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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Hope it's on prescription. Some of our medications are free but others we pay a " ticket" which is a small charge. I use sensodyne too and it's more expensive than most toothpastes.
  2. A few days ago we had some really beautiful sunny weather. Yesterday it got windy and turned very cold . It looks like it's going to be cold for a while yet then turning warmer. Outside we have taken up all the grass, the dogs have ruined it anyway. ( we did say at the beginning that would be the case). A week after it was put down my husband said he wanted to dig it all up and place it with autobloccanti. Well we did it the other day and waited for them to deliver the paving blocks. All laid down leaving 3 x 1 m squares for a palm tree , a fig tree, an acer (larger than the 2 we had l
  3. Mary the allergic reaction in hairdressing is parapheline diamine, if I remember they were the correct spelling. They stuck in my mind when I knew and thankfully they were the answers for C&G.I still look for ingredients that may be harmful on products.
  4. Fortunately I don't have a need except for the occasional headache and that doesn't happen often. When my mum came to live with us from Scotland she brought her prescription with her. We took it to a dr friend who eventually examined her and cut her tablets down by half. Mum was horrified she said she couldn't do without them. Levothyroxine was left but eventually came down to a lower dose , co codemol was also reduced to 2/3 rds and the rest were gradually reduced too. If I remember right she took about 14/15 every day but then got them down to 8. I hate taking tablets, but if I have to I tak
  5. No it doesn't it makes you think it may be just a flu vaccine..????
  6. RR we don't have anything like swift queue. We are now on the list and await a call of some kind. BTW AstraZenica vaccine, there was only ONE lot that has been stopped, the other lots are being continued. So it isn't as bad as it sounds.
  7. Weve just adhered to the vaccination list online. Ive printed out 15 pages (for me, so have to print 15 for my husband too) Twelve pages is the module for consent and the other 3 are scheda anamnestieca. I thought it would be a simple letter, email, telephone call or message to make an appointment but it seems to be more complicated. The local chemist was doing the preliminaries but all computers were blocked. What I want to know is how does it work in UK. I know in Italy theres a lot of beaurocracy(sp) especially with signatures etc. Thanks in advance for any info.
  8. PP they are doing it to investigate . The investigation apparently ends tomorrow. Virologists are saying that the vaccine is safe. So really it just a caution they havent definitely stopped it. You probably get an exaggerated version than us.
  9. My brother was in the Army he loved it, apart from his stint in Northern Ireland. He told dad of the horrors he saw and it deeply affected him and he was a strong man and nothing seemed to affect him. His eldest son also followed his career , he seems to be having a whale of a time.
  10. I too welcome you Fairlad. I'm sure you'll find lots of interest here. Are you still in the Army?
  11. Whoever wrote this has hit the nail on the head, it should be sent the couple to remind , especially Harry exactly what his grandmother is and what she's sacrificed. Well written and thanks for posting.
  12. Margie , I said to my husband a few weeks ago that I felt old. His reply was a laugh and he added we are old. I'm the same age as you but I think of age as just a number to live with. It's the others that are getting old not me.
  13. Heard tonight that starting from 15 March the over 60 up to 79 are being vaccinated. Hooray it can't come quick enough for us.
  14. Too complicated to follow Mary but why didn't you accept the refund. Wait a few days then order another. I recently had an issue with Amazon. I ordered a wall dispenser for foil, greaseproof paper and cling film. Didn't arrive but on follow pack it came up as being delivered . "Have you looked everywhere?" Yes it's not here. "Have you looked on a wall behind gate or elsewhere?" Yes It's not here and its not been delivered. " ok we'll give you a refund. A while ago received a message from my daughter who had heard from the local agroturismo that a neighbour of theirs had received a parcel
  15. I was about to ask this question. I felt sure there was at one time a statue of queen Victoria near slab square. Now I know. I'd forgotten that it had been taken to the embankment.
  16. Busy week and very busy day. A while ago we decided to change everything, well practically everything in the house. We changed the kitchen and changed the colour of the doors. Then we chose some new settees and thought the existing furniture in the lounge wouldn't go with them so everything must go. The furniture is in very good condition but I've got fed up with it after almost 35 years. So new furniture is being chosen when we can. The settees are arriving this afternoon, but we need to redecorate everywhere so hoping that the chap who usually does it can come and do it providing he's in the
  17. I used to be on FB years ago but got fed up with it. But I've recently rejoined and I've found this time that it's been more enjoyable and I hardly post anything but there are so many new things on to watch, some interesting, some ridiculously stupid. As the saying goes on here "you don't have to read it" I've found quite a few old friends and school friends , next door neighbours and even got back in touch with my penfriend from school days in 1955. So it's not all stupid and innane comments.
  18. A sad thing to post but we've been warned about dogs being poisoned especially in our little hamlet. Poisoned meat is being thrown over walls or gates. This is probably a warning that burglars are intending to be around. We live in a sparsely populated area and when one house gets burgled others follow. Many of the residents are farmers or have land to care for and have big dogs outside in their courtyards so when they are away the animals aren't being protected and the thieves are left to their own devices. We only have 2 immediate neighbours and 2 a short distance away. We have good neighbou
  19. Not quite a pet but....
  20. My first wage was £ 1.12.6. Yes you've guessed it apprentice hairdresser. I could never have a Saturday off until we got another apprentice. I could never go to friends weddings. Then I decided to put them in a situation where they couldn't say no. I booked a 3 month holiday in USA to visit my penfriend. When I returned they'd taken me off their books so they had to re employ me. All in all they were good to work for.
  21. Stuart C our list is similar to that and we are after the over 80's (78) I don't know if I'll be classed as vulnerable or not. Don't know if being in followup counts but I don't care as long as I get vaccinated. We have a cousin who has a petrol station and she thinks it's a con from the govt. won't wear a mask although she's been reported by customers.
  22. Interesting about the 60+ being vaccinated soon. I thought they'd already been vaccinated as there are lots of apparently 60+ on here. If you've been done how did you do it without being called? Just wondered as we have just started 80's and seems we are next 65-80. We will or should have Pfizer as the under 65's have Astra Zeneca. Hope we all get covered no matter what . We are once again in orange zone after being in yellow for a month. Awaiting today for new Dpcm further restrictions. It takes some keeping up with what we can and can't do.
  23. There are a lot of Italian names male and female when translated are really old names and it doesn't seem right to give newborns those names.
  24. Cables are a pain Carni ours seem to enjoy showing us all the internal wires, especially this iPad , it has a cover and there's little space to get the other end out without damaging the cable itself. At the moment it's taped up with black tape. The other iPad is 8 yrs old and the USB split in half . That's glued with superglue. They both work until the battery goes flat. Feel like putting them both outside to let the sun recharge them. It's 20 degrees.