Farrands, Marsdens, Maypole, Dewhurst, VG, Vernons, etc

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By Request then.............. Like all other aspects of my Teen years,at Marsdens,loved doing deliverys to customers on the Granville with big Basket..no gears and hardwork up the hills of Bestwo

Next delivery was Mrs Taylor....who lived 2 doors from me on Andover road  .......knew her all my life...even Babysat me when i was a little un....a very formidable lady had 5 kids all much older than

Last delivery to Mrs Timberlake...Hucknall road..... Morning Mrs T....Where you want me to put your Order ? Just leave it on the Hall Table Ben...How much is it ?  (she was a customer that p

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Granddaughter Chloe been ...and put the pictures below on for me.....

1, Was Marsdens mansfield road..Sherwood.....lovely clean shop back in the 60s........Great Manager Syd Howard one of Colonel Wingates ''Chindits' during second world war.....but always had a smile for everyone........


2/ Northgate.........Site today.....of where Marsdens was.. again in the 60s...Manager was Mr Horton.......whose Grand son saw my mention of him and sent a photo which is on here a bit back..


3/ Ex Farrands store..Carrington......did a spell there when i was 16.....lovely shop with the first Coffee Grinder i had seen/used .......beautiful aroma of freshly ground coffee \on entering the shop.........very untidy front now with Vehicles parked untidily all over the pavement....(think the owners) could hardly get in the shop........would not have happened years ago......


4/ Another Marsdens...again did a couple of weeks there at 16.....remember Christine who i think is a member on here.....also recall ''Boning Bacon'' in the cellar......another very untidy frontage.......

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On 4/18/2018 at 8:23 PM, Cliff Ton said:

Compare this (1960s) with todays pictures of the shop fronts........we were neater..Tidier....and cleaner in every way our standards were higher...........

Good morning Madam.......




Compare this 1960s shop front.....with the ones of today....

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Worked Marsdens Varney road i think once..early 60s......But what is now Spar was Coop.. and caught a few lifters there in the 1990s.....

Never knew the one on Thackeray's lane Phil...........


At least Varney road looks nice and clean....

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54 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

The one I recollect from my childhood was on the Thackeray’s Lane roundabout in Woodthorpe. I think it’s an estate agent’s now.

The only shop I remember on the Thackeray Lane roundabout was ‘Gallons’.  I remember getting sweets from there using some sweet ration tickets/coupons (can’t remember what they were called!)

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I remember them Margie.....they were called ''Points''...

Must be old i can also recall making a ''Ration book Holder'' at infant school.............

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Gallon's was's the sweet shop and newsagent's. Mr Gallon looked a bit like Mr. Punch! At the end of that row was a greengrocer's. Maybe a drapery shop in between. Over the road from that was Harwood's the butcher's and over the road from that was Marsden's. Just past the blue brick railway bridge was Cook's the Chemists and across the road from that was Dabell's general store. The No 10 'bus terminus was originally there at the bottom of Buckingham Rd. before moving up Arno Vale Rd. near to the school.

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In an earlier post in this thread I listed all the Marsden shops from a 1960s phone book, and the reference to one in that area only describes it as 'Arno Vale Road, Woodthorpe', which would make it one of these on the roundabout.




The phone number was 268420 but I doubt if you'll get through now..

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CT. Once I’d got used to there being no bridge over Thackerays  Lane and no huge embankment at the bottom of Breck Hill. Road, I had a virtual walk up to my old house.  Also had a stroll past my old Primary School… lovely!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thrifty above in 1967 when i managed it......on...Mansfield road Sherwood ....opposite Wilko's.

Same shop this morning.......2022...........(below)

Actually went in....first time since 1968.......even went in the back warehouse where i used to bone the bacon.......

Sherwood was looking better than the 60s....nice coffee places and outdoor seating.....

The inside of the shop bought back many memories....won't bore you with em.........





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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting morning in Kirkby just now..............back in the 60s worked a couple of weeks in a Vernons store..........couldnt recall exactly where it was........looked up the number of Station street where it was....on Cliff Tons list that he produced some time ago..was 48.......none of the shops were displaying a number though...........Anyway went in a Charity shop on Station street run by a couple of lovely ladies about my age.........got talking (as you do) and one of the ladies remembered Vernons and in fact worked there for a short time.........told me just where it was  3 doors away.........

         Will take a photo next chance i get.........Also asked the Lady if by any chance we dated back in the day............she just laughed and said ''More than likely''...........love Kirkby....:)..


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On 2/21/2022 at 4:25 AM, Jill Sparrow said:

Good old Vim!

Nothing to do with cleaning products but seeing Vim reminded me of the soft drink Vimto. To me the flavour was like a mixed fruit or has my taste memory faded?


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8 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

Nothing to do with cleaning products but seeing Vim reminded me of the soft drink Vimto. To me the flavour was like a mixed fruit or has my taste memory faded?


To me the name Vimto always sounds like it's something for cleaning bathrooms and kitchens; not something for drinking. For that reason I've never tried it, and don't want to.

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  • Cliff Ton changed the title to Farrands, Marsdens, Maypole, Dewhurst, VG, Vernons, etc

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