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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Great photo of those shops on Long row........Had dates with girls in all of them...when i was a ''Van Lad' and delivering Parcels' from British rail at Midland station...when i left school in 1960 from March to November....before embarking on my great adventures with Marsdens.....brilliant days...........
  2. was on Long Row........Trina also worked in some other shops on Long a Posh Fur shop'' round the corner on 'King street'' or was it Queen st? corner of 'Greyhound st''......can't recall the name of the 'Fur shop'' right posh it was........
  3. Lovely memories of ''Lyons Tea shops'' Dave........was engaged to 'Trina'' who worked in the one in Town........ Remember the day i passed my driving test 63/64 and running down Friar lane from 'East Yorkshire' driving school waving my 'Pass Paper'' all the way to 'Lyons' to show 'Trina'' and i kissed her up the 'Alley'' (no pun intended) that ran up the side........Her Mother was also a 'Waitress there...........celebrated that night in the ''Bodega''..........was given a 'Farrands' company van the following week........obviously not to be used for 'Private use........loved that weekend
  4. Breakfast in Bulwell this morning...........quite chilly walking down main street...but i was still in the minority of blokes who were not wearing shorts.......
  5. Sounds as if youre in Bulwell David...........
  6. Tek no notice David..........the site needs shaking many 'Bores and Hypocrites''.......i find you refreshing.... As Katy says keep coming on........ Irrelevant chit chat ......only boring to Boring folk...... Newby to advanced double quick......nowt up wi that....... Ignore the circling Sharks.(or Shark)....just a bunch(or Pair) of sad people.......... ...............
  7. Just a lovely song.............wish i still had my 'Pencil case;........
  8. Things must be getting better.............Rang Doctors this morning at 8.45 Appointment given for 10am..........
  9. I know Col.........just can't help ya think my condition is serious ?.......
  10. Lazy day today.......but came across this...i thought what a lovely tribute to the lovely late Una........
  11. Just Love Skegness in the morning.......... Don't tell me its not 'Skeggy'' Brilliant on full screen...........
  12. Sorry i humbly apologise for thinking it was the Hemlock stone... It does so look like must run me thru next time we meet for my 'Crass'' mistake...
  13. Little Quiz.......can you name the local landmark seen on here ? Once sat in its shade about 1966 and had a smoke and a Coke with a lovely girl from Long Eaton...
  14. Splash a bit of ''Old Spice'' and off you go...Dance all day......
  15. Thats certainly true cliff ton in my case...........I've lived and lodged all over our pleasant land....but never found anywhere else like it............probably because all my larger family and friends originate there...... It still holds surprises for me in the people i ''Bump into''....and their sense of humour is unique........even most of the old buildings are still there......which cause many lovely memories..of work and play....... Me and my favourite cousin are now the oldest in our bloodline........she still lives in Bulwell..........and over coffee
  16. In Bulwell for a change today.....but what a morning..of 'Bump into's''............ 1. Chap that was my Babysitter from when i was 5 years old... 2. Store detective i worked with 20 years ago... 3. Brother of a bloke i used to go down Locarno with early 60s..Teenbeat tuesday nights...said he does'nt go nowadays lol'' Bought some ''Old Spice'' Original...very expensive...Girl on the check out said ...''her Grandad used to wear that''....told her ''no chance of taking you out then ?''............come back when you got some on..and we'll see...said she..laughing...........go
  17. Agree Red what a boring Cup Final..........largely lost my love of football......but watching todays women's final was how football used to feigning Histrionics of any kind...just good end to end football...not even any spitting Thank-you some great are rekindling my love of the once great game...........
  18. Todays so called Music.....just not for me.....they all sound as if they crying in pain..........come back Cliff and Cilla........and they knew how to dress....... Better still Pearl and Teddy.......
  19. Apart from your 'Good Result'' Mary.......what a nightmare day.... Pretty well sums up life in the wider world no longer a pleasure...whether by public transport or Car......
  20. I don't care what you can't beat a bit of ''POMP'' even ''Circumstance''.......go for it 'Charles'..........
  21. RIP Dennis..........Memorable song...even made the charts...loved all his characters............
  22. Paid £200 for a yellow two bucket seat ford Capri.............wedged the girl friend in the passenger seat and set off for Skeggy....... Blew up just outside Lincoln................
  23. Wife back today from her 4 day jaunt in Liverpool........first time she'd been and 'Loved it''..........i've worked a lot in Liverpool and must admit i love the place and its people....... Too many great artists to mention but i have to.......apart from the Fab 'Gerry and the Pacemakers'....and the 'Beatles' there was 'Billy Fury'' and Cilla Black'' plus many more...... Just something very special about the place...and its History...... Edit......Play on full screen for best result..........
  24. I wondered if anyone would notice that Staverton Girl.........different world back then...........