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Everything posted by Karlton

  1. out here in lincs the lights flickered and that was it.
  2. if yer get lopsided tick its TIME it was sorted out.
  3. In place of a badge the men could wear yellow strides tucked in half turned down wellows a blue blazer smokin an empty fag holder, do yer think we'd recognise one another in a crowd?
  4. we used to have one in Skeg. don't arf miss it.
  5. Perhaps just N or perhaps not N
  6. I dreamt I was sent to coventry on nostalgia not expecting any replies to this
  7. as a school lad I worked for a short while at I believe it was Sid Atkins butchers, I think it was Sid Atkins.
  8. wouldn't mind coming back as katyj with a thousand likes.
  9. that looks to be the one stan. thanks for that. appears to be correct loppylugs I vagually remember looking from the roof into the bus station but minus the busses at that time. good picture of central market and palais de dance stan.
  10. anyone remember the electricity board building at the beginning of st anneswell road, I did some repairs to the roof many years ago.
  11. well done carni keep us posted.
  12. Karlton


    I remember very well the pictures that was in the old railway carrieges set above the seating, I wonder what happened to them/
  13. perhaps if yer switch it on we mighr see it.
  14. Karlton


    thanks so much Chulla for sharing this lovely art work. Oh to have such talent. you must be very proud.
  15. #1 a charlesworth congrats mate.
  16. I waah the pots so it looks like i'll be doing them all year then.
  17. we didn't do any washing couldn't be bothered to get the dollytub and ponch out, not forgetting the dolly peg. bring back the twin tub. lol
  19. Going off track here a bit but anyone remember the bus conductors shouting the stops? many a time I used to catch the 39 from town to Carlton.it would go somethimg like- next stop storer street, then St. mathias, Crown, Cardale road, Standhill road, hooten road, Ivy Grove, Garden avenue, Chesterfield road, Terminus. then the wooden chock lowered on a chain, to wait for the next journey.
  20. they say two heads are better than one.
  21. Thats very true mate, hits yer sometimes. mus'nt dwell eh.
  22. Can I at this time ponder a thought as a nostalgian for the terrible accident in glasgow