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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. It was an old BSA .177 which I had when I was about 10. I’ve still got it!
  2. I suspended my Airfix aeroplanes from the washing line and picked them of with my air rifle. I did make a model of HMS Belfast just before the Falklands war but after the war ended we ceremoniously burnt it.
  3. Depends whether you’re still alive BK!
  4. My first company car was a Morris Marina TC. That had the MGB engine but with more weight to lug around. Pretty dreadful really. It was superseded by a Ford Capri 3 litre Ghia in white with a black vinyl roof which was a considerable improvement.
  5. Councillor Mitchell was on the city 'watch committee' which oversaw the police force. Coincidently they bought their police cars from Mitchell's!
  6. I'm sitting in the car park at that very spot now Loppy!
  7. A roll of self amalgamating tape.
  8. A bit of excitement would be nice on this hitherto uneventful day!
  9. You can buy a roll of self amalgamating tape from many sources for about £3.50. It will do the same job.
  10. Is anything what it used to be? It’s said ‘never go back’
  11. This is why they sell shrink sleeving in various diameters.
  12. Screwfix is probably better as they sell reels in various diameters as opposed to the assortment box of small lengths you would get at Halfords.
  13. Thornton’s are now owned by Ferrero Rocher would you believe!
  14. There is still an Admiral Rodney in Southwell. Quite popular with Brackenhurst campus students I believe. The former landlord now runs the Waggon at Bleasby.
  15. My only memory of the Rodney was of someone (not me!) drinking eight pints of ale and throwing it up in the car park. A most spectacular performance!
  16. One my earliest memories was of standing outside the Midland station looking at the floods on Arkwright St. I would have been 4 at the time.
  17. Most of the R.O.T flooding was on the bypass and a bit down Nottingham Rd. I don’t think any houses were affected. The worst round here was in Lowdham where 60 houses flooded when the Cocker Beck overflowed. Sadly most of the houses had been built on the flood plane and had been flooded previously. Planners don’t seem to have a clue.
  18. Fewer items are sent by mail these days. Increase the the price and it may be fewer still. Good thinking!
  19. Many years ago, on a business trip to Germany, I was inveigled to go to a night club where, much to my surprise, they had a live sex show! The place was full of dirty old men looking extremely furtive. The poor guy who did the act looked worn out and I don’t think he appreciated my shout of ‘encore’ at the completion of his performance!
  20. Yes, but they were both absolute dives! It was schoolboy curiosity, we were all in the 6th.form at the time.
  21. Plus it's designed to serve the enormous housing estate currently under construction on the old colliery site.