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Everything posted by Fynger

  1. A lot of work....now to find everything again.
  2. A lot of us children around Notts...lol......welcome aboard
  3. Well we had a bit of rain overnight...no winds tho....now its Sunny.
  4. think the 'upgrade' has done something with them.......computers are weird creatures.
  5. they'll put the clocks back while you're dancing...make you dance an extra hour....LOL
  6. When I was Tattooing over there I used to nip out for a fag....amused the crap out of em...
  7. Mines posh...it says DO NOT PANIC........not dont
  8. Just refresh and it goes away....i'de not had this at all untill after i'de read this thread.
  9. You can clean plastic headlights with brasso too...that works really well
  10. Spoon handles ....always made good tyre levers
  11. Thas cos you live on a dif'rent planet John.......lol
  12. the oldies are some of the best sci-fi movies.
  13. We dont have a TV....so dont watch any of it.
  14. Must have seen you in there Babs....
  15. There was a genuine dif'rence between stork and butter....but it was a bit of a con....cos everyone assumed it was a taste thing ....it wasn't....the real answer was Stork spreads straight from the fridge.
  16. Who could this be ????? http://www.nottinghampost.com/time-ticking-away-city-s-unique-clock/story-19778624-detail/story.html
  17. Apparently...just a rumour http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/nottingham/hi/people_and_places/history/newsid_8459000/8459490.stm