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True Icarus, but those 7 years were not happy, healthy working years, I believe his working ability was endend in the robbery.

That it was not a "murder" was probably an accident, you cannot give a guy a blow to the head with certainty it will not do terminal harm.

Perhaps Biggs could help his cause a little by naming "Mr Big"?

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Look out for that Libyan joining him in cross continent wheelchair races, courtesy of the British Government. Perhaps you people would like to know, that despite working in full employment for the pa

For all Ronnie Biggs train robbing and life of crime he must regret not being a banker he could have stolen billions and got away with it. Hero or villain? R.I.P.

The train Jack Mills, never recovered from being hit on the head with an iron bar! Who remembers him?

Well, we have a new controversy to argue about now, the proposed freeing on health grounds of the alleged Lockerbie bomber. Judging by the reaction over in the USA, this one could have massive political repercussions.

Personally I'm not entirely convinced that the man was guilty, the one who was, is still the dictator in charge of his country, that lunatic Gadaffi, why Blair ever went to Libya to lick his backside was always beyond me.

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  • 1 month later...

How the hell can anybody justify him getting a pension of £95.25p a fu**ing week!!!!???? and not paying towards his £40,000 care home fees. My mum doesn't get that , and she worked most of her life. I thought pension was payable on your contributions !!

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Look out for that Libyan joining him in cross continent wheelchair races, courtesy of the British Government.

Perhaps you people would like to know, that despite working in full employment for the past 40 years, now that I am unemployed, I do not receive any benefits whatsoever, simply because I was self employed for a while and couldn't afford to pay my stamps for the last couple of years due to financial problems, I tried, but it failed. Biggs has no doubt contributed nothing towards his stamps, but thats OK, he's famous, can't upset the media. I hope this evil, p1$$ taking criminal bastard runs his government paid for wheelchair under an artic with the inevitable results.

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I'm the same...not a penny coming in for 2 months.My house is sold and hopefully I get the cheque next Monday.Then I can pay back relatives that have kept me going for the last few weeks.Thanks to solicitors pratting about for weeks that's going to amount to quite a bit.

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Perhaps we should get together Poohbear, and thread the scrounging, lying, criminal scumbag through 10 Downing Streets letterbox, trouble is, the pox papers will lose their stories, and we can't have that can we.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for this gaping mouthed piece of crap, who continues to take the p1$$ out of us all and is that his real son, or just another criminal hanger on, no doubt it is, 'All right mate, I'm an East End Geezer, Luuuuurrrrv Arsenal, all wite, innit, wots your problem, we're Kosher, we don't hurt old ladies, thats all that matters, innit, cant'.

I've met so many of these people down here, their corruption spreads everywhere, it's the main reason why my work load has dissapeared, I've tried to make a stand, but, their evil tentacles spread all over the place.

Note the funerals for the Krays, can you believe that, they should have been chucked in a rubbish tip.

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Another one here that doesn't/ can't, get benefits, except for £25 a week industrial injury benefit!!

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  • 4 years later...

Only in england would this happen when will there be a break for ordinary working people for every criminal or immigration sob story 'there is a cost that burden always falls on the ordinary man/woman although rich may pay taxes they will always hire someone to reclaim what they pay.Ithink our parents honestly beleived when they said honesty is the best policy i think the oppisite is true nowadays it wasnt that long before great train robbery that hanging was stopped.RIP the victims of these people.

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The train Jack Mills, never recovered from being hit on the head with an iron bar!

Who remembers him?

JD Tippit....the cop killed by Oswald...Never ever mentioned...just Kennedy...Same thing.

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One more fine example of money being the most important thing in this world. Steal a loaf of bread to feed a hungry family, you're a thieving no good. Steal £millions, you're a folk hero to stand beside Robin Hood. (Wow! A Notts connection!)

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Coincidental that he died just as the latest docu-film is being aired.

Publicity Stunt? :)

It is said that he was a small player in the Robbery.

Unfortunately, under the law no matter how small a part you play, you are jointly responsible for the most serious consequences of any crime.

Its called "Joint Enterprise"

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Publicity Stunt? :)

It is said that he was a small player in the Robbery.

Unfortunately, under the law no matter how small a part you play, you are jointly responsible for the most serious consequences of any crime.

Its called "Joint Enterprise"

Apparently his share of the 6 million pounds was only 110,000 pounds.

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I remember the great train robbery, was in my teen sback then.

I watched the movie "The Essex Boys" last night, now they were thugs, made the train robbers looke like infant school kids, very hard lot..

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Did anybody watch the Great Train Robbery on BBC?

Just watched it back to back on catch-up compelling viewing thoroughly recommended.


I thought it was quite fair in the portrayal of the treatment of the driver, Jack Mills. I also liked the Chief Superintendent referring to the gang as 'cowards with coshes'.

The railway sequences were ludicrous though, with the single track Keighley & Worth Valley Railway (with the Yorkshire moors visible in the background) masquerading as the four-track main line to Glasgow through flattest Buckinghamshire. Other sloppy errors were too numerous to mention showing a lack of research.

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Yes. The attempts to re-create railways scenes from days gone by are always laughable.

Their attention to detail is very poor.

For example, how many times have you seen concrete sleepers on what was supposed to be a Victorian railway?

The engines always look immaculately clean as well.

They assume that if they just use a heritage railway - any heritage railway, that will be OK.

Having said that, I did enjoy the 2 part thing on BBC 1 about the Great Train Robbery.

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I used to drive through the bridge in Ledburn where it actually happened every day, taking my kids to school. It was regularly a topic of conversation ..... 20+ years after the actual event, and you're right Merthyr Imp, that stretch of line is very straight with few hills about.

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I remember the great train robbery, was in my teen sback then.

I watched the movie "The Essex Boys" last night, now they were thugs, made the train robbers looke like infant school kids, very hard lot..

At the time, the severity of the sentences caused some surprise and it was felt that the then crumbling MacMillan government, still reeling from the Profumo scandal, had instructed the judge accordingly, to give the impression that they were still on top of things generally. When he was arrested in 1968, the mastermind Bruce Reynolds is said to have told the arresting officer Tommy Butler, that those sentences had had a detrimental effect. According to him, they had prompted criminals generally to take guns with them when they set out on robberies.

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