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Everything posted by MRS B

  1. Cliff Ton, he did admit he was in the wrong yes, said he didn’t see us. There was actually a notice on the back of the wagon to say there was a blind spot! At least no one injured, apart from hubbies prize Merc.
  2. Yes my mother always used to point that out to me whenever we exited the Vic Centre carpark and to this day I’ve never understood why. Goodness knows what she thought I was getting up to!
  3. How’s your day? Not the best! We were sitting at some traffic lights in Leicester just after midday which were on red. The HGV1 in front of us decided he was going to reverse into us and totally crunched the front of our car. He admitted afterwards that he thought there was nothing behind him and as he was in the wrong lane decided to reverse and get in the right one! We’re ok but car is currently at the repairers. Good job he actually did stop as bizarrely neither of us even thought of getting out of the car, think we were so gobsmacked we were motionless. Good job it wasn’t my little fiat 50
  4. Jill, I lived at 81a Clapgun Street Castle Donington when I first got married. . We were in Donno for 18 years. Small world eh?
  5. I am just reading a book ( for about the 4th time actually over the years) called Solomons Tale by Sheila Jeffries. For all cat lovers it is a must read. Solomon is a healing cat and the story is told through his eyes. Would definitely recommend.Jill you would love it.
  6. Oh no not the pork pie discussion again! Haha
  7. They used to say that about Gotham. My grand father used to tell a story about Baddleys pig (Baddley was a farmer) Some clown had given this pig liquid paraffin and the poor thing was tearing around squealing and shi…ng all over the village one night apparently.
  8. Ian we don’t live here although have thought of doing so over the last 30 odd years of coming over. So much cheaper when we got free airline tickets. Kissimmee was 4 feet under water last week with the amount of rain they had but we went to Old Town yesterday on the way back here as there was a Corvette fest on. Bloomin hundreds of them there. Beautiful cars of all ages, even some from 1959. Even I was impressed and I’m not really a car person. Some guys here now fixing the aircon so we can be back to normal again. Advisory to not drink the water but we have plenty of bottled. Good news
  9. Yeah Beekay there’s a limitation on my licence to say that I can’t drive on busy ones.
  10. Back in the day, I took my driving test on New Years Day before it was a bank holiday. It was great, hardly any cars on the road!
  11. We got back to the Gulf Coast yesterday, no power and an advisory not to drink the tap water but the power came on early this morning thank goodness. There has been catastrophic devastation just south of us and Sanibel Island is totally destroyed including the bridge to the mainland. So glad we moved inland during the worst of it although the rain and wind was unbelievable even so. Anyway one off my bucket list, we survived a cat 4 hurricane! We have been coming to this area for over 30 years and have dodged a few over that time but nothing as scary as this one.
  12. All ok at the moment, hurricane Ian has made landfall this afternoon not far from where we were originally but is now travelling across Florida towards us. At least we don’t have the storm surge problem here, just have to wait it out and hopefully will be gone by Friday. All good at the mo folks.
  13. Hurricane Alley Florida Beekay. Am a bit happier now we’ve moved inland and the owner of our rental is refunding us for the time we’re not there so that’s paid for our hotel. What a good egg.
  14. We’re on our way shortly to a hotel inland, there’s a mandatory evacuation order on from 8am this morning for the island so that’s warning enough for us. At least we won’t have water anywhere near us.
  15. Trust me to be in Hurricane Alley when one is on its way! Shops already running out of water. Will have to bunker down in the linen closet.
  16. MRS B


    Mary, I went to the Hippo a couple of times and the Sandpiper but used to go regularly to a club near the Theatre Royal. Was that Scamps? seems to be so long ago, it’s all a bit of a haze!
  17. MRS B


    mary think I was born a little later than you, 1955, my youth was all about hot pants and mini skirts (very mini skirts) and platform shoes and boots and dancing on the stage at the Union Boat Club in the days of Petal the DJ but yes lots of Dusty Springfield eye make up going on.
  18. Well done you, great achievement! As you say though time to rest now. Did you really go to the tanning parlour? Mrs B
  19. mary1947. Think life was so much more fun back in the day. My two kids are in their mid thirties and constantly on their phones. Nothing like actual social interaction with a “real” person.
  20. Definitely a hankie. Just reminded me as well about going out and “be prepared”, my mum always used to say a bit later in life than the Brownies! Make sure you have decent underwear on in case you end up in hospital. I used to think, where do you think I’m going if I eventually end up in hospital and I’m sure that they’ve seen everything in hospital and would be more concerned with my well being.
  21. Chip butties are the best David. I love salt on chips! On the subject of salt, I attended a “pain management” clinic for about 8 weeks many years ago at Nottm City Hospital and the lead instructor said that we should have more salt for muscles and circulation. I was a little surprised at the time. I think the problem is that over the years more salt has been added to food, particularly ready made meals that you should not add more to these. However, I grow all my own veg and usually eat it within 2 days of picking so do add salt if I want it, not on everything though. You hear that the E
  22. One of my favourites as a child was dripping on toast, especially if you got some of the dark meat juice jelly bit! My mum used to love tripe, yuck. She also used to do pigs trotters which were really tasty but the hair on the feet used to put me off!
  23. MRS B

    The Queen

    Personally I am grateful to be able to witness this period in our history from all aspects. Certainly the Irish piece of it. I grew up thinking that the riots and killings on both sides was “normal” for the time but how times have changed eh. I also think it was apt that she passed away in Scotland, a place that she loved and spent more time there than any other monarch. They did her proud. Well done to Princesse Anne who has looked over her throughout and Charles who quite understandably has got very frustrated over the “pen” incidents when he has been so busy.
  24. I had a notification from the local council this morning to invite me for a covid Autumn booster and have managed to get in tomorrow! How efficient.
  25. MRS B

    The Queen

    Being totally frivolous what about calling it the Charleton era?