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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2020 in Posts

  1. Don't think Mam or Dad ever hit me....but the way Mam looked at me sometimes i thought 'ey-up' here it comes,,,Dad used to threaten me, but i knew he'd never do it,,,,Always remember when i was about 8 on the Beach in Rhyl on holiday,,,i'd been right cheeky to my Dad,,and he looked really angry,,he said sumat like ''come here you little sod i'm going to knock your head off'' for once i thought he meant it,,,and i started to run over the 'Sand-dunes' with Dad in pursuit wearing his suit collar and Tie.........then after about 5 minutes he fell and rolled down the Dunes and hardly stopped laugh
    4 points
  2. Mam used to put a shilling (5 pence piece) on the mantle piece for the gas or electric meter: One day I nicked the bob & spent it on sweets, Mam said "where's that bob gone?" I said "I've put it in the electric meter" & she was happy with that. Then the flipping electric did run out, I was questioned & my crime came to light. We then sat in the dark with no telly, me with a very sore bum, waiting for Dad to come home from work. Don't do crime kids, especially if you get caught like me...
    2 points
  3. I had a van & was going to run my mates & their tent to Peterborough for a fishing trip, one of them asked me to look after his maggots "put them in the fridge overnight" he said. Next morning Mam came stomping up the stairs in a rage & biffed me wile I was still in bed: She'd opened the fridge door & maggots were everywhere, she wasn't happy bunny. When my mate came round later she biffed him as well, he still tells people about it even now 40'odd years later, lol. She stood for no nonsense from anyone...
    2 points
  4. Something to do if you have a cat or two. https://www.sadanduseless.com/funny-cat-forts/?fbclid=IwAR1uyJ6K9vF8rSCF1OITk2LBoIaYhb_gsxiNHLrJMRy16tW1CvZY8AebDfA
    2 points
  5. So it was your dad who started that saying! My mam, when given something that was just OK, would say, well I suppose it's better than a smack round the chops with a wet kipper.
    1 point
  6. Did someone pinch his sunbed while he was chasing the boar? I must say, the boar was far more aesthetically pleasing to look at than the big fat German! Why on earth do people think anyone wants to look at a heap of wobbly, naked flesh?
    1 point
  7. Margie I too have the habit of going around bare foot especially to fetch the washing in. We face south so we have the sun all day from dawn to dusk. So unless I have shoes or flip flops handy I too burn my feet, but in this hot weather I can't stand shoes etc.
    1 point
  8. Just seen Mrs Wren, hopping about in the hedge after insects. Perhaps her feet are hot too! The family are there, too, judging by the loud noise they're making. It's a good day for an insect take away. The Wren equivalent of fish n chips!
    1 point
  9. You can, Ben. All you have to do is say it! I suspect he already knows. Colly, the problem these days is the way some parents speak to their offspring, from being babies. They grow up hearing it and, being great imitators, they give it back and probably get thumped for it, but it's the parents' own fault! My mum's maxim was that politeness costs nothing and we were never spoken to impolitely by her. Yes, I got the occasional smack but never without a warning. I soon learned not to ignore the warning!
    1 point
  10. Jill. I deserved most of the biffings I received as a kid. I've heard the way a neighbouring kid speaks to his Mam, I'd have been biffed into the middle of next week If I'd spoken to my Mam like that...
    1 point
  11. But you can laugh about it now, eh, Colly?
    1 point
  12. Colly, I think your mam would have got on well with my paternal grandma, Kate. Clout first, ask questions later...or maybe no need to ask questions! Kate often biffed with a saucepan or other kitchen implement, or so I'm told. She threw knives too and for a southpaw was amazingly accurate!
    1 point
  13. Colly's mum sounds like a tough nut!
    1 point
  14. Just knocked these bad boys up
    1 point
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