Black holes & quantum physics.

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Been reading in New Scientist about 'electric bacteria.'  These are bugs that feed on & excrete electrons, they don't need oxygen to survive, they're found in very low oxygen environments. They have been found on electrodes carrying a low voltage. They're speculating that some of them live off ground currents that flow through the earth. I'm presuming the ground currents would need to be DC & not AC like you'd get from earth leakages from electrical power distribution systems & the SWER (single wire earth return) power line systems they use in some rural areas of Australia & New Zealand...

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The currents you are referring to are the Telluric currents that have many causes and flow with the earth and also upwards towards the sun. On a fine,clear day about 2 picoamps per sq mtr go skywards...

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Thanks for that info Brew, I couldn't think what they were called......... Been thinking: The tram uses 750 volts DC, the overhead wire is positive & the grounded rails are negative, I'm presuming some of the DC current leaks into the ground & there is the free din-dins for the electric bugs, aren't we kind?

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It's true the trams are earth return and there is quite a spike in ground current as they pass but due to the nature of ground and some strategic resistors it quickly dissipates.

It is neither AC nor DC, it is impulse current but I don't suppose your bugs are too concerned about that.

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  • 1 month later...

The boffins have been observing very high energy X rays coming from a galaxy cluster that could help prove or disprove whether string theory is correct or not. They were/still are looking for signs that high energy X rays from the galaxy cluster have turned into matter in the form of hypothetical particles called axion's. Unfortunately the axion's are a no show, so this has 'bu**ered things up' as they say. So they still have no clue whether string theory is true or not, so it's back to square one; again... 

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  • 2 months later...

I've just been reading of the anti-5G stick called the 5GBioShield which claims.


"Through a process of quantum oscillation, the 5GBioShield USB key balances and re-harmonises the disturbing frequencies arising from the electric fog induced by devices, such as laptops, cordless phones, wi-fi, tablets, et cetera,"


It turns out it's a standard £5  USB with a sticker on it that they are selling for £330. How can anyone believe such twaddle? It's about time someone came up with an anti-stupid pill

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Thanks for the link CT.,it made interesting reading. Was it written by Enid Blyton? 

Just goes to show, how naive some people are.

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With this 5G hoo-ahh I'm trying to work out how radio waves from a mobile mast can cause Covid19 or any other illness. Radars have been using similar frequencies with MUCH higher powers for decades with no ill effects. I'm wondering why no hoo-ahh over 3G & 4G when they fired up? Oh yeah there wasn't a pandemic going on at the same time... 

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Can some bright egghead tell this dinosaur, who still uses a gas powered mobile what 5g is? ..Come to that, what's 4g!

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There have various claims against electro magnetic waves over the years, the most enduring that they caused cancer.  It was even claimed that Italian building regs demanded bedroom circuits could be isolated during the night and that sleeping in parallel to the circuit was more dangerous than lying at right angles. There will always be urban legends just as  there will always be gullible people who believe such nonsense. 

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Back in the 80’s when wireless telephone technology kicked off it was the first generation of such technology and was known as 1g. Over the years there have been ongoing improvements and as the technology improved it moved up a generation so we have Ig, 2g, 3g, 4g and now we are reaching the 5th generation of technological development i.e 5g. It’s purely a description of the current level of the technology of mobile communications.

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Remember reading somewhere that when a radio or TV transmitter fired up in an area any hurricane/storm/earthquake/epidemic etc that happened was blamed on the new mysterious technology.  Some people seem to think if A is done & B follows then A must have caused B, they don't seem to be able to admit it could be a coincidence...

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The trouble is people don't realise that interharmonics  condigitally conflate and the resultant interpolation when transposed to high frequency will have a negative predisposition towards subterranean stresses and unless some bugger shoots that butterfly in the amazon the will be a hurricane come September!    thumbsup

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  • 3 months later...

They have discovered lots of phosphine in the Venusian atmosphere & in all the science mags (New Scientist, Scientific American, Popular Science etc) they think it could indicate life. Notice the word COULD & not DOES, of course it's just a speculation. I've a funny feeling life will turn out to be a no show on Venus when they've done all the searching, I hope I'm wrong & will eat my words if I am.... ... P.S. I'd have said " I'l eat my hat if I'm wrong" but you lot WOULD have insisted I eat my hat if I turned out to be wrong. I might be daft, but not that daft...

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  • 3 months later...

In New Scientist that the universes rate of expansion seems to be accelerating even faster that they thought it was. They admit they don't have a clue why. They thought that when they started getting data from the gravity wave detectors in 2015 that things would start to make sense, but actually things are making less sense. Lots of head scratching going on in boffin world at the moment...

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New Scientist speculated a few years ago that the increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere could cause a massive increase in plant life that could suck up so much CO2 that it'd go below present levels. This'd then probably cause global cooling & another ice age. Nature has a habit of not doing what boffins think will happen... 

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