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I do indeed Rog. I took it apart some years ago to replace seals and o-rings and found it was shooting well over 12ft/lbs. I hastily corrected it as I didn't want to get locked up for not having a fire arms certificate. It is possible with modification to get a Rapid 7 up to 25ft/lbs but just below 12 is more than adequate for my use.

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I think you touched on where the snake problem came from, John.   Folks who will stupidly buy an exotic pet and then when it starts to get big and a bit threatening dump it in the Everglades or some o

Just to reassure our Colonial members that my comments about air rifles was only aimed at chavvy boneheads from estates that take great delight in maiming cats, dogs, rabbits and any other defenceless

I have a lovely, friendly squirrel, he visits my bird table every morning, he is a nuisance, but enjoyable to watch. I think it's weird that you people get a kick out of killing wildlife, in whatever

What FPS does it put out, mine is fairly consistent with 5.51mm Jumbo express pellets it runs between 600 and 603 fps but with 5.52mm Air Arms field I get between 574 and 580





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5 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

My last reading was 602 using Field Target Trophy 5.5mm pellets. 11.83 ft/lbs. 

Sounds spot on, those Jumbo express pellets push it a bit higher in my BSA all of them at 606 to 610 fps but not sure about accuracy, next time I go to the farmyard I'll take a few paper targets and have a play, I got some sample packs of pellets all different makes and weights the worse ones for FPS were the Bisley Hollow points all FPS were down to 508 to 511 over a ten shot spread



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My Chronograph, great bit of kit, just have to convert Mtrs to Fps, ie: multiply MPS by 3.281 equals FPS





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  • 8 months later...

Wasn't sure if the sights were a little off yesterday so Today I set a stick out in the field (with owners permission) at 30 yards and fired ten shots of "Air Arms" field 5.52 mm then ten shots of "Webley" Accupell 5.5mm then another ten of Air Arms, don't think I'll be buying any Webley Accupells anytime soon so Air Arms field look the best, the air pressure in the R10 was at 180 bar instead of the full charge of 232 bar





for scale I set a 5 pence piece at the side of each group,far left is Air Arms, middle Air Arms and the right  is Webley the wood is 1.5 inch x 5/8 inch pine and most of the shots went right through



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1 hour ago, Beekay said:

So where will you be shooting wooden pigeons or wooden rabbits then Rog. I'm intrigued to know.  thumbsup

In the woods obviously



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  • Cliff Ton changed the title to Air Rifle hunting
  • 7 months later...

Back from the farmyard with the R10, three ferals and one woody now resting, looked in one of the old outbuildings and saw what looked like an old Lister water pump all covered in dust and pigeon muck, would look great at the side of my vintage Lister stationary engine when it's cleaned up so going to ask the farmer if he's interested in selling it, you never know if you don't ask



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Knowing the generosity of farmers he certainly won’t give it to you! There’s a cafe you will know where the A46 meets the A17 north of Newark called The Friendly Farmer. It always makes me smile!

As you know, pigeons are a protected species. I won’t tell! :biggrin:





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Not protected any more, if they cause damage they are fair game, it was only while that clown Packham was squawking about them that killing them was banned but since then they have bread like it was going out of fashion and farmers can't keep up with them, anyroad ferals are fair game because of the diseases they carry and leave behind in their droppings, so it was three ferals and one woody in the bag today, 

The Theoben looks great Phil, you can get neoprene sleeves for the barrel and silencer as well as the bottle, thats what I did with mine, looks good and protects them





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Did'nt they make a film about you and Phil., Rog., I think it were called "The Deer hunters", or was it, " In the line of fire". :ninja:

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Ripping Yarns along with Michael Palin



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Get yer gun son, we going on a cruise



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It all seems a bit vague about shooting vermin. You have to be an ‘authorised person’ and work within the terms of the licence but you don’t have to apply for the licence. 

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So if you don't have to apply for a licence, how do you get one?  Iv'e seen some you tube vids on shooting rats. It seems y'all fighting a losing battle.

As for being 'third man' in a boat, I do have my own paddle !

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Just now, Beekay said:

So if you don't have to apply for a licence, how do you get one?  Iv'e seen some you tube vids on shooting rats. It seems y'all fighting a losing battle.

As for being 'third man' in a boat, I do have my own paddle !

No, Barrie, you’ll be up the creek without one.

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2 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

The last thing I want to do is go on a cruise. You have to dress for dinner!

Not on the tugs that Plantfit drives!

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It's called the General License in England and with the land owners permission you can shoot pigeons, rats, crows etc if the birds are causing damage to crops or property, rats go without saying, In Scotland though you do need a proper license issued by the chief constable



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In Scotland you need a licence for an airgun. Funny lot the Scots! Yesterday I saw the biggest rat ever. A neighbour keeps chickens so I guess it was after their food. By the time I’d come in to get my rifle it was gone!

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