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Everything posted by Brew

  1. I makes me smile that you thought him plausible - I thought the opposite! as you say he still has to deliver but I will admit a lot of it is beyond his control...
  2. I wish some bugger would...
  3. It's not this is it? JAGGER - A carrier, carter, pedlar or hawker of fish; 19th century, young boy in charge of 'jags'or train of trucks in coal mine.
  4. I may have misunderstood you here in that it seems you have Dr Harries holding a ministerial office. She doesn't and I'm reading of her being praised for her being “calm, collected and coolheaded”. Another commentator claimed she was ‘inspired’ by the “dignified” medical officer. I'm not sure (I don't recognise it), if your post is verbatim or your interpretation of a question/answer scenario. I must say if you made it up it's an excellent piece of political gobbledegook speak which both parties could easily claim it as theirs. The same applies if it's accurate. Like y
  5. By whom, which 'experts'? It's almost a cliche that for every expert there is an equal and opposite. My post was not simply a reply to you SG, there are multiple threads. I'm not criticising you personally, your posts are always well written, well thought out, relevant and welcome.
  6. In life things when things break, go wrong and mistakes are made the default reaction is to blame someone – anyone. When people panic or come across as being on the verge of panic they instinctively seek someone to blame. I said a few posts ago one of the features of the post Covid age will be those omniscient people with 20:20 vision. They will know exactly what should have been done, they will know exactly what wasn't, why it wasn't and those responsible. Seems my timing estimate was out somewhat. There is a global shortage of PPE, it’s not the fact we don’t have enough we do
  7. Love it! on the beach and till wearing a collar and tie! Well done that man...
  8. Tut tut, too much onion in the Pork and Broccoli five spice.... sigh some people just never learn....should be ashamed o yersen...
  9. And that's the whole crux of the matter. Are we to take what it says at face value, what someone else thinks it says, or what fits most comfortably with out own predilections? Each may be a different interpretation and all can just as easily be different to the original intent and meaning and therefore wrong.
  10. There seems no point discussing religion, much though I like playing devils advocate. Unlike politics or science where we are able to present evidence to bolster our position, religion can offer nothing substantial as proof and detractors have little more than anomalies and contradictions as argument. The Bible (and the numerous versions), as we know it is the result of many translations; inevitably there are differing interpretations that have come from the translators own perceptions or point of view. It’s an exercise in futility which neither side can win.
  11. Interesting and I wish him well but please tell him to look before he crosses a road! From a viewers point it may give us a better idea if he stops once in awhile and looks around... Ideas - Arboretum - Canal walk - Highfields - Lace Market - Embankment... there's plenty to go at...
  12. Two lanes, 50 limit, and average speed cameras from Redhill all the way to Ollerton roundabout now Oz. Burntstump crosroad, another blackspot,t is now a Tee junction and an island at Longdale Lane turn to Calverton slows traffic under the bridge.
  13. I'm afraid it can't be me nor can I participate. I don't have a tablet and the laptops are quite old and do not have cameras...
  14. I'm obviously being a bit thick today, I've completely lost the plot here... it must be me age...
  15. What a strange question. I have no knowledge or awareness of time before my birth and as far as I know it would be difficult to be phobic about a past event.
  16. What a huge topic this could turn into! Religion is easily the most complex subject discussed by ordinary people. It's extraordinary how, without any demonstrable evidence, participants are so convinced they are willing to lay down their lives for an abstract concept. Religion ranges from the strictest of fundamentalist and zealots to the free love churches of the 70's and letting it all 'hang out'. In the middle are the mainstream who conveniently cherry pick those parts of the scriptures they can live with and turn a blind eye to those bits they can't or find uncomfortable.
  17. What about the missing 33%...?
  18. Not sure how that would work with a dozen or more participants. Then again what do I know? I've not videoed, facetimed, skyped, zoomed or anything else before. I might manage with two bean tins and a long string though...
  19. I take it you won't be joining the Westboro Baptist Church any time soon then...
  20. It's strange. On the three (so far) times I've been allowed out to drive to the shop I've seen little to no difference in traffic levels. Not been as far as twenty miles, more like eight there and back so no dual carriageway or motorway to judge. I think it was someone on here who said the car was doing three weeks to a gallon, in my case it's true!
  21. Perhaps you can continue the semaphore lessons you started in Sam Hall Margie...
  22. You get nothing for a pair... not in this game...
  23. I see your shoulder and raise you an epigastric hernia...
  24. Add my condolences Sue, I know the pain of losing a close family member.