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Everything posted by Stavertongirl

  1. Yes that was it. She had quite a few stories about what went on there. You had to catch her in the right mood before she would tell you. It always seemed strange to listen to them, I suppose you don’t think about your parents doing anything before you were born or that they were once young. It made me see where some of my antics came from (getting into the back of the Albert Hall and meeting the Rolling Stones and climbing over the railings at the back of the De Montfort Hall in Leicester to be chased by security and running into Mick Jagger literally etc.) It must be in our genes!
  2. Talking about people shinning down drainpipes. My mum was a nurse and worked at the TB sanitarium where she met my dad. The staff were not allowed to fraternise (what a lovely word) with the patients but my mum was seeing my dad without anyone in authority knowing. She lived in the nurses home and used to climb down the drainpipe so she could meet him. From what she said it was a much used exit from the nurses home. Not sure if she had to climb back up to get in, but I presume so. I was amazed when she told me couldn’t imagine my mum doing that, after all she was my mum.
  3. When I started this thread I didn’t really expect to get many other posts, but in true Nottstalgia style it went from visiting old homes to sculleries, people climbing down drainpipes to free meals at Chinese Takeaways and all things in between. True Nottstalgia posts, I do love this site
  4. I can remember my nana’s scullery with the copper and large sink. My nana used to stand on a stool to push clothes down into the copper with a stick. We were not allowed to go in, she said it was too dangerous which of course made me more curious about it. Wash day was Monday, loved the smell of the soap she used, think it used to be a large green bar. There was also a “best” room with a piano in which was never used except for my aunts piano practice and I think my granddad was laid out there before his funeral. I only ever got in there once by illicit means so I could plonk the piano, I
  5. Life does move on regardless of our memories. I must admit I found the area a bit shabby, not that where I am now is posh or anything, I suppose living there you just don’t notice it. It was a (large) pit village and obviously when the pit closed it ripped the heart out and started the decline. It was sad to see. There was a family who lived a few houses away who had 2 boys who were (terrible thing to say but true) feral. They were one of the reasons I decided to move besides coming home, my friend who lived near me said they are starting to cause problems now. It is a shame as it was a l
  6. I moved in August 2018. It seems longer than just over a year. I will be going up again I dare say. Feel a bit awful not going to see husbands relatives, his sister and various nieces and nephews, great niece etc. but it was hard trying to keep in contact with them when it was so one sided, sometimes felt I was being a nuisance ringing them and the phone calls got shorter and shorter, always me ringing not them. I did try but you only bang your head against a brick wall for so long before you realise it hurts. My husbands younger brother and his partner have kept in touch, they live in Stoke O
  7. Last week I went back to Doncaster for the first time since I moved back to Nottingham. I must admit I had been putting it off, didn’t know how I would react to be honest and wondered if it might make me think I had made the wrong decision. But the shop I used to work at is closing next week so it would be the last chance to see the people I worked with so I bit the bullet. Treated myself to a taxi there, my friends husband said he would bring me back. The taxi driver smelled delicious and was very entertaining all the way there. Gave him a big tip! First stop was my friend (and previous
  8. I had a blood test about 3 weeks ago for my overactive thyroid. They only tested TSH, the reading had gone down quite a bit it was only 0.02 over the range, the hospital seemed happy with this but I wasn’t, it is hardly in range and I had been feeling a “bit off” again. Managed to persuade them to do another test to include TS3 and TS4, readings dont really make any sense unless you have these as well to see what is going on. Went for blood test with doctor (didn’t hurt this time, last time I had a bruise that went almost round my arm and it hurt like a b***h goodness knows what he had do
  9. The last post reminded me of the time my friend and I had a first floor flat on Wiverton Road. We shared the kitchen with the guy in the bed sit on the second floor. He was a nitemare in the kitchen, the only person I have ever known who could peel potatoes and end up with grey coloured chips. He would also help himself to whatever we were cooking and then vehemently deny he had. Anyway one day we heard an enormous bang from the kitchen. He had put a tin of sliced beef in gravy into the oven without piercing the tin. We never did find much of the beef but were finding bits of the tin for
  10. Mine is the road I lived on for many years (with happy memories associated to it) and girl is wishful thinking!
  11. I always fancied a little Red Devil on my shoulder. Never got the nerve to have it done when I was told it hurts.
  12. Sorry about that Brew, know the feeling vaping just doesn’t cut it either. Don’t think I have hurt my back, perhaps tomorrow will tell if I have. My hands are sore, my wrist hurts a bit but I was told I have a squashy (technical term from a consultant in Doncaster) wrist so it should ease off. Couple of bruises on my arms, probably from when I was escaping from behind the bed base. Broke a couple of nails which is a pain but otherwise unscathed.
  13. I decided today to change my bedroom. I was in the front one which is slightly bigger but never felt settled in it really, probably as this was the one with the awful smell (covered by a very pungent air freshener when I moved into the house) and I discovered a lot of black mood over the outside wall which has now gone thanks to my PIV unit. Measured up to make sure the double bed would go in and got started. Moving the single bed was easy, got it propped up out of the way in the front bedroom and moved the wardrobe units in the back bedroom (luckily it’s 3 separate units) only one of th
  14. Does this mean Parliament is now going to “negotiate” the deal? It will be a bit like a trade union going into negotiations with employers but taking strike action off the table before negotiating. Got a feeling it will be a case of there is a deal on the table take it or leave it.
  15. Eureka one new dog blanket being used after much sniffing, scratching and circling. Makes it all worthwhile possibly.
  16. Weren’t there other options out before parliament to be voted on at the same time as the May deal? All of which were rejected.
  17. I have just taken delivery of an Amazon parcel. (Alexa had gone green, the light that is, and informed me the parcel was arriving today, she does have some uses.) It was an enormous box so I staggered into the front room with it. Got it open (with help from my boys) and found a large amount of packing as usual. Pulled out yards of the stuff and then some of the air filled stuff. Finally got to the actual parcels, two new dog blankets for the boys. Now these are extra large, they are big lads, but they were in the smallest heavy plastic bags that they could possibly get them in, thought th
  18. Totally agree with you Brew. Will be with you in spirit on your protest march.
  19. I have once again been reading the posts on this subject. Firstly may I say I have never, knowingly, sneered at anyone for their views. On the subject of being conned, the original referendum could also be classed as a con, we were assured the common market, as it was then known, would always just be a trading block and would never progress into anything else and we know how that panned out. I don’t apologise for voting the way I did and don’t expect anyone else to, we each have our own reasons and views. As to the benefits of leaving no-one can know precisely what will happen one
  20. Totally agree. From being told I was stupid (Dr Peake) to I was dirty because I had long hair (Miss Trail who went on to be a missionary in Africa) I hated every minute I was there. My brother who went on to be an Astro physicist was told he was stupid as well (he obviously wasn’t). The best thing about that place was shaking the dust off my feet as I finally left.
  21. Got up this morning and felt really down and to be honest a bit tearful. Had a cup of tea and messed about with Alexa. Then by chance I found a 60’s music app. Had a lovely morning singing (not very well) and dancing (even worse) round whilst doing my cleaning up. Did the Tempations dance, Diana Ross with the arms and the Four Tops as well. Played air guitar with Jimi Hendrix and cried to Roy Orbison and Elvis. Skipped Herman & The Hermits always him them annoying. Singing to The Kinks All Day & All Of The Night and now I am twisting with Chubby Checker (trying not to put my back out)
  22. Never really liked Stevie Wonder. Can’t beat Smokey Robinson, The Tempations, Four Tops, the list goes on. Jimmy Ruffin What Becomes Of The Broken-hearted one of my favourites. Was Percy Sledge Motown? When A Man Loves A Woman amazing. It all stands up to the test of time, so glad I was around when we had this amazing music.
  23. I can remember going to D & P for my Bilborough Grammar school uniform. My mum always used to buy for you to “grow into”. My school blazer lasted right through the school it was that big and I’m sure the knickers came to under my armpits. Then there was the Grecian (very pretentious) tunic for PE, it consisted of two pieces of straight material sewed together with an elasticated waist, it used to ride up when you raised your arms with matching (under the armpit) knickers. Also the hockey shirts, mine were well below my knees when first bought, they didn’t half chafe with a short sleeved t-
  24. Noooo the very thought makes me shudder. They can do their own thing just not in my house. There is a very pretty one that has woven a web on one of my kitchen windows and is sat in the middle of his very intricate web at the moment. He is quite welcome to stay there, opening the window doesn’t bother him and I can clean the window round him but don’t want him inside. Perhaps I should borrow a couple of Jonab’s lizards.
  25. After a spiderless few weeks I came home tonight after a pleasant couple of hours at the local pub to find a humganeous (spelling?) monster on my living room wall. Thought it was Brock from my side store room but he has been sticking to the rules of his tenancy just coming out occasionally to say hello. This one was even bigger, perhaps his dad looking for him? With trepidation I went to get my trusty spider catching kit (minus the brush this time) and got back into the room and with horror saw it disappearing behind my sofa. No way was I going to sit on my sofa with that monster lurking behin