End of the world weekend

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Quite right too Chulla. As I have already said, each to their own. We are all different having different opinions & views on many things in life. There are certain other aspects of life I find of

As is obvious by now, mentioning religion to me is like waving a red rag at a bull; I have to have a go at it. At one time the thread looked a little heated but it has calmed down (sort of) and we are

I don't think we ordinary people would be told if it a massive asteroid strike or similar was imminent. I'm with you on this one, Blondie. Logically, I agree that there would be no point getting hy


I don't care if they bring their "offspring" with them they deserve all the abuse I give them.

Mind you our two gropes of J.Ws have learned not to knock on my door. :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:

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Last year, answering a knock on the front door, I saw three people - an elderly lady, a younger one and a little girl about 3 or 4 years old. The young woman began talking about god or the bible and I immediately crouched down so that my face was level with the little girl's. I softly said to her 'Hello, listen to what I tell you. There is no god and there is no....' The young woman screamed at me 'Don't you talk to my child like that'. To which I replied ' Don't you come to my house with your religion'. The older lady then quietly said 'Come on. let's go'.

A few years ago I was walking away from the house to go to the local shops and on the way I passed two dark-suited young men pushing bicycles walking in the opposite direction. This looked odd - who rides a bike in their best suit, but immediately twigged that they were Mormons. As I turned into our road on my return I saw that they were at our door talking to my wife. As I walked up the driveway I said loudly 'Oi, on your way'! I told them that we were not religious and that religion was evil. This didn't half surprise them and they asked me why. I told them that religion is responsible for more misery, death and suffering in the world than any other reason, and told them to get going. I could have said to them 'On yer bike' , but doubt that they would be aware of British humour.

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I'm sorry Chulla that you have no belief in God.

To crouch down & tell a 3 - 4 year old that there is no God etc is just showing that little girl what a small minded bigoted person you really are.

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I agree with Catfan that you shouldn't have spoken to the little girl, Chulla. I am not a JW and have very serious reservations about their 'Organisation' but I think it was out of order to have said anything like that to her.

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I feel every justification in telling that little girl, who is not old enough to appreciate that she is being brainwashed, (because that's what her family is doing to her) the opposite opinion to theirs. These people always take a child with them to reduce the risk of abuse; the child is being used as a defensive tool. There should be a law that no child at or under school age should be taught religion. I doubt that the girl was affected in any way because it was all over in seconds, but I would like to think that she will remember the incident and that the seed of doubt has been planted in her mind, but not like the seeds that are being planted by those who are forcing her to believe.

Please, Catfan, do not feel sorry for me not believing in God. You prove to me that he/she/it exists and I will believe it. Is every one who has a differing view to yours small-minded and bigoted?

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No not at all Chulla.

Can you prove that there is not a God that exists ?

Two billion christians worldwide can't all be wrong.

Anyway, each to there own as they say, a polite "No Thankyou" would have sufficed.

I decline offers to buy the "Big Issue" when walking through town, I just say " No Thankyou" & I don't kick their dog either !

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Statistics can mean anything though. The estimated population of Earth is over 7 billion, so 5 billion aren't Christians.

I don't think Chulla was out of order telling the little girl his view, she shouldn't have been there and those 'visitors' were not prepared to let her listen to an alternative view.

To have an alternative view is not being bigoted. No-one can prove whether God exists or not, we make our choice on the facts as we interpret. I prefer the scientific view, having had religion rammed down my throat at a very early age, about 5 in fact.

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I do not want to prolong this issue but:

I do not have to prove that God does not exist. It is the believers that tell me that he/she/it does exist, so they have to proved it.

Yes, two billion people can be wrong, especially when they have been forced to believe in a God (apparently their is more than one God). Are frightened to believe otherwise, and are threatened with being considered unworthy in some manner or other.

Religion is a faith. The Oxford English Dictionary describes faith as belief in divine truth without proof.

Normally I do say 'no thankyou' when offered The Big Issue and any other service, like the car-washers at supermarkets - and many other examples. Sometimes we get a single person at the door offering me religion, and just tell him that we are atheists, and they go away. However, those that only want the inflict their hobby on me (for that's what it is) and in doing so come in threes, one of which is some poor child, I have no time for. In the case I quoted I have no idea what religion they represented. As for Mormons, they too are fair game. Mormonism is just a money-making business. I see them as a modern-day King Henry VIII. He wanted his way with women that the Catholic church would not let him do (divorce them), so he invented the Church of England. Mormons were the same. Putiing it crudely, they want the have sex with as many women as they could, so invented a religion that legally enabled them to do just that. Hypocrites!

Thank you TBI for your support, and willingness to poke your head above the parapet.

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To pick up on something else that was mentioned..... I do buy the Big Issue, not just because it helps someone earn a little money, but because it actually has some good articles in it and I like chatting to the seller anyway! It is getting more expensive, though

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I am certainly not defending JWs or Mormons. They are both cultic offshoots of Christianity. JWs founded by Charles Taze Russell. Their doctrines are extremely offbase. They keep their followers inline by a constant diet of Armageddon prophecies. Starting in 1914, 1975 etc. Their policies towards a family member who leaves are mean to put it mildly. They have broken up families and marriages.

The Mormons base their beliefs on a so called set of plates said to have been found in NY state by a known stretcher of the truth, Joseph Smith. He is said to have translated them from reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics. (No such language) to the book of Mormon which claims Christ came to Ameica. (No such evidence). It never ceases to amaze me that quite well educated people buy into this baloney.

I say all that to say this. These folks are not malicious, they are deceived. They are taught to believe that by trying to bring folks in to their respective cults they are earning points towards their salvation. ( We cannot earn salvation).

Their seeming knowledge of a few Bible verses which they have twisted to suit their teachings can impress nominal church members into thinking they must be right. They neglect to mention their failed prophecies. Many interesting books have been written by those who escaped. Check out "Forty years a watchtower Slave," by Frederick Frantz.

While their persistance can be irritating when I meet them I address the ADULTS on the twisted organizational structure, twisted Scriptures and failed predictions. Hopefully it might make some of them think. I would NEVER address any children they brought with them. Those poor kids are already confused.

Lets also remember that hese are human beings. Fellow members of our towns. Folks that God loves, and Christ died for. We catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

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Further to the above this thread has gone a lot further than I expected. Lets not get it locked by any harsh references to those who may differ. I know religion is a tough subject to many but whether we are believer or atheist lets keep it pleasant or lose the thread.

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Not familiar with "The Big Issue." Is this some kind of modern day "watchtower" magazine? If so I would politely refuse it. While telling them I would not trust an organization that changed the Bible to suit their false teaching. I would not put one penny into this cult!

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Nothing to do with the Watchtower, Loppylugs. Their website says the following:

The Big Issue offers people who are homeless the opportunity to earn their own money; a livelihood. The Big Issue Foundation, as an independent charity for people who are homeless, offers vendors the opportunity of a life. We work tirelessly alongside our vendors to help them deal with the issues that have caused their homelessness or have developed as a result of hitting the streets.

The magazine is sold by vendors on the streets

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It never ceases to amaze me that quite well educated people buy into this baloney.

I say all that to say this. These folks are not malicious, they are deceived.

I'm not wanting to prolong this argument but a couple of points highlighted from your post, loppylugs. These Christians have their view and these are your responses....that they are decieved and believe baloney because they believe differently to you. So perhaps you can understand how we heathens feel when Christians of any sort attempt to offer unwanted evangelism on our doorsteps.

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Catfan, this was not an official Big Issue seller as it clearly states in the account. There are people in all walks of life who will try to get money by dishonest means....

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Just tell Mormons you're a JW and vice versa. Most of the time you go on an 'avoid' list as members of charismatic churches are easily poached by their opposition. I know many who've done the rounds of various churches, Mormon, JW, 7th day adventists etc. Which is stupid. I mean 1.5 billion muslims can't be wrong can they?

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