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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Oz no they arent the ones , I wish they were because they are much sweeter. Ours are typical of this region and they call them Zucche ( Zucca) which means pumpkin. I dont think it has a name but the shape is similar but the long piece is curved and sometimes curly. Not easy to peel. My daughter usually has a lot of beautiful pumpkins given to her during this time. Its an agricultural area as well as all the vineyards. Products like these are given away they are in so much abundance. It seems like the farmers unless they are in a cooperative dont bother collecting their produce. Shame consideri
  2. I’m 2000 we had just come back to live in Italy We had renovated this old farmhouse and after a few months we sat with some friends having a cuppa, the cat we had was always around our ankles or under the furniture. there was a slight shaking and rumbling then the chair I was on suddenly started to lift up. My first thought was “what the devils the cat doing” stupid I know but in that split second I didn’t realize. My husband shouted out”all get under the doorway beam” It only lasted a few minutes but we expected the worst. We did have some damage though not serious. It cracked the ceiling in
  3. What a difference a day makes. Feel very different today. All medication apart from cough syrup has finished . Last week a friend gave me 3 large pumpkins, not the round type but like large cucumbers with a bulb on the end. Ive peeled and chopped them and put them in the freezer ready for when the weather is a bit cooler for soup. Its still very warm here though.
  4. Not quite hows your day but hows your last few days. The weather here is still too warm for september and is very humid. Friday I met a friend for coffee and only wore light clothing . In the evening I started coughing and couldnt stop. I hoped it would go away as I have a tendacy to bronchitis ( which I havent had for years). The following day I started with a nebulation treatment that Ive always used but this time it didnt work. I felt worse and then developed a cold. Coughing and sneezing in abundance. Nothing was working until Monday when my husband called our dr who gave me an a
  5. We are not vegan or vegetarian but the more meat or chicken is mentioned we both say noooo. We are now finding meals without meat is tastier more fulfilling than meat and two veg. My husband has decided that he wants to lose his belly and lower considerably his glucemic level. He is slowly succeeding and of course weight goes down. He never liked integral products but not he looks for them. Bramley apples, we cant get them here either but years ago in Nottingham I asked about one that would support the temperatures here. I was told that it wouldnt survive. We do have a very good coo
  6. Draghi has done very well, it was a good thing that Conti was kicked out. Today only ( if I can say that) 4554 new cases and 66 deaths. Its going down.
  7. Our green pass is available to those who have had their 2 nd vaccination. We may not like it and there are thousands who don't but its working. From 15 th Oct its compulsory everywhere. People in public and private sector have to have it. Some have been suspended from work and a few without wages. Those that have the pass are happy theyve got it as they can and do go where they want. On tv last night we were congratulated by Fauci who said finally we are getting there but still it will take time to eliminate the virus permanently. Last night my son had a reservation for 6 women at his res
  8. Think every now and again they do a detour and pass over here and say hi to their mums.
  9. Theres plumbers and plummers. We had a radiator that was cold at the bottom and not knowing how good the local plumbers were we called one. I was convinced that the radiator was sludged up and needed cleaning but.....Nooooo it just needs bleeding. No No I think and I'm positive it is sludged up. Ok go ahead. Radiator bled, no air. Ok lets try something I cant make it out. I can , its sludged up. No its not, yes it is. Ok lets try this......result, sludge all over a floor length curtain and wall and oh dear didnt think it was. We had obviously chosen the wrong plummer. Lesson,
  10. Congratulations to you both on your anniversary. Have a great time and hope the weather is kind. Splash out, have a paddle.
  11. Congratulations BK have a good day. with her new vacuum you sweep the floors instead of tiring her.
  12. My dad started to teach me when I was 17 , He took me out into the country lanes and stopped on a hill around Mapperley plains ( cant remember exactly where) Stop and start again try not to slip back. Ok , but I'd stopped short of the brow of the hill and couldnt see the oncoming traffic. " Now what are you going to do" Gear in 1st hand break off and all the rest... shot across the road and stopped right in the middle. That was enough for me, it frightened me to death. Next licence came and dad sorted me out with one of his colleagues who had taught many police officers. He was a brilliant in
  13. Plenty of courgettes and you're stuck for a meal and you don't like them fried or boiled? Chop them fairly small along with a ripe tomato or a few cherry tomatoes, cook them with a garlic clove in a little oil when they are almost cooked add a good handful of fresh basil. Don't drain , serve with pasta or rice. This is a dish that we love, its fresh and light and you dont feel podged when you've finished eating.
  14. Ben is it really 3 yrs ago? It doesn’t seem possible but glad you are getting back to normal and looking good. As regards to electricity aiding pleasant music listening, I wouldn’t know as I listen to day time music but I have noticed if I do my ironing in the evening it always turns out better and smoother.
  15. Yes its always a problem just when you need the space. We gave our upright to my son and bought a 1.50 x 60 chest freezer. We bulk buy a lot of fresh meat from wholesalers and as we are in the country its not always convenient to nip down to the shops. So really its been a godsend for us and if my son or daughter need space the lid is always open for them or should I say for their excess food.
  16. All the artists of this era are leaving us as we will be leaving the younger generation who have never had the joy of listening to these artists. Most of the songs are still with us today and have survived the passing of time. How many of todays songs will be able to survive for more then 50/60 yrs and still be popular?
  17. So sad I loved them. Was Don the eldest or Phil. R.I.P.
  18. Was going to say open freeze them but Margie beat me to it.
  19. We do have a doorbell, a common or garden doorbell that when it rings you can hear it 10 km away. Its so loud and we cant lower the tone of it. Good job we dont have too many neighbours.
  20. Along with asking Alexa "how do you say "The cats in the coal in German" then translate it in Italian. ( de katz in de cule") sorry my german is non existent and the spelling is probably wrong. The answer is rude.
  21. Isn't it easier to tell us what youre not interested in and then we can all stop posting
  22. Took my 6x 1kg jars out of the sterilising pan this morning. Three lids just slipped off much to my anger. I'd overfilled them with sugar syrup and boiling water does what its supposed to do and forced the lids. Never mind we had one for a sweet at lunchtime, gave another to my son and froze the other. They were nice and had kept their colour. Thats enough preserving for now .....maybe, it depends whether the price comes down again. I saved the peel from the peaches and dehydrated them and ground them into a powder ready to use when making cakes and biscuits. I'm dehydrating marshmallows
  23. DJ so have we . I use it to do a shopping list which then goes onto my phone. very useful sometimes. Love playing 50's and 60's music.
  24. Yes DJ we've frozen them "as is" whole because we haven't had time to chop or freeze. They are handy when making soups. We eliminated our "veggie plot" yrs ago. When we bought this house it had a huge back garden uphill which was an orchard, 5 apple, a damson, 3 figs, 4 pears, persimmon,walnut, and its so long ago I cant remember any other. They hadnt been taken care of and so slowly if they didnt produce any more they were eliminated. May seem strange but at the front we had enough land to plant 130 different varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes and some salads. We are south facing an