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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. It's me again, The day just gets better. The latest update of my brother's funeral is, there ain't gonna be one !!! It transpires that his family don't want to be involved in a service or scattering of ashes. I've been told that as there is no service, he will be cremated when they can fit him in, i.e when space available. Have no choice but to have my own little private service this end ! Will be advised as to when the deed as taken place. So here's to you boy, God bless and rest in peace.
  2. On about buses, although not Nottingham buses, just watched a brilliant little film called "666 Edgware". Only about ten or twelve mins long. All about trolleybuses. Just thought I'd throw this in. Excuse me for interrupting. It was on talking pictures at 09.35. B.
  3. To those who showed interest and care. As this thread is still " How's your day?", I just thought I might mention that my poor old brother, who passed away in January is still in Queens med as it cannot be concluded what the cause of death was. I'm still waiting to hear when and where the funeral will be. As a result don't know when or if I'll be coming up to Nottingham. No-one allowed to go and see him. Sorry to throw a dampner on the thread. Please excuse me. Beekay.
  4. Hey Plant fit, my missus has that be ro book and still uses it. She reckons you can't beat the old recipes. She also has her mums old recipe book from the 40s, when she was in the RAF. Trouble is with that though the quantities are for up to 450 persons. Want a cake? Take 48 eggs etc. B.
  5. Used to deliver Birds eye etc to all them there fine fares in my day. That was when I worked at SPD..I used to go to alfreton road branch when it worra cinema ! The OrionAnd I've probably handled your chest xrays Ayup.
  6. Buses are not just a job CF, but more a way of life. The registration on that vehicle shows as 1965, I left bilborough depot in early 1967. We were still doing the hospital run then. Another bit of useless information, I always volunteered to work Christmas day 10..00 till 4.00pm if I remember right. Now as I look back I think those years on the buses were the best of my working life.
  7. The registration on that vehicle shows as 1965, I left bilborough depot in early 1967. We were still doing the hospital run then. Another bit of useless information, I always volunteered to work Christmas day 10..00 till 4.00pm if I remember right. Now as I look back I think those years on the buses were the best of my working life.
  8. That bus route number 29 city hospital used to run out of bilborough depot, duty no.B295. It was a long part day shift being the only one with built in overtime. It ran from the city up to city hospital and waited there for a hour before bringing back the visitors. Shift used to start about 07.30(ish) and finished about 20.45, but I could be mistaken. Didn't bother going home after first bit, just hung around the depot playing snooker etc. B. PS. Don't recognise the crew though.
  9. But it's knowing where to look. That's the secret of intelligence. B.
  10. Thank you o' wise Tompa. Without your omnipotent knowledge, I am but merely a grain of sand in life's desert. I bow to your teaching. B.
  11. Surely everybody knows, it's in Cornwall, just passed Lostwithiel. !! (Where the pasties grow).
  12. Sorry CF but I'm no wiser. Don't know what FB means or to 'inbox' me. Told you I was a bit dim. I've noticed in my short time on here that a number of contributors use initials, but to me it's almost shorthand. B.
  13. What's the point in putting lol ?? No-one can see if your laughing or not. It would be easier to answer with something like, " laugh, I nearly wet myself !!" That way readers will know you enjoyed something. But maybe I'm being a bit naïve. B.
  14. What does LOL mean anyway? Told you I was missing something Ben. B.
  15. Am I missing something here or is it just a slanging match? It's certainly not a mutual admiration society. But then again, what do I know !!
  16. My only experience of H.H. was getting off the 56/60 bus on wigman road and climbing over the gate then walking round the top to the gate next to bilborough bus depot. Especially when on an early shift. That was back in 1962-66 when I was a conductor then driver.
  17. Beekay


    Once broke down and the RAC man tried to charge me the earth for a tow, but I got my monies worth, "Kept my handbrake full on, all the way !!"
  18. Beekay


    When driving, always remember, " The driver to watch out for is the one behind the one in front and the one in front of the one behind".
  19. Beekay


    On the subject of why, I wonder if the people of Gloccamorra ever wonder how things are with us?
  20. Beekay


    One thing I was told about defensive driving is " when driving down a lane for example, would you like to meet yourself coming the other way??" If your speeding, do you want to meet a speeder coming towards you, don't think so. B.
  21. Told ya Ben ! And thanks Brew, now I know my second cousins are in reality are once removed cousins. You learn something every day. Never liked 'em anyway.
  22. Ben, it would be your second cousin, twice removed. B
  23. It's nearly all lanes where I live and I don't mind cyclists at all except, when they are riding four abreast and you dare'nt risk trying to pass them. A lot of our roads are double lined and the bikes stretch out to the middle. You can guarantee the first time you attempt to pass, you meet some nutcase coming the opposite way who thinks he's immortal. Nuff said.
  24. Passed my test on a double decker bus so got a full licence. It was about five years before I ever touched a car, I was very cautious at first and my missus used to say to me, " what you waiting for ? You can get a bus through that gap". I was used to inching my way through lines of parked vehicles when on the bus and it sort of stuck ! Never realised the freedom. But I never made the mistake of thinking the opposite, I.e getting a bus through a narrow gap. For the record, I loved Fleet lines.