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Everything posted by Brew

  1. I researched how long the pandemic is predicted to last and I'm disappointed find there is no end in sight and a very real possibility it will never go away. Quite a few scientists are saying the progress could be, Epidemic - Pandemic - Endemic. Like Flu it could return and keep returning. We have been to Asda this morning, no more than two of any one item allowed, and stocks are improving although there are no eggs. Traffic is quiet but not massively so and there people walking around going about their day. Asda is only about three miles away so not a long journey
  2. Actually Col I said you came across as someone on the verge of panic - and you did. Are you now saying we should all panic and if so how will it be of any benefit? I realise it is incumbent on you as a die-hard socialist to castigate and denigrate the government's efforts and that's fine but do you have any suggestions as to what action you think they should have taken that: A. Wouldn't see them accused of a Draconian knee jerk reaction or B. Too little too late and ignoring the plight of the people. Since the sh** really hit the fan Corbyn and
  3. They are and so are many along the way. We have just returned from a jaunt around the peaks. We went as far as the Cat and Fiddle then returned via Bakewell, Matlock and Matlock Bath. Matlock Bath is heaving! There are as many motorcycles there as there is on any normal weekend. The Cat and Fiddle is takeaway only but visitors are simply sitting together outside and eating their food and drink. We thought we could drive to a nice bit of scenery, park, have lunch (picnic) and listen to the radio. - no chance. car parks full, laybys full and bikes parked in quite inappropriate p
  4. I'm sure we all really hope it's a false alarm Mary...
  5. Today we have had a meltdown of the total kind. Herself has been holding it together for the most part and with a little encouragement we have been about our daily business about as normally as possible. She desperately misses her grandson (6yrs old) and the stiff upper lip and resolve to be upbeat did not survive WhatsApp. A tearful little boy looking into the camera saying "I really miss you mama" broke the dam.
  6. Any good nonna:
  7. I have the same plan for the weekend trogg. Pack a picnic and go for a wander, find somewhere nice with a view and have lunch. I might even try my new phone and see how good the camera is.
  8. I can't see why if they have cleared the shelves once then surely they can't keep bulk buying, where the hell do they keep it all? I naively thought that once the silly buggers had their fill stock level would be back to normal..
  9. It's been a year and three mnths since I smoked.......................... and I could kill a ciggy............
  10. I've just read there are so many people going online at the moment the EU is suggesting ISP's stream films in low resolution or risk slowing the internet down to a crawl.
  11. In the last 36 hours I have slept nearly 20 of them. Woke this morning 6:30 and went back to sleep until 10:30. My cough it seems was a temporary thing and so far have not coughed at all today. Today I is mostly quite cheerful!
  12. Are these prices real or hearsay? Has anyone actually seen these item at such outrageous prices?
  13. Thank you nonna, the more I consider the symptoms the less inclined I am to think it's CV and more just a bit of a snotty nose and a sore throat.
  14. Been there Stuart thanks and I'm not too concerned at the moment, I only have the cough and none of the other symptoms. I wouldn't normally think twice about it give the time of year but 5 days after having sat 3 hours on a plane in close proximity to 230 other people... We shall see.
  15. Nicely done Col, I suggest if the light is too 'white' you try a 'warm' rather than a cool white and something like a Tiffany shade....
  16. I would that that was true Col, the difference is choice I'm fairly sure that given the abundance we enjoy today things may have been different . During the times you mention people had little to no choice and I seriously doubt the population back then were any more altruistic then than now. You can't panic or bulk buy with a ration card. On a slightly more worrying note it is now day five since I returned Sur le Continong and I've developed a cough. Feel fine otherwise, no fever etc. but throat is feeling quite 'raw'. I've spent most of the day in bed or playing computer gam
  17. In my experience most wear a paper mask, mine for 'elf n safety' make the patient wear safety glasses too, no idea why.
  18. I hope it's true. From what I've seen the situation is getting out of hand
  19. Three supermarkets today, Morrisons, Tesco and Asda, can't even get in the carparks at two of them at 11am -sheer bloody madness! I've read of the toilet paper and hand sanitisers but no one mention bread, eggs, milk and a whole raft of depleted shelves. One silly lady was struggling to load 10 ! loaves into the boot of her Micra and still had 2 trolleys to go... Eventually bought a loaf but what a palaver! There's going to be an awful lot of food go to waste I'm sure
  20. Glad it went well and you'll soon be getting your leg over... The Fergy that is... I've had one o them there spirals, it's the weirdest sensation being wide awake and unable able to move your legs
  21. You're right trogg and here's why: "Soap contains fat-like substances known as amphiphiles, some of which are structurally very similar to the lipids in the virus membrane. The soap molecules “compete” with the lipids in the virus membrane. This is more or less how soap also removes normal dirt from the skin. The soap not only loosens the “glue” between the virus and the skin but also the Velcro-like interactions that hold the proteins, lipids and RNA in the virus together.",,, Pall Thordarson is a professor of chemistry at the University of New South Wales, Basically wha
  22. You little tinker Lizzie... why didn't I think of that? Perhaps we could start a cottage industry selling not quite 70 ID cards. Any one got a laminator?
  23. Clearly that is never going to happen voluntarily so how does the government, any government act? Curfew? Segregation? Lockdown? how would it be controlled or policed? I'm no fan of Boris but in this instance where no one, not even the scientists, know for sure what to do I can't really say he is or isn't doing his best' He and his cronies are living and working in the most densely populated part of the country, logically they will be at the greatest risk and self preservation says that if there was anything they could do that is not already being done they'd do it pretty damn quick.
  24. Some time ago I spent the best part of two days copying my negatives and slides onto a PC. Ozt you are so right, I never look at them and can't even remember which PC or drive they're on...
  25. To all I unreservedly apologise. It was meant to be jocular and obviously didn't come across the way I intended. Mea Culpa. I believe hand washing is necessary to prevent the spread of disease of course I do but the excessive hand cleaning some are suggesting does little more than to provide them a degree of reassurance. I have always washed after the toilet and before eating as do we all, I don't think in my situation any more is necessary and I refuse to panic. Read the experts, NHS, CDC etc and all say the virus has a relatively short life (a few hours at most) on ha