup.....African champions....
  4. At 15/16 loved so many Elvis records....amazing how we all still remember the words all these years later......... When i used to sing ......''I don't have a wooden heart'' Dad would always say ''No you have a Wooden Head''.....bless him...he was always right.......
  5. Did you buy it ...down by the end of 'Lonely street ..Margie?
  6. Brilliant photo................about the time Arthur was filmed running down there..............and i bumped into Judy Dench there a couple of years later..........
  7. The Clinton Arms and the Carlton road Topless barmaid one were both run by the same lady ''Chrissie''............ My friend was also a great ''Tassle dancer''
  8. OH Yes Mary i now remember the earl of Chesterfield...long story but i won a leather jacket arm wrestling in there....big chap completely stoned....coat much too big for me gave it to a mate next day.......and no the March Hare was on Carlton road.........
  9. No Kev...this was on Carlton road (town end ) Lady i knew well worked there and the Clinton arms.... Wife was offered a job at the Carlton road one with her........£11 per hour.....mid 80s..........she turned it down......i was
  10. Old Ricky Nelson...big favourite of mine in the early to mid 60s..........always think of the pubs on Carlton road/hill from juke boxes to live bands......White hart juke box .......March Hare live bands.......Topless of pub ive forgot......Toby jug and then down to the Earl of Chesterfield and Duke of Windsor or Windsor castle...great nights lots of memories of all kinds.........39 trolley bus ??
  11. Belated wishes from me too Nonna......x 2 cherries...
  12. Happy birthday Jilly.......have a great day....
  13. Got any Razors or Coffee to sell @radfordred ?
  14. Funnily enough Jill......i dated a Gwyneth.......but she had a Brummy accent........from Chelmsley Wood....
  15. Was nice in the 50s..............went most years for a week when i was a school boy.....loved it.......... Went to visit a few years ago.......not quite the same...
  16. MY Dad nearly went to be the 'Station Master' in Rhyl......but Mother was having none of it..........1 was about 5 or 6.............who knows where life would have taken me......would probably been supporting Wales tonight............not sure i'm not !!!
  17. What about Buskers and Beggars Lets?
  18. No cash...No Tips................for Bar staff........Barbers.......Waiters .......Buskers and Beggars etc ....