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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. Would you have one now and where would it be? I don’t mean on Alfred St!
  2. I trust you did yours yourself and that they are painted on.
  3. This is not an internet porn site Barrie!
  4. Looking up tattoos on the NHS/MRI site it's not generally a problem. Some tattoos may contain metal pigments so you have to yell if you experience a pain apparently. If you're a connoisseur of tattoos, especially on grossly obese ladies, then I can recommend a trip to Morrisons at Netherfield. One of the few pleasures there are in life at my age!
  5. He's behind the scenes manipulating Mister Blobby!
  6. Most of us feel like that towards Parliament at the present time! They are talking some sense in Parliament this afternoon though about not leaving without a deal. Unfortunately deal or no deal wasn't on the agenda at the time of the vote and the ill informed electorate just voted 'out' because they didn't like being 'ruled' by Europe. It's deeper than that but that's the simplistic interpretation!
  7. Every day when you wake up it's a nice surprise!
  8. I was born in 1943 Barrie. Living on borrowed time time now.
  9. I’ve just calculated that our 54th wedding anniversary will be when I’m 90. You’re all invited!
  10. Will it give her a vibro-massage?
  11. A 54th wedding anniversary is traditionally celebrated with a glass gift. Take her to Specsavers!
  12. 'Witchcraft is not uncommon in these parts' - it do be said!
  13. Like him or not (and I'm not certain I do), the guy is actually getting on with the job of delivering Brexit which is what a slender majority of the ill informed electorate wanted. Can't really fault him for carrying out the wishes of the people at a democratic referendum. The problems will come later.
  14. Many of them are married to their sisters!
  15. Xenophobes? Out here in the valley we’re even suspicious of the next village! If I go into the pub two miles away they always say ‘you do be a stranger in these parts, we don’t much like strangers round ‘ere’!
  16. Are you growing rhubarb this year?
  17. Are you inferring Ben's past his prime Cliff? He won't like that!
  18. They were Lamson pneumatic tube systems. An American patent. Some systems used wire cateneries. Horne Bros, the mens outfitters, had pneumatic tubes.
  19. Same here for me at Mellish. Seven very happy years there. It was very academic. Most of my year group went to university or the professions. I know lots of people to go to university these days but back then there were fewer places so you had to reach a high standard to get in. I always looked forward to going to school in the mornings!
  20. I believe they were motor factors. Didn’t they have a place on Lower Parliament St. over the road from the then Post Office building?
  21. Midland Mag. They were an institution. Each man was an expert in his field. The good thing was you could get to speak to the person doing the job and not just pass the faulty part over the counter. Now you just fit an exchange unit if you can physically get at it to remove it. They used to close the shop for their annual day out and take the opportunity to put a photograph in the Post of all of the staff.
  22. I had the impression that a lot of people didn't like the influx of 'foreigners' making extra demands on our schools, health service and housing. I didn't see a lot of people from the UK extolling the virtues of moving over to Poland or Romania. The fact is that we have more to offer them than they've got to offer us. Also we don't have an identity card system so the criminal element can just disappear into the shadows.
  23. The referendum never mentioned a deal. It was either in or out. The whole thing was badly set up by Cameron but that’s another story. A ‘deal’ would surely mean we have to continue with some contributions. We can’t have our cake and eat it. Boris is honouring the result of the referendum for better or for worse. All those that voted leave should have given their vote more thought at the time. All they considered was keeping out the foreigners (especially the Eastern European criminal element) and getting rid of ‘silly rulings’ from Brussels. Our entanglement with Europe was deeper than that an