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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. BK. I’ve told Paul he has a doppelgänger! Jill, I suppose she is a bit like let me although she has very curly hair.
  2. They changed the last item into girl’s motor racing instead of our warm hub when it went on IPlayer!. I’ll try to send a link…. i don’t think this will work as I’ve copied it from my WhatsApp ot has worked! It starts from about 12 minutes in
  3. Yesterday, the Warm Hub in our village was visited by both BBC Look East and the main BBC. They were filming for about 2 hours but of course there was only about 5 minutes on the local news at 6pm last night. Paul and our daughter were shown eating their soup and roll…. Lol …… and a friend of mine was interviewed using the local authority help and advice bus which was also visiting the Warm Hub. Paul and I are volunteers there but I had to stay at home yesterday because I was dog sitting! I’d have probably hidden in the loo anyway as I don’t like cameras
  4. @radfordredShe looks very cute - does she take after you?
  5. For teachers to be so deliberately unkind to children, they must be very unhappy people themselves - something really bad must have happened to them in their lives to make them behave in this way. I was very fortunate to have great teachers at C le W. There was only one who I wasn’t happy with and, to be honest, I wasn’t very nice to her either (I was a stroppy teenager at that time !!!). She once wrote on my school report: “Margaret lacks concentration, consideration and manners”.
  6. Interesting lyrics…. ’Nottingham, no-one could change you, Robin Hood would turn in his grave’ There’s been lots of changes so the man in green tights must be really spinning! I’m still fond of the place though, even if it’s very different from when I was young…..
  7. Just been watching ‘Money for nothing’ on BBC 1 this afternoon. A woman rescued an old metal watering can and decorated it in Folk Art style. Thought of you BK. Hers didn’t look as good as yours and she made almost £400!!!
  8. I followed the link and looked at the Beauty Box. If the items are full size then they would be worth more than £40 (in my opinion) but probably they are mini sizes/samples? They are marketed in this way so that people will then go out and buy the full size product. I wouldn’t use most of them anyway - they’d stay lined up in the bathroom for years But I appreciate I’m probably in the minority ……
  9. @DJ360 So the Advent calendar/Beauty Box was ‘worth’ £300 and you only had to pay £40? I hope this is your dry humour coming out … The only ‘products’ I use are E45 or Nivea (and Tesco shampoo, conditioner and cheap shower gel). I suppose I must be fortunate in having skin and hair that doesn’t need much ‘pampering’ But as the saying goes…. Things are only worth what people are willing to pay for them. (And we are all different in this respect).
  10. Hope you’ve had a pleasant birthday Loppy
  11. @Gem Looked it up and I see what you mean. The population seems to be getting less as the years go by! But, as you say, it suits you and the dogs so that’s good. Was it you who makes dolls’ house furniture or am I getting confused….
  12. Nice to see you’re posting again, Gem x. Are you still living up north?
  13. Yes, my dad was in the AA and I remember an AA Man saluting him as we drove past a little wooden? Shelter thingy .where the man was standing
  14. Ben, We are nearer to Sutton than Prickwillow! Paul often plays table tennis matches there though.
  15. Only been in the Lamb once, Ben - it is a very old pub! So who did you entertain there back in the day?
  16. @Cliff Ton you’re not old! You obviously still do more walking than driving…. and that’s good. Perhaps the next meet up should be in Ely - that would boost your mileage!
  17. About trusting and believing people…. I tend to believe what people tell me (unless I’ve a very good reason not to) and always give people the benefit of the doubt. I don’t see this as being naive ….. I meet many people who need someone to listen - really listen - to them. I suppose I always try to look for the good in people (and usually find it) This was my mum’s attitude so maybe that’s why I think this way?
  18. Milo was one of the Tweenies/ a popular children’s TV show about 20 years ago . One of my grandchildren loved to watch it
  19. We’ve had our 5 Covid jabs also this season’s flu jab. I feel sure that Paul would have been a lot worse if we hadn’t had them.. strangely I’ve got more energy than normal at the moment but you’ll have to iron your own shirts, Ben - I hate ironing …
  20. Paul has been feeling poorly for a few days - flu like symptoms - so he did a Covid test on Saturday morning which was negative. He continued to feel grotty so did another test on Sunday afternoon and it was strongly positive. I’m feeling fine. but just in case I do get it, I’ve been doing lots of housework today and got the laundry up to date. He is feeling a bit better today so that’s good. The beautiful sunny weather is getting all the washing dry as well, so life’s good…
  21. @trogg It must have been scary for you and your wife when you collapsed with the pain. Pleased you are OK now. Hope it wasn’t anything you ate at the Beefeater that caused it! X
  22. What a lovely positive post! A very happy Anniversary to you both and a happy birthday to you. Sounds like you had a great day with your family x
  23. Harlow Wood was a lovely hospital - really enjoyed my time there. i wouldn’t have come across your Auntie because i left there in 1962/63 to do my general training at Leicester Royal
  24. @Alpha did the ‘white ‘emulsion’taste a bit minty? I remember bottles of it as well as the malt stuff when I worked at Harlow Wood hospital in early sixties. We nurses liked the taste of both of them!