Another kiddie battered to death

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Just heard on the news that Social Services were warned on several occasions that this kid was at risk...but did nothing.

I wonder how long it will be before some faceless wonder tells us that...'Lessons will be learned'

It's about time the lesson was instant dismissal for not wondering how a kid got over 50 bruises.....and the sentences were nowhere near long enough.

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I think you would be amazed by the amount of red tape involved in cases like this.

All the odds are stacked against Social Service staff as to what they can & cannot do. The amount of bending over in favour of the parents is scandalous.

The sad truth is that some people SHOULD NEVER EVER BE ALLOWED TO BRING CHILDREN IN TO THIS WORLD. Yet they continue to breed even when Social Services are involved with existing children they already have.

Sadly when something goes horribly wrong the public call for sackings etc , but the public never hear the full story.

All cases of child cruelty are sickening, but look at some of the parents first.

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Another sad aspect of this is that people who would make good parents but have medical problems must jump through hoops to be allowed to adopt. Those who have no problem producing children have no hoops to contend with and some breed for other reasons than family.

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If you believe the press reports, the little girl had contact with her birth mum, did she not realise how unhappy her daughter was ?

It is so easy to blame the school, social services, health providers etc, but tackling the aggression , the behaviour , the repetitive cycle of these people has to be addressed at community level.

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I've mentioned on another thread that my wife and I were foster parents and had 49 children over a number of years. During that time we had children who were placed into care because of circumstance and the children were returned to their parents. Other children were placed with us because of parents who were pure evil.

During our time as foster parents we came into contact with a number of social workers who were, for want of a word, rubbish. When we started fostering children one of the first social workers was a chap named John. I can remember when we first met him. I saw this chap walking down our drive and he looked like a hippie. He had long black hair, a beard, wore hippie clothes and sandals. I thought he was selling stuff or would push a leaflet through the letter box. After he'd stood at the door for a while I wondered if he could be the social worker I was expecting. After he'd confirmed his name, I let him in. He turned out to be the best social worker we ever had. One day, he told us that he was concerned about a one year old girl who had come into care. I cannot go into details here for obvious reasons.

Her story starts very bad but ends very good and she's still with us 32 years later. We adopted her when she was eighteen. :)

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The problem of child neglect is not going to disappear overnight.....there are excellent social workers, and teachers, as there are poor ones......foster carers do a brilliant job and some ,like Michael go beyond the call of duty.....I really don't understand why these people have children in the first place....they get free contraception, they don't want them when they are here , and why is adoption so difficult for those who can provide the love, the nurture and the patience to develop these youngsters into grounded adults ?

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These children die because of evil relatives........It's time the law was changed and the ones responsible were dealt with more harshly............But then, they will be targeted when they get to jail, even the hardest criminals do not like child abuse of any kind and quite right too, (the bar stewards).........How this little girl must have suffered - animal cruelty and child cruelty breaks my heart.............

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Just heard on the news that Social Services were warned on several occasions that this kid was at risk...but did nothing.

I wonder how long it will be before some faceless wonder tells us that...'Lessons will be learned'

It's about time the lesson was instant dismissal for not wondering how a kid got over 50 bruises.....and the sentences were nowhere near long enough.

The people who commit these awful crimes seem to get pity instead of punishment...................Treat them the same as they treated this poor child.....

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.....I really don't understand why these people have children in the first place....they get free contraception, they don't want them when they are here , and why is adoption so difficult for those who can provide the love, the nurture and the patience to develop these youngsters into grounded adults ?

The Benefit Culture Hippo Girl. Worth a lot of money if you have kids.

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Using contraceptives means less benefits......... Also, if 'social workers ' were in the real world instead of the Observers view of it, then we'd all fare better.

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I do not use the word hero lightly. For me it means that a person is going to go beyond what is reasonably comfortable and endure what could be very difficult and emotional turmoil. I know professionally how caring, selfless and for that matter, brave, foster carers can be.

40+ foster kids? You have my very deep admiration and respect. You and your mrs are heroes.

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Here in oz, a "no hoper" young girl knows she can get knocked up, get government payouts, from around $5k instant payment then child allowance on top of their single parent allowance, and the final cherry on the cake not be required to work or look for work till the child is around 5 years old, where the just bang another out if not already done so.

Some of these single mothers have multiple kids from multiple fathers and it goes on and on, the kids are brought up in a poor environment and have little or no chance but to continue the spiral.

I have even heard of these young women, deliberately get pregnant to buy another car with the bounty !

No wonder our society in general is going down the toilet.

Using contraceptives means less benefits......... Also, if 'social workers ' were in the real world instead of the Observers view of it, then we'd all fare better.

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The photograph of that poor little girl in her night clothes and bare foot looking for a drink in a shop on Beckhampton Road breaks my heart.

The auntie and her mother were the only ones in the house how the bloody hell did they get away with her murder?

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Slash benefits and the population would decrease over night.......... Yes !!!!! It really is THAT simple.

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