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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Don't push your luck..........Mr Putin..........
  2. Tried to answer you by PM Brew.....
  3. Just found out a relation of mine got married..the other day.....they've been together 40 years..both in their 60s......hope shes not up the ''Duff''.......
  4. Alpha.......never mess''with'' or 'Underestimate'' a nation of shopkeepers.........
  5. I Said my son's flight to the Ukraine was cancelled the other day...........unfortunately it was rescheduled and he flew in yesterday............
  6. Certainly can Mr Wilson........i know where you live...gave your Mavis a Croggie home last night........
  7. Breakfast in ''Jeromes'' Bulwell this morning...£6.50 very nice... Purchased small Ornamental Cat.. off Bulwell Market...50p.... Had Haircut in 'Geezers' £ 8.......... Met old friend..hes 80...known him since 1947...discussed our ''Footballing days'' and nights down the ''Palais''.......talked about going back down this weekend to see if we could still ''Pull''.....
  8. Coopers 3 oz jar Horseradish Sauce 1/6.........Marsdens Sneinton blvd 1961 ish.......
  9. Thrifty above in 1967 when i managed it......on...Mansfield road Sherwood ....opposite Wilko's. Same shop this morning.......2022...........(below) Actually went in....first time since 1968.......even went in the back warehouse where i used to bone the bacon....... Sherwood was looking better than the 60s....nice coffee places and outdoor seating..... The inside of the shop bought back many memories....won't bore you with em.........
  10. My favourite era for ladies fashion was the 20s and 'Black Bottom''..........
  11. Completely agree be honest i find the way younger women dress today very unattractive............probably my age....ladies back in the 50s 60s and 70s had much more style and knew how to carry it off........... Be down the Palais or Locarno tonight if i had a ''Time Machine''
  12. Invade? never......i dont think.... do you?
  13. Enjoy Red...........nothing finer as Lizzie says than live music...... Feel the room moving ...its a special pleasure....Makes you feel good being surrounded by your kind of music........... Some Guys have all the luck''
  14. 1970........Had a spot of bother with a band from 'Stabbo'' Enjoyed 'Mungo' though........... If her Daddies rich..take her out for a meal......... If her Daddies poor just do what ya feel..............
  15. Its been nearly 60 years since i lodged in Coalville i was 18/19 and had a lovely time.........the club i used to use was ''The West End club'' ive just checked and its still operating.......My favourite date was a girl called JILL............Took her to Whitwick pictures to see ''Robin and the seven hoods''............. I was Manager of the 'Thrifty' supermarket in the precinct which was part of the Farrands/Marsdens set up...and still remember some of the staff.......... Brenda...Pauline...Eileen...Floss...Fred...June and Paul............ Often think about going ba
  16. Maybe same family Alpha.........i was at school with a Colin Weatherall....who became well known as a football referee.....
  17. I was in so much pain........i didnt care...Margie......the then Wife didnt even know i'd been out........told her when i got back from Grimsby........
  18. Probably same Dentist back in 1969 that took 3 back teeth out for me at about 3 in the morning......he did it wearing his dressing gown and no Anaesthetic........charged me £ you couldnt get that service today........ I was still at work in Grimsby by 9am..........
  19. Was it the same ''Wheldons Dairy'' that was on Northgate new Basford ?
  20. Good news this of my sons was due in Kiev tomorrow...but glad to say its just been cancelled..........
  21. Happy Valentines day to all you lovely Nottstalgia ladies....... This is mine and the wifes song from when we got together in the 80s.......... ''When you get lost between the moon...and Exeter city''
  22. Must get some new ''Bigger Mirrors''...And an ''Apricot Scarf''