Bracing myself for the annual onslaught of witches and werewolves

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It's about 6:00pm, I've just been up to Sains to find the staff wearing cloaks and blood stained make up. I've wandered home amongst kids dressed as monsters and God knows what else. Is it just me, who else finds this commercialised, American originated load of Halloween rubbish a pain in the backside. My missus has suggested I turn off the lights to discourage morons banging on the door, no chance, my dogs will terrify them.

Remember the good old days Bilbraborn when Halloween meant us sitting under the so called haunted arch at Dale Abbey and you crapped yourself when a cow started coughing, proper stuff them days, it wasn't rammed down your throats in the supermarkets as soon as you got back from your summer holidays.

Bahh Humbug.

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On the other hand we have a great atmosphere on Kendal site tonight. Families and their children all joining in the fun and laughter, and such imagination and thought has gone into decorating the vans. We even came across grave yards and half buried skeletons as we had a walk round the site to take it all in. We have pitched families on one side of the site and those who choose not to be involved well away from the ghoulish activities.

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I'm onside too Firbeck and I live where it really got going. Don't remember it being celebrated in Nottingham when I was a kid. Maybe one or two adult dances but that was about it. Folks tell kids not to take candy from strangers for 364 days a year but on the 365th its o-k to bang on strange doors and beg for it. Strange logic! All the horrific looking stuff appears in the stores in September. Now they are probably putting up the Christmas trees today. Count me out.

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Bit early for Christmas decorations yet Dave, got to get through Thanksgiving yet....LOL

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Bit early for Christmas decorations yet Dave, got to get through Thanksgiving yet....LOL

There is a small town in Crete where they don't take the decorations down they just don't turn them on till early December :)
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Never been one to 'celebrate' Halloween either. All seems a little pointless if you ask me, it's pagan and American so don't really see what relevance it has over here! I agree with you though, Christmas stuff is probably being put on the shelves as I type. 6 Mondays until Christmas I believe, where did 2014 go?!

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Pagan isn't American, pagan (which is celtic for "of the country") is what we were long before Christianity came to our shores, and is the oldest of all religions. Halloween is American, the pagan celebration for the end of the summer and the beginning of the winter months is Samhain, and is very much part of our culture and ancestry, and therefore has every relevance over here.

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Never been one to 'celebrate' Halloween either. All seems a little pointless if you ask me, it's pagan and American so don't really see what relevance it has over here! I agree with you though, Christmas stuff is probably being put on the shelves as I type. 6 Mondays until Christmas I believe, where did 2014 go?!

2014? Where did the last ten years go? ;)

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I agree, Melissa. I think it might be fair to say that few Americans even know the roots of the Halloween celebration. They have done it since they were kids and free candy has to be good. Hollyweird (not a misspelling) has jumped onto the bandwagon with horror movies and the candymakers and makers of other trash just jump in. Follow the $$$$s

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Melissa, You also questioned it's relevance over here I was just pointing out that the old ways started here. It is our heritage whether you like it or not. As with many of the old traditions and celebrations, All Hallows Eve coincided with an ancient festival (deliberately set by the church, as were many Christian festivals) where our forebears communed with their ancestors. Samhain is the Festival of the Dead, the major theme being that death is a beginning, a rebirth. America is only around 500 years old, as we know it (obviously there were indigenous people there before it was "discovered") and most of the European traditions have been taken there by the early pilgrims and later adulterated to suit their tastes, All Hallows Eve being one.

Nothing to do with this thread but coincidentally many churches are built on old ley lines and stone circle sites, as it was hoped that the pagan population would then attend the churches due to the locations, and thus be converted.

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Darkanza, you seem to be in a minority of one over this media induced Halloween crap. I was thinking about that camping site in Kendal, the Lake District is a beautiful place, I've been many times at this time of the year, those poor people in the campsite, having to experience screaming kids digging up plastic skeletons. I have two elderly widows living either side of me, why should they have to suffer knobheads knocking on their doors 'trick or treating', how do they know it isn't local criminals taking advantage of the situation. Me, I put Queen on my 200 watt sound system and prepared tea, I left the dogs to bark and throw themselves at the front door, they clearly enjoyed themselves.

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The kids were neither screaming nor digging up plastic skeletons Firbeck, if you the read the post properly instead of picking bits out of it.

I do not mind being a minority of one. I am confident enough in myself to voice my opinions as I see things and speak as I find than to just follow the sheep.

The adults were supervising their children and people who did not want to be involved were pitched well away from them. We had no complaints from anyone regarding the Halloween goings on. Everyone was very positive about it. And if you have been up to this particular campsite then you will know it is over 20 acres in woodland with cul de sacs spread about so that people can get away from the herd if they wish.....there is even one pitch totally on its own, perfect for you I would say!

At least bringing their children out here kept them from bothering the elderly by knocking on their doors. the adults were entertaining their children during the holidays, not just leaving them to their own devices as seems the norm nowadays.

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I must say it was a pleasure in belper to see literally hundreds of kids out with their parents having fun using their feet at the same time taking in fresh air ,and being safe,if Halloween is what it takes long live Halloween,firbeck has a point regarding older kids teenagers we do need to look out for our neighbours.

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Until a few months ago I lived right next to a very old Tower at a place called Temple Bruer.

The tower has many spooky stories associated with it and was (we were told) a place not to venture near at night.

I would often get up for the dog at dead of night and stand outside with nothing but a torch and wearing a dressing gown.

It had in fact quite a calm atmosphere and not the spooky place it was reputed to be.

Having now moved (only a mile away) we sometimes ride our bike past the place for old times sake.

On Halloween afternoon we happened to be riding by and noticed that the place had been invaded by loads of parents & children all dressed up in scary costumes etc.

Not sure what they were hoping to achieve or what the connection was, but the Tower has an interesting history associated with the Knights Templars.

It would be better if the parents told them about it's history rather than silly stories of ghosts etc.

Google it for more information.


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